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Monday, April 15, 2024
A to Z 2024: M is for Microvolunteering
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Poetry Friday: Questions and Answers on My Method
I attend a poetry workshop on the first Monday of the month at my local library. Each month our facilitator gives us the opportunity to share a poem we have written, shares poems on the theme she has chosen for the month. and then gives us time to write a poem or two based on the theme, again giving us the opportunity to share those poems as well.
Last month the theme was the writing process and we were invited to write one serious poem and one humorous poem on any aspect of the writing process that we wanted to. Recently on Poetry Friday's when I have particpated I have included poems that were not of recent vintage. After returning to Poetry Friday last week after finishing the A to Z Challenge, I decided to at least for the time being, eschew the wayback machine, and share poems I have written this year.
Today, I am going to share the serious poem about my writing method, which is title simply, Questions and Answers on My Method.
Questions and Answers on My Method
Why do I write?
Cause I want to?
Cause I have to?
Cause I need to?
Why do I write?
I write because
Words are my life blood
They invade my sleep
They are my canvas
And my palette
How do I write?
Does it matter ...
Whether it's poem or prose?
fiction or non fiction?
Do I have a process?
Or am I just opening Pandora's box?
How do I write?
Sometimes ...
My poems write themselves
and then I sign my name
Sometimes ...
When I write,
I get an idea.
For 30 minutes:
Throwing spaghetti
On the wall
Until something sticks.
Why do I write?
Because I can.
How do I write?
By any means necessary.
Poetry Friday is being hosted by Robyn Hood Black you can get there by clicking here.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Blogging A to Z FAQs and a Puppyism
Today, I am going to tell you a few reflections about my experience there, Since it is now 12:00 a,m Friday which as you know is Half Past Kissing Time, I will give these reflections in fragment form. I will do this in Frequently Asked Question format, since I haven't done a FAQ's of Life segment ever so long
FAQ/Fragment # 1 What was it like?
A to Z was fantastic, fun and frenetic. It was also several words that don't begin with the letter F, but I was on a roll. Starting Sunday April the first and ending Monday April the thirtieth with the exception of the subsequent Sundays, I blogged about a word beginning with a different letter of the alphabet. I did this in alphabetical order, because that's the kind of guy I am.
FAQ/Fragment # 2 Did you plan ahead or just fly by the seat of your pants?
yes. The first few weeks were planned out ahead of time and many were written days in advance as I knew I would be very busy the first few days of April. After about mid month, I still had a few letters I was planning on doing, but many I decided the word and wrote the post just hours before the end of that day. I was also very busy the last few days of the month and that's the only time I got into major panic mode?
FAQ/Fragment # 3 What was your most unusual experience with the A to Z challenge?
My wife Amy sometimes will write an unsolicited post for me, as me. Often these are jokes, to get a reaction from me. Many of those never make it to the light of day. Sometimes, she will write something very poignant as me, often saying my thoughts better than I could. Well for the letter O, she did a post for me, as me. This post got more views than any of my other A to Z posts. The unusual thing is that it was called Original.
FAQ/Fragment #4 What was your greatest challenge with the challenge?
I dropped my laptop about two thirds through the challenge. I have still not gotten it back. This really created many problems with getting the challenge done.
FAQ/Fragment #5 How would you compare Blogging A to Z with NABLOPOMO?
NABLOPOMO is something that I've never really enjoyed. I have participated in it three times, completing it twice. The first time, I did it was my second month of blogging. It nearly ended my blogging career before it got off the ground. I was able to complete it again a year or so later, it was less stressful but not very fun for me.
Blogging A to Z was fun. I enjoyed following other blogs. I enjoyed getting more readers and more comments. I really enjoyed getting Sunday's off. Even with my busy April schedule, and my computer mishaps, I would definitely Blog A to Z again. Next year I might even enter from more than one of my blogs.
For more A to Z Blogging experience reflections click here.
Fragment # 6 Puppy on the Wagon
Today, technically yesterday, while the bigs (my name for our oldest 2 kids) were running an errand for me, I told puppy I would take her on a wagon ride.
Here's a snippet of conversation as I started getting ready to leave the house.
Me: Hey Puppy are you ready for our walk?
Puppy: I'm not walking, I'm riding.
Me: That's right. I'm walking and you're riding.
Puppy: You're exercising and I'm restercising.
For more Friday Fragments click here.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
1 Year Ago Today . . .
Q. Catchy. Who are you featuring now?
Q: Will you basically be featuring blogs that you already link to?
A: No. I will probably feature all those but I will also be featuring many others.
Q: Has your blog changed a lot over the past year. If so what about it has changed?
A: Yes, it really has evolved. In the first few months I was changing links and music and other things on a weekly basis. It was wearing me out. I did a lot of experimentation over the first few months as well. I really learned my lesson from the NABLOPOMO incident. Blogging is not an end in itself.
A: Sure did. Tackled it in Danger: Blogging as well. It is a theme I kept going back to. I constantly need to be reminded to put this blog in it's proper place. Another thing that changed was that the blog often took on a more personal nature than I thought it would when I started it.
Q: What do you think that was due to?
A: It was definitely due to the passing of my Brother last April.
Q: How did blogging affect your grieving process?
A: I think it both helped and hurt. It helped in the sense that I had an outlet to air my feelings. It hurt that it created an idea inside myself that because I blogged about it, I had dealt with it fully. But that's enough about that now. Ask me another question.
Q: Gladly. What have been some of the more surprising aspects of blogging over the past year.
A: I think most surprising is that I have started 2 more blogs and each of my oldest kids have started their own. Lucy can't wait until she can get in on the act.
Q: Isn't she already the act with all her Lucyisms?
A: She sure is.
Q: Do you have any more?
A: This past week she was on her way home from AWANA. She asked Amy if she (AMY) was a Christian and Amy said "yes, why." Lucy told her that she (LUCY) was not a Christian. Amy asked "why not, don't you believe in Jesus?" Lucy said, "Yes, but I'm not a Christian". Amy asked why not? Lucy said, "because I don't want to go to Medieval Times".
Q: Medieval Times! What's That?
A: It's a dinner theatre experience where there is jousting and knights and much merriment.
Q: That's quite a story, How do we move on from that?
A: Ask me what I'm doing tomorrow.
Q: Why can't I ask you right now?
A: Aren't I supposed to be handling the jokes?
Q: And shouldn't I be asking the questions?
A: Good point.
Q: What are you doing tomorrow?
A: Eating the leftover fish. Oh! On the blog! I am making a change t0 3 Things This Thursday. From now on I will call it Some Things This Thursday. That way if people only have 1 or two things going on they can still contribute.
Next Time: Some Things Thursday
Saturday, April 18, 2009
4 Weddings and a funeral, Part I
Today's Topic: 4 Weddings and a Funeral
Nothing brings a family together like a wedding. Except maybe a funeral. With the recent passing of my brother, Keith, I have decided to share a little about his funeral as well as his wedding, my wedding and the weddings of my two other married siblings. Today we will talk about my sister Kathy's wedding.
Q: Who was the first of your brothers and sisters to tie the knot?
A: I am pretty sure that it was me. It may have been my brother Chris; we were both in scouting at about the same time. I was a tad uncoordinated, so maybe him.
Q: I mean who was the first of you to get married?
A: Oh, sorry that would be my sister, Kathy. September 1, 1991. She married Andy.
Q: How did they meet?
A: Kathy met Andy at their 5 year Notre Dame reunion. They had not known each other previously, which how they were able to "meet". It turns out my father and Andy's had been Notre Dame classmates as well and had planned the whole thing out in the student union their sophomore year. All right that part is made up. But they did know each other.
Q: What was the significance of this wedding? A: Kathy moved to Virginia with Andy after the wedding so this was the last time the 5 of us would live in the same state.
Q: Was Amy involved in the wedding? A: Amy did not attend this wedding, as we were just college friends at the time, but her car did. Amy lent me her car so I could drive up for the wedding.
Q: What do you remember most about the wedding?
A: Like many young women, Kathy had been planning aspects of her wedding for years. But what was unusual, is that what Kathy had been planning was the music she would play at the reception. I think she had about 5 hours of must play songs. The song I remember the most was "I Knew the Bride When She Used to Rock and Roll."
Q: Before I ask my next question could you tell me what a smile and nod moment is?
A: Smile and nod refers to what our family does when one of our family members is acting kind of unusual. People tend to smile and nod at myself or my brothers and sisters and some of our cousins.
Q: Were there any smile and nod moments you recall from Kathy's wedding?
A: There were. My sister was the 2nd oldest of 29 grandchildren. The oldest grandchild came to the wedding wearing a very nice Indiana Jones hat.
Q: So you smiled and nodded when you saw him in the hat?
A: We smiled and nodded when he told us very proudly that he had sold his blood plasma in order to purchase the hat.
Q: Interesting. Where do I go after that?
A: Ask me what's coming up next time.
Q: What's coming up next time?
A: Next Time: An Open Letter to the Guy Behind Me.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Beginnings Part III: Now Where Were We?
Q: When did you first meet your wife?
A: In the Fall of 1990. I was active in the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship chapter at Western Illinois University. At our first meeting of the year, Amy was there. I remember talking to her at that meeting.
Q: What were your impressions?
A: I can do a pretty good Bob Dylan singing Amazing Grace.
Q: No, I mean what did you think of her?
A: I thought she was very nice. I remember talking to her about being from Lisle, which is where my Grandparents lived.
Q: What were her first thoughts of you?
A: Before the meeting she had seen me at the Hardees restaurant in the student union. I was in line, wearing a ball cap, stroking my chin and contemplating my order. Her first thought of me, was that I was the kind of guy that would be at the Inter-Varsity meeting she was going to. It turns out she was right.
Q: Did you start dating right away?
A: Oh, no. Unless you count "right away" as 7 years later.
Q: So do I have to ask you 7 years of questions?
A: No, ask how we became friends and I'll lead you home.
Q: How did you become friends?
A: I think it started the next week at our chapter retreat. I was trying to get to know all the new people. However, I had many responsibilities on the retreat. So, I would start a conversation with Amy and Vern Vincent would need to talk to me about the skit we were in or someone else would want to know what time the speaker was coming or some such. I would then go back to Amy and say "now where were we?" She would always say "We weren't anywhere, we hadn't started yet." I thought that was terrifically funny.
Amy, it turns out has a terrific sense of humor honed by many years of teasing her dogs and younger siblings. One Sunday afternoon at Golden Corral after she was done eating, she said she was fuller than a Theological Seminary. Anyone who knows me, and heard that joke, would attribute it to me in a heartbeat.
Q: So you could say it was love at first joke?
A: You could say that, but you'd be wrong.
Q: Now where were we?
A: That's my line. But we were talking about how I first met Amy. We became inseparable friends. Before we could become friends, however, she had to give me an IQ test.
Q: How did you do?
A: Excellent. I kept making jokes. Amy was testing her friends because she was studying to be a school psychologist. I would make jokes during the testing. It was great fun.
Q: With all the time you were spending together did anyone ever try to couple you up?
A: Who didn't? I once had a girlfriend who tried to get us together. We didn't date too long after that.
Q: Why were so many people getting mixed messages about you. It's not like you wrote songs for her.
A: No, I wrote songs about her all the time. But they were mostly to make her laugh on road trips to and from school. I did write her what could be construed as a love song when I was in Russia, but that was more of a friendship song.
Q: Well it wasn't like you bought a ring or anything.
A: Actually, I did that too.
Q: You what?
A: When she lived in Peoria she was working hard to get out of debt. She really wanted to buy herself an emerald ring but could not afford it. The next week on my lunch break I saw a circular that was advertising an emerald ring at a very reasonable price. I really thought that was God's way of telling me to buy her the ring. So, I did.
Q: Well at least you never slipped a putter through her hoop earrings while she was wearing them.
A: What goes on at mini golf stays at mini golf.
Q: So when did things develop romantically? I mean they did develop romantically? This isn't just a green card wedding is it?
A: No, we're legit. In December 1996, I was in South Carolina and she was in Hickory Hills. We used to chat from time to time on AOL. One day I could tell something was troubling her and it came to me like an epiphany. She's in love with me and is afraid to tell me because if she does the friendship won't be the same.
Q: So what did you do?
A: Over a long chat I coaxed it out of her. When she finally typed it. It had a tremendous impact on me.
Q: What kind of impact?
A: The closest thing I can compare it to is my conversion experience. I was sitting there, thinking this is my best friend, what would I do without her. Then it was like the lights went on and I realized this is more than my best friend this is the woman I want to share the rest of my life with.
Q: What happened next?
A: I visited Chicago a week later with the purpose of seeing whether Amy and I might be more than friends. I went to church with her and was grilled by some of the high school students she worked with. You know a girl is serious about you when she sicks Amanda Lesmeister and company on you.
We decided to make a go of it. During her spring break she visited me. After that week, I knew. I mean when someone shouts "hey, love interest" to you on Stone Mountain, you know. The week after she left, I put an emerald engagement ring on lay-a-way. She had always told me she wanted an emerald engagement ring. This one was no mere token of friendship.
In July of '97 I moved back to Illinois, In November I proposed,and we were married April 11,1998.
Q: Is there a place people could go to read more about how people fell in love, and perhaps post their own story?
A: They could click here and be sent to the Share your Love Story page at Heavenly
Next Time: For Reluctant Writers
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Secret Surprise Dates
FAQS of Life
My life in "frequently asked question" format.
Today's Topic: Secret Surprise Dates
Q: What, pray tell, is a Secret Surprise Date?
A: A secret surprise date is a festival of fun wrapped in romance. It's the pinata of date nights.
Q: What does that mean in English?
A: When Amy and I were courting, we went on some elaborately planned dates. We coined the phrase "Secret Surprise dates" to describe them.
Q: Do they have to be secret?
A: No, the other party knows the date is going to happen and who the date is with. They just don't know what is going to happen.
Q: I am still not wrapping my mind around the concept, could you give an example?
A: Yes.
Very funny! I'm waiting!
When I lived in South Carolina, I used to frequent a donut chain by the name of Krispy Kreme. Now, when I came back to Illinois to court and subsequently marry Amy, they did not have any Krispy Kremes in the Chicago area. When Amy heard that one had come to the area, she blindfolded me and drove me to the Krispy Kreme. I was so shocked when I got out of the car and breathed in the aroma of the Mecca of donuts. This was truly a secret surprise!
On another occasion, I blindfolded Amy and drove around for an hour finally stopping at the Hinsdale Oasis of the Illinois Tollway System 10 minutes from our apartment. There we sat,ate dinner, and watched the traffic drive beneath us.
Q: Are blindfolds mandatory?
A: No, but they can add quite a bit to the overall effect.
Q: Are Secret Surprise Dates expensive?
They can be, but don't have to be. The Krispy Kreme date cost less than 10 dollars. Last Saturday night, I drove Amy about an hour north of our house to a nice restaurant just over the Wisconsin border. We had great conversation on the way there and back and an excellent all-you-can-eat meal in a quaint atmosphere. The entire cost of the evening including babysitting was under $50.00.
Q: I am more of a visual person, do you have any pictures from these excursions?
A: Yes.
Q: You are not pulling that joke again, are you?!!!
A: Yes. Before you get all upset, here is a picture of Amy outside the restaurant on Saturday night.
Q: So, it sounds like Secret Surprise dates work for you, is that accurate?
A: It certainly is. They really help us to keep the fun alive in our relationship. To see what works for other people click here to be directed to the Works for me Wednesday site at Rocks in my Dryer.
Next Time: Randomness
A Quote to Start Things Off
Pictures of Memories I
These Blogs Are SO 2024
An IndyCar Girl in NASCAR Territory2 weeks ago
Ready Or Not3 weeks ago
List Your Way5 weeks ago
On Wednesday, after the election …2 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description4 months ago
Goodbye to WordPress6 months ago
REFLECTIONS8 months ago
Maybe I Can8 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago