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Showing posts with label Y is for Youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Y is for Youtube. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Team Saturdazzle: The One With The Made Up Holidays

Hello and welcome to the last Team Saturdazzle post for January 2025.  Last April for the A to Z Challenge I wrote about Holidays. On most day of the challenge I found an event that was already taking place on that day and pair it with the letter of the day. 

For example each April 2nd is International Children's Book Day so since the letter of the day for April 2nd was B, I wrote about that Holiday and title my post, B is for Books for Children.  

Writing about made up holidays turned out to be not enough for me.  SO, I actually made up 5  holidays and added them into the challenge  for all the letters that were vowels.  Now that it is 2025,  It has come to my attention that these holidays are coming up again this year.  

A chart or graph of some kind might be helpful here:

Name of Holiday with link to         2025 Date           (When it occurs)
A to Z Challenge Post

Adult Children Appreciation Day                  April 21, 2025.  (The Monday after Easter)
 Wedding Planner Black Friday                     April 4, 2025     (1st Friday in April)

Indicted Illinois Governors Day                     April 10, 2025   (10th day in April)

One More Time and You Get A Parade Day   April 16, 2025   (Third Wednesday in April)

Undecided, Undeclared & Unsure Day           April 30th 2025 (Final Wednesday in April)

This is me talking about one of the new holidays last year.

Monday, April 29, 2024

A to Z 2024: Y is for watching Viral Videos on Youtube

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Y 

For The A to Z Challenge this year, I am focusing on everyday holidays. Each day there are multiple unusual things to celebrate. Every day of the challenge I look for an event taking place that day and pair it with the letter of the day. I have also made up 5 holidays to coincide with the vowel days of the challenge. At the end of each post I will share a special song of the day for that day's letter. At the end of the month, these songs will be assembled in an A to Z keepsake playlist on Spotify. Every day is a celebration, let's unwrap today's together.

  • The first viral video on You Tube was an unauthorized bootleg of the SNL digital short Lazy Sunday.  It had over 5,000,000 views between December 2005 and February of 2006 when You Tube took it down.  SNL has since put the video up on it's own You Tube Channel.
  • Like many subsequent viral videos Lazy Sunday spawned some response videos.  This one being a shot by shot remake
  • In 2008 the viral video Charlie bit my finger - Again blew up  on You Tube.  To date it has 886,000,000 views.  My son was 7 when this came out and I must say he was very good at shutting people down before they ever got to teasing him about that.
  • By 2013 most everyone knew what a viral video was.  April 29th 2013 was the first known occurrence of Viral Video Day.
  • Since then, viral videos have not gone away.  Video's like this one my daughter calls Chewbacca Mom. It had 13,00,000 views in the past 7 years.  
I know there are just two days left in the A to Z challenge.  I say take a moment and watch some You Tube videos.  You may just help one go viral!
The song of the day is You Make It Easy To Fall In Love by Three Crosses

25 songs are on the Leap of Dave A to Z 2024 playlist.  Just one more letter, one more holiday and one more song!


To go to the home of the A to Z challenge click here, to see the 2024 master list of participating blogs click here. Enjoy the 2024 A to Z challenge, and Happy Holidays!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

T is for This Year

You Tube A TO Z

T is for This Year

One of the things I like best  about You Tube are some of the cover  contests that are conducted using it.  For example, at the beginning of 2015 One of my favorite artists released this song on video.

She also announced a contest asking for people sending their covers of her song in.  I watched a couple dozen of these and this one was my favorite.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

R is for Responses

You Tube A TO Z

R is for Response

You Tube used to have a feature where you could make a video response and post it to another you tube video.  They have since discontinued feature but you can still find video responses to existing you tube videos.

Last year the fine folks at Blimey cow produced this video.

I then made this response not knowing that You Tube had discontinued the program.

My take on this ,which I hope you gathered ,was to use the appropriate context for each phrase to give the phrases meaning.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

S is for Schoolhouse Rock

You Tube A TO Z

S is for School House Rock

I am no expert in the history of the music video but my theory is they have 3 notable precursors

1: The Beatles Movies
2: The Monkees T.V. Show
and 3. School House Rock

For the uninitiated, School House Rock was a series of educational cartoons than ran in between Saturday Morning Cartoons on ABC in the 70's and 80's.  They has 5 genre's

Multiplication Rock

Grammar Rock

History Rock

Science Rock

Money Rock

These are not necessarily my 5 favorite.  But I do like them and they are a good sampling.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Q is for Quick Draw McGraw

You Tube A TO Z

Q is For Quick Draw McGraw

For Q I present you with a trio of videos of one of my favorite cartoon heroes.  Quick Draw McGraw

Here is a short documentary on the feature.

El Kabong was my favorite character.  Here is a nice montage of some ka-bongs.

The Snuffle character with his reaction to dog biscuits was also a favorite.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

P is for Puppy

You Tube A TO Z

P is for Puppy

I just love You Tube videos of cute kids.  Exspecially when those cute kids are mine.  Here is Puppy on her way to Dog Day (Where people bring their dogs to the game) at a White Sox game.  Too Precious.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Monday, April 18, 2016

O is for Old Television Shows

You Tube A TO Z

O is for Old Televison Shows

If you are an aficionado of old television programs, like I am, You Tube, is a dream come true.  

You Tube is a treasure trove of t,v, from it's golden age to the present day.  Here is an episode of the old Panel Show What's My Line.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

N is for No Hitter

You Tube A TO Z

N is for No Hitter

A baseball game can take 3-4 hours to complete.  But if all you are interested is watching all the outs it can take 5-10 minutes.  3-5 minutes if you are just looking for all the outs on one side.  When would you want to do that?  When you want to relive a no hitter.  You tube is your friend when it comes to finding those.

on April 18,2007 Mark Buehrle (see B is for Buehrle from earlier this month) pitched a no hitter for the Chicago White Sox against the Texas Ranger.  This means in his 9 innings of work no one got on base with a hit.  Former Sox player Sammy Sosa did get a walk and you can watch what Buerhle did to him.  

A no hitter when no one gets on base for any reason is called a perfect game Buerhle got one of those also.  It was 2 years later July 23, 2009 against the Tampa Bay Rays.  Since it is technically a no hitter and since I am not doing P is for Perfect Game I'll show you that one as well.  You'd be Wise to watch the 9th inning of this one.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Friday, April 15, 2016

M is for Monkees

You Tube A TO Z

M is for the Monkees

Because of the time I was born mid sixties I have no memory of life without the Monkees and I have no memory of never loving the Monkees.  If you love the Monkees like I do You Tube is a friend with many videos of past shows and hit songs.  

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for Late Late Show

You Tube A TO Z

L is for Late Late Show

Today's entry comes from the first episode of the Late Late show hosted by James Corden. It's a touching/humorous ballad about hosting late night show which has always been one of my ambitions.


For more blogging A to Z click here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

K is for Kiss Cam

You Tube A TO Z

K is for Kiss Cam

A Kiss Cam is when at a professional sporting event the camera pans onto couples and when they see them selves on the jumbo=tron they smooch.  Sometimes things don't always happen correctly.  Take a look at a Kiss Cam portion of a Bulls Celtics Game held in Chicago.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for Judges

You Tube A TO Z

J is for Judges

When Veggie Tale creator Phil Vischer started a web based bible series called Jelly Telly,  he had different feautures he would rotate in.  One was a group called The Fabulous Bentley Brothers who would sing snippets  of Old Testament bible books.  The song Judges does for memorizing all the judges in the Old Testament what School House Rock did for memorizing the preamble of the constitution.  And yes that's Rhett and Link, who you may remember from F is for Facebook as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Monday, April 11, 2016

I is for Ishmael United - If you can't shout saved

You Tube A TO Z

I is for Ishmael United

In 1985 I discovered a group called Ishmael United in the bargain basket of my local Christian book store. I loved the cassette and told anybody I met about it. I lent it it to a friend who lent it  to someone in his youth group who lent it  to her boyfriend. Then in perfect sitcom fashion, he broke up with her, she stopped going to youth group and I never saw the cassette again. At about the same time the cassette went out of print. Enter Youtube ,someone takes a video of one of the songs playing and it's 1985 all over again


For more blogging A to Z click here.

Friday, April 8, 2016

G is for Grover

You Tube A TO Z

G is for Grover

I grew up on Sesame Street.  I mean the television show, not the actual street.  My love for all things Muppets began watching sketches like these on PBS.  Like many sesame street sketches of it's time, it starts with a usual situation and put's an educational/wacky take on it.

For more blogging A to Z click here.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

F is for Facebook

You Tube A TO Z
F is for Facebook

I am a big fan of the work of Rhett & Link.  Their video Facebook was one of the first things I was of theirs.  While it's true that FB has changed over the years this song still works.

For more A to Z blogging click here.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25