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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Courage of My Convictions (The Story Behind The Wordless Wednesday)

 I've always liked a good turn of phrase.  I like reading them, I enjoy hearing them, and I like using them.  One such phrase is the courage of one's convictions.  You can replace one's with a multitude of pronouns, that is, after all, what pronouns do best. The phrase means having the fortitude to have your walk match your talk.  

A few years ago, I did a couple of turns of replacing the art teacher at my wife's school until they obtained a permanent replacement.  The first time was only for a few weeks, but when the new teacher moved out of state, I was the long-term art sub from August to the following January.  The first time I just taught the lessons that the elementary art team provided for me.  The second go-round I prepared my own lessons based on the suggested curriculum.  

I had been teaching primarily K through 5 at this course of my subbing and had noticed that most students coming into kindergarten loved art and were very confident in their abilities but by the time they were in upper elementary many students had taken to saying I'm bad at art.  I would tell my students that art was fun and that anybody could be good at art.  

The first two lessons I worked on with my 3rd through 5th graders involved drawing a shirt.  I used the exact same piece of paper for each assignment, a picture of a t-shirt with many compartments that could be filled in.  The first assignment was your typical first week of school, tell us about yourself, assignment.  The only difference was that people were drawing about themselves, putting different pictures that told the story of who they were in each compartment.

For the second assignment, I taught a lesson on different kinds of lines and then handed out the shirt template again.  The classes then spent time doing different samples of line drawings in pencil, and in a subsequent class, they filled in the line drawings with chalk pastels.

The courage of my convictions comes in because I'm not an artist. I believe that I was a good long-term elementary art sub. I'm creative, I have passion, and I love encouraging students. However, I am not talented at art.  If I was telling students that anyone could be good at art, I needed to buckle up and get some skin in the game.  So, once every two or three assignments,  I would do the project myself and show it to the kids.  

This picture is my shirt design from the second assignment.  I posted it here earlier this week on my Wordless Wednesday post.  

Monday, December 16, 2024

100th Post of the Year

 This is my 100th post of the year.  This marks the 8th year since this blogs inception in 2009, and the 4th consecutive year that I’ve published 100 or more post in a year. 

That is of course, it will be my 100th post of the year if and when I publish it. A few years ago  I wrote a post about having 100 posts in draft status. At the end of the post in the only comment, I had written that I had deleted all but 15 of the posts in draft status and hoped never to accumulate nearly as many post there again. 

Well it turns out that I have been accumulating posts in draft status again. I currently have 77 posts with that distinction. The majority of these are from 2023, but I do have 14 from this year. As part of my 100th post of the year celebration,I will now list each incompleted post of 2024 by title in Chronological order.

Double Library Day

Team Saturdazzle


Milwaukee Brewers Catcher William Contreras bringing major league streak to begin season

Crystal Lake Library



Anniversary vs. Annual

A to Z 2024 Reflections


What’s most wrong about the 2024 White Sox

The Newfangled Four - A Spoonful of Sugar (Parody)  [From Mary Poppins]

Former Chicago White Sox MVP , The late Dick Allen, elected to the Hall of Fame.

Not everybody needs a college degree (Writers Workshop)

That’s the 14. Some of these may see the light of day and most will be discarded. One of the drafts from last year  is scheduled to post tomorrow for the next edition of Wordless Wednesday. I also hope to share the story behind that picture in a subsequent post. 

Tomorrow’s post won’t be the last post of the year as I have a Michael Card Christmas Concert video scheduled to drop on 12/25. I’ll probably land somewhere between 103 and 107 2024 posts before the New Year and the whole race to 100 begins again.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

You Can't Take It With You - Saturdazzle Adjacent Post

The past coupla Saturdays I've tried and failed to put out a Team Saturdazzle post. The truth is my Fridays have been frenzied lately and my Saturdays have been swamped. The phrase 20 pounds in a 5-pound bag aptly describes them. My best friend noticed yesterday that yesterday at least until mid to late afternoon was anything but dazzling and told me to stop what I was doing, go home, and spend a quiet evening with my wife. This worked out well for my best friend and my wife as they are the same person.  

So I went home, and we watched a movie together.  The Movie was the 1938 Film: You Can't Take It With You.  I have blogged about it before here,  as the Y entry in "A Month at the Movies" from the  2023 A to Z challenge.  

It did Saturdazzle my weekend right up.  So much so, that I am taking some time on a Sunday to breathe a little and blog a little.  In the A to Z post, I shared the below YouTube video which is a good synopsis and review of the movie.  


T.V. in the Background: A Very Brady Christmas 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dick Allen Finally voted into HOF OPV

I have been campaigning sometime now for my first White Sox hero, Dick Allen to get into the the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown. Last night he finallt got voted in. I'm sure I'll have some more posts to add in the coming days but for now here are three videos I've pulled off of You Tube to commemorate his big moment.

First up a career retrospective from MLB

Next: Local Chicago Newscast reporting Allen's induction
 Finally: Philadelphia news story yesterday.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Illinois Football 2024 Season Analytics Part II


This is a continuation of last week's Stats Sunday post which can be found here. It is essentially a look at Illinois' Season Record by adding the w/l record of each opponent before they played Illinois, The result of the Illinois game (win or loss), and their record after the Illinois game.  I am calling the stat Opponent BDA (Before During After)

In essence, each opponent has 3 records: 1) the games they played before they played you,2) their record against you, and 3) the games they played after you. Here is a look at these stats for Illinois with one more game left on their regular season schedule.

This is the end of the regular season BDA

The University of Illinois  2023 Football Schedule

Opponent                                            Before      Against         After

Eastern Illinois Univerity                  0-0               0-1               3-8

Kansas                                               1-0               0-1               4-6

Central Michigan University             1-1               0-1               3-6

Nebraska                                             3-0               0-1               3-5 

Penn State                                           3-0              1-0                7-1

Purdue                                                 1-4              0-1               0-6

Michigan                                              4-2              0-1               3-2

Oregon                                                 7-0              1-0                4-0

Minnesota                                           5-3              1-0                1-2

Michigan State                                   4-5              0-1                1-1

Rutgers                                                6-4              0-1               1-0

Northwestern                                       4-7              0-1                0-0

Totals                                               39-26             3-9                30-37

Winning Pct                                     .600              .250                .448

U of I home opponents are in bold.

Illinois opponents on average have played better before playing than after playing them. Illinois Opponents were 39-26 (.600) prior to playing Illinois.  Teams visiting Champaign this year were a cumulative 16-15 (.516) prior to playing the Illini.  Road opponents fared 23-11 (.676)  in games before hosting U of I. 

After beating NU on Saturday, Illinois' 2024 opponents only won 1/4 of the 12 contests against Bielama's boys.  Visitors to Memorial Stadium went  1-6 (.143) and teams playing in their own friendly confines fared much better with 2 wins and 3 losses and a winning percentage of .400. 

The 10 2024 previous opponents split their games this weekend 5-5 bringing the total record of games after playing the Illini to 30-37 (.448). Teams playing at Memorial this year were a collective 15-31(.326) finishing the season.  Home teams also won 15 games after showing Central Illinois Big 10 team hospitality but they did so with only 6 losses and a winning percentage of .714.


Next Sunday: Introducing The WHY DFL Index

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25