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Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Protestants are here
Friday, October 21, 2022
Keith Green and Rich Mullins celebrate another posthumous birthday.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Comedian By Steve Taylor
I lived in Russia between the end of 1992 and the end of 1994. During those 2 years abroad, I missed many things. By missed I don't mean longed for, although I certainly did miss Mountain Dew and Lou Malnatis's pizza by that definition and was glad when my brother brought those along when he visited me. I also don't mean by miss that I wasn't there for it, yet heard about. While I want there for the Bronco chase , Nolan Ryan's pummeling of Robin Ventura, Michael Jordan's retirement announcement , or the birth of my first niece, I was acutely aware of all 4.
No, what I mean by missed is there were some events that I did not hear about until I was back in the states, sometimes for several years. Some of these were deaths of famous people, others were books, movies, or music that came out during that time. It wasn't uncommon to hear someone talk about a movie I had never heard of, only for me to ask if it came out in 1993 or 1994 and quite often it had. Finally, I had to come to grips that due to my decision to leave the U.S. and plant a church in Russia in the early 1990's that there would be indeed certain things that I left behind and missed entirely. I never regretted that decision and certainly experienced many more things that I would have never experienced in the states had I stayed put.
Over the past few years I have realized that I have experienced another gap without leaving the U.S. for more than a fortnight every 10 years or so. I experienced it today when I was playing with my Spotify account in between classes. There was a recommended song by Steve Taylor and some band he was in and I had never heard of the song or the band. Now not to be confusing Steve Taylor uses to front for a band called Some Band. So, I am not referring to them. The name of the band is The Perfect foil, and according to Wikipedia it is an alt. rock supergroup featuring artists from 2 more of my favorite groups (Peter Furler from Newsboys & Jimmy Abegg from (A Ragamuffin Band). What was odd is this super group was formed in 2010, and I was only just hearing about it 11 years later. Not really odd when you think that in 2010 I was homeschooling my 3 children all under the age of 11. Listening to old music on c.d.s is something I did when I had the occasional spare time. Keeping up with music was not something I invested much time in. Again, I would not trade that time in my life for anything but it does explain how a song like Comedian stayed off my radar for so long.
A nice thing about discovering something you missed from long ago is that when you do eventually discover it, you also discover many other things alongside it. In finding out more information in this missing chapter of Steve Taylors musical journey I discovered a blog that writes an awful lot about Christian Music and other topics that interest me. It is a blog by Keith Shields called Thirst and he does an entire post about this song. I encourage you to do what he suggests in his post which is listen to this song (I have put the Spotify link below at the same time you read the lyrics to the song and then read how the song affected him. (The link to his post is here.)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Happy Anniversary
I found out that the traditional 14th anniversary gift is Ivory while the modern 14th gift is gold. Both these songs are golden oldies and notice that Barney is tickling the ivories in the video below.
Happy Anniversary Amy, I heart you big time.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Not Friday; Got Fragments
Taking Puppy and company to see the Disney on Ice production, Dare to Dream in Rosemont today. Here's a little I See the Light to get us in the Tangled mood. I'll be back tomorrow with a review.
COH is at Janice Campbell this week. She has a nice Wintery Mix all ready for you. My HSBA page is one of the many articles available.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Mid Week Music Break
What Love Really Means (Single)
The HSBA winning blog for Best Group Blog was TOS Homeschool Crew. This blog continues to provide excellent product reviews as this sample post attests.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Christmas Time
Next Time: The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.
A Quote to Start Things Off
Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25
These Blogs Are SO 2024
An IndyCar Girl in NASCAR Territory1 month ago
List Your Way2 months ago
On Wednesday, after the election …3 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description5 months ago
REFLECTIONS9 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago