Here are the prompts for this week’s Writer’s Workshop:
- Write a post based on the word hugging.
- Write a post in exactly 13 sentences.
- How do you cope with days where you’re stuck in the house due to bad weather?
- What are your favorite food items to order online?
- If evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe were discovered, would it alter your core beliefs or sense of self?
- List your five most recent favorite things.
I am combining 2 prompts today, #1 and #5. It's not exactly one from column A and one from column B, but it gets the job done.
For God So Hugged The World
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)
My older sister asked me once what John 3:16 meant. So, I told her what the verse said, and her reaction was, "That has nothing to do with football"
I saw my sister right after Christmas as I was at the wedding of my oldest niece, her daughter. There was an hour or so between the end of the wedding and the reception. So my family being who we are, took a side trip to a local library between gigs. While we were there my daughter Lucy emerged triumphantly from the lobby to say that she had found a 1984 Thesaurus in the free stuff bin, She spent the next few days of the trip regaling us with synonyms from the book. I have asked her to read me the synonyms for hug. Here goes: embrace, hold, clasp, press to the bosom, hold close, clutch, squeeze, cuddle, snuggle, nestle, and (wait for it) cling together.
As I contemplated the meaning of John 3:16, especially what it meant for God to so love the world, I thought of hugs. I thought of a child who seemingly gave up on physical expressions of love to their parents initiating a hug with me for no particular reason. I thought of how hugs show one's love for another but also leave room for a reply.
I thought of Jesus in that sense as a hug from God. To put it back in the context of John 3:16, our sins had separated us from God. We were on a path to perishing without a chance to have that relationship mended. God reached out to us, extending his Son as a way to eternal life. We must reach back to God completing that hug by accepting Jesus as the only way to God.
This brings me rather clumsily to prompt 5: If evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe were discovered, would it alter your core beliefs or sense of self?
My short answer is no. My core beliefs and my sense of self, emanate from my understanding of biblical Christianity. Larry Norman a pioneer of Jesus Music broached the subject in the bridge of his
song U.F.O.
And if there's life on other planets
Then I'm sure that He must know
And He's been there once already
And has died to save their souls.
Those lyrics have always resonated with me. I have never meant much of a subscriber to the notion of life on other planets. I like the science-fiction element of extraterrestrial life but that's where it ends. However farfetched I might find it, if confronted with proof that there is life on other planets, I would lean in on Norman's thought process. To extend my previous thoughts on John 3:16, I can imagine the Lord of the Universe loving other intelligent life so much that he would reach out and hug them through the person of his Son as well.
Just like I don't jettison my faith when difficult times come my way, I plan to always trust in God no matter what other things may come to challenge my world view.
A Snapshot of the pioneering christian rock musician Larry Norman taken following concert in Defiance, Ohio on October 20, 2001.
By Ekiledal -, Public Domain,