For The A to Z Challenge this year, I am focusing on everyday holidays. Each day there are multiple unusual things to celebrate. Every day of the challenge I look for an event taking place that day and pair it with the letter of the day. I have also made up 5 holidays to coincide with the vowel days of the challenge. At the end of each post I will share a special song of the day for that day's letter. At the end of the month, these songs will be assembled in a to z keepsake playlist on Spotify. Every day is a celebration, let's unwrap today's together.
Yesterday, I created a new made up holiday by making one up. Today I will regale you with info regarding a Holiday that someone else made up. Today is Children's Picture book day!
Here is an informative video from the Champaign Library.
Like many of these made up Holidays the day we celebrate it is based on a relevant birthday. The birthday in this instance is Hans Christian Anderson who was born on this day in 1805.
In preparation for this post I watched the Danny Kaye Film Hans Christian Anderson. I will review the film sometime shortly after the challenge is complete. Here is the trailer.
Exactly 98 years and 11 months after Han's Christian Anderson's birthday Theodor Geisel much better known as Dr. Seuss was born on March 2nd 1904. Geisel became a pioneer in children's picture books.
The book, “The Cat in The Hat,” by Dr. Seuss, sits on a book shelf at West Elementary School during a National Read Across America Day event Mar. 2, 2017 at Yokota Air Base, Japan. National Read Across America Day is a holiday to share the fun of reading with children of all ages, and is celebrated on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Donald Hudson) Unit: 374th Airlift Wing DVIDS Tags: Japan; Yokota Air Base; 374th Airlift Wing; Dr. Seuss; National Read Across America Day
One of my favorite kinds of picture books is what I call Alphabet books. These books much like the A to Z challenge take a subject and then devote 1 page and 1 picture per letter of the alphabet. On a recent trip to the Beloit Public Library (which I will also be reviewing after the challenge) I was reminded of my love for Alphabets and took pictures of several of them
Not sure why that pen is in all the pictures, it's nothing to write home about.
Among other holidays occurring today is Autism Awareness Day.
Today's song of the day is Broken Things by Julie Miller
The Leap of Dave A to Z Spotify Playlist is now up to 2 songs.
Time to close the book on the letter B. I think you get the picture. As you head back to more of the challenge or just your regularly scheduled life feel free to leave a comment. Maybe you can let me know what your favorite picture book is/was and why.