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Showing posts with label Volunteering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volunteering. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

A to Z 2024: M is for Microvolunteering

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter M

For The A to Z Challenge this year, I am focusing on everyday holidays. Each day there are multiple unusual things to celebrate.  Every day of the challenge I look for an event taking place that day and pair it with the letter of the day.  I have also made up 5 holidays to coincide with the vowel days of the challenge.  At the end of each post I will share a special song of the day for that day's letter.  At the end of the month, these songs will be assembled in a to z keepsake playlist on Spotify.  Every day is a celebration, let's unwrap today's together. 

April 15th is International Micro-volunteering day 

I think the best way to talk about this day is to use FAQ format.  I used to do this quite a bit in the early days of my blog.  The last time I did so was  here back in 2012 when I was blogging about the A t0 Z challenge. .

The FAQS of Life: Micro-volunteering  in Frequently Asked Question Format

Q: Do you know what today is?

A: Yes. 

Q: Are you going to tell me?

A. Perhaps if you asked me, rather than  asked me if I knew.

Q: What is today?

A: It's International Micro-volunteering Day.

Q: Is Micro-volunteering a thing?

A:It must be, if it wasn't, it wouldn't have a holiday.  

Q: When did it become a thing?

A: it's been a thing for almost 20 years.  The term  was first used in the U.K. In 2006 and had migrated to Spain by 2008.

Q: What is Micro-volunteering?

A:This answer is from ot's Days of The Year Page, The idea of micro-volunteering is simple: individuals take convenient, bite-sized actions in support of a good cause and often perform their activities or service from home. 

Q:  How did the day start?

A: Well the day started a minute after 11:59 p.m.   Some people were fast asleep, some were well on their way, others were working 3rd shift jobs, still others, ...

Q: When did International Micro-volunteering Day start.

A:  10 years ago it began when the day was created and promoted by the Help from Home Foundation.

Q: Como se dice International Micro Volunteering Day en Espanol?

A: Día Internacional del Microvoluntariado.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for micro-volunteering?

A: Yes

Q: Are we back to that joke again?

A: Yes

Q: What suggestions do you have for micro-volunteering?

A: I thought you'd never ask. One suggestion is to volunteer doing task that you already know how to do, so there is little to no training involved.  Another is to keep your activities to things that can be done in thirty minute to 2 hour chunks. One examples are to volunteer to read at a school, or day care center, or nursing home.  When my daughter was homeschooled, she would volunteer on a weekly basis for about an hour and a half a week, working at the P.B.I.S (Personal Behavior Incentive System) store at my wife's school.  Children would earn a kind of currency for following the code of the school and then would be able to trade that currency in for prizes.  As a full time substitute teacher, I would imagine there are boundless opportunities for micro-volunteering?

Q: What are some suggestions that could be done from home?

A: My daughters both crochet.  One is in a crochet club.  Some members of her club crochet hats at home  for premature  babies or people having chemo.  People can have baking parties on the holidays and find organizations to donate their creations to.  
Q: Do you know why IMVD (International Micro-Volunteering Day) is on April 15th.

A: No, but it is the same day as Tax day here in the U.S. and if I were choosing the day, I would choose April 15th because micro-volunteering is not meant to be taxing.

Q: Did you think of that yourself?

A: Yes, Yes I did. And before you ask yes, that is a Phineas and Ferb referemce.

I didn't plan this, of course,  but today's song of the day is a frequently asked question of sorts.  The Song is Man or Muppet from The Muppets (2011)

M is the 13th letter of the alphabet so my spotify playlist is now half full


Today was a lot of fun, no question about it.  Micro-volunteering can be fun as well.  In the comments tell me some things that you already know how to do, that might be great as a micro-volunteering opportunity. 

To go to the home of the A to Z challenge click here, to see the 2024 master list of participating blogs click here. Enjoy the 2024 A to Z challenge, and Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Remembrances of a Lost Friend

 I graduated High School in 1983 at the age of 18.  In 1987 when many of my classmates were completing their undergraduate studies I moved to Macomb, Illinois, and began attending Western Illinois University.  I saw those years as a time to learn but also an opportunity to be involved in ministry.  I came onto campus and became part of the leadership team of the local ragtag chapter of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.  

Like most campuses, ours had a new student fair each year.  I helped man the I-V table. I met many people that day and many signed up for more information.  One of those people was an 18-year-old freshman by the name of Frank Charles Rusan the fifth.  I don't remember if I met him at the table or later when I visited him in his dorm room.  Frank didn't introduce himself as Frank Charles Rusan V, I just remember his middle name because it is also my middle name. 

Frank started attending a Bible Study I was leading.  He and I became good friends during his time at WIU.  Before I met Frank I knew very few people who lived in Chicago even though I grew up in the Chicago suburbs.  Frank was the first black person I really got to know.  Frank and I both had a vision of breaking the color barriers of our campus's Christian ministries.  In his freshman and sophomore year, I visited the campus black church with him on many occasions.  The services were much longer and had so many different types of worship than I was used to.  I remember singing songs like Jesus is on The Mainline (Tell Him What You Want.).

I remember one day I was in Frank's room after a bible study and I don't remember exactly what he said but the gist was "Dave,  you love people, you treat them with respect.  You could be black.  He meant it and I took it as a compliment.  It reminds me now of something that happened a few years after that during my first year as a missionary in Russia.  I was in the home of my friend Vladimir.  His dad who was also named Vladimir was sitting with us at a table drinking tea with family.  Vladimir's dad commented something along the line that with me sitting at the table with them enjoying fellowship with them it was like he had another son.  Both those comments reminded me that even though blacks and whites and Russians and Americans have a history of mistrusting each other, true Christian fellowship transcends race and nationality.  

Frank graduated from Western in 1991 and we lost track of each other soon after that.  From time to time over the years I would think about him and our times together and wonder what he was up to.  Every few years I would google him without any success.  

Yesterday, my wife, oldest daughter, and I  were volunteering for Compassion International by handing out sponsorship packets at an event in Rockford, Illinois.  The Event was the 2023 Soar Awards a gospel music awards show.  We were about the only white people in attendance.  

When you volunteer at an event like this, there is a lot of downtime between responsibilities.  During those times I listened to the music emanating from the stage, and started thinking about Frank.  I thought this might be the exact kind of place I could run into him.  Perhaps in an act of symmetry, he would be manning one of the many ministry tables set up inside the atrium of the theatre.  I decided to google Frank and see if I had success locating him this time.  

This beautiful tribute page is what alerted me that Frank had died almost 5 years ago.  Frank is the third (as for as I know) of friends who I met during my first year at WIU who have passed away. I wish I had reconnected with Frank before he died but I don't feel any deep regret.   Reading all the tributes I realized that Frank had continued to be the same type of person he had been in college, faithful, available, teachable, and a person who radiated Christ.  There are many testimonies of him caring for people, praying for them, and being genuinely concerned for others.  This is the Frank I knew and loved and it brings me solace to know he continued to walk in that way for another quarter of a century before passing on to eternity with God in Heaven.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Most Important Job at the Food Bank

Last month we started volunteering as a family at the Northern Illinois Food Bank in Geneva, Illinois.  Technically speaking our youngest can't volunteer until she turns 8 at the end of the year.  Today we trekked over there, sans our 7 year old, and spent 3 hours working with a team of about 15 volunteers transferring cereal from a 1600 pound container to 20 oz bags.

After we put on the requisite hair nets, aprons and rubber gloves , our supervisor Don started handing out assignments.  It became readily apparent, at least to me, that I had been given the most important job.

Yep, call me Scoop Roller.  It was my job to take the cereal from the big box and scoop it into those grey bins on the table.  Don chose me first for the prestigious assignment.  In the three hours that we worked I  scooped cereal from that box until, I could scoop from the second step and then from the lowest step until I finally eschewed the step stool altogether and just scooped from the floor until I had to finally kneel down to get to the level of cereal left behind from my labors.By the end of the day we had packaged enough cereal for almost 1,000 meals.  And each flake of cereal used was scooped out of it's conveyance by yours truly.  

Yes, I thought I had the most important job.  That is until that young man on the left of me, took a short break.  You see his job was to take my bins brimming with flaky goodness and provide me with a new bin.  In the beginning this meant I could stay on my perch and concentrate on the task at hand.  He was also responsible to take the full bins and give them to the 2 tables of volunteers responsible for placing them in bags and weighing them to assure they reached their 20 oz. capacity.  He would take their empty bins and bring them back to me so I could refill them.

When he was there, I was able to keep up pace with the 8 baggers and sometimes run out of empty bins to fill which would allow me to cut down the plastic surrounding the box, which greatly eased my ability to scoop.  When he left, I did his job and mine for a few minutes and it quickly became evident that he was the drumbeat of the process and that without his support the whole enterprise would quickly break down.

So when he came back, I told him that I thought he had the most important job, and he quickly agreed.  You see, people like to be valued.  Even if they are just volunteers, they like to be valued.  After he came back I got to thinking about it more.  I started on concentrating on what job was most important.  Was it those two tables of cereal baggers?  Three of my favorite relatives helped man those tables.  Without  them my scooping and Nathan's tempo would just leave 16 filled tubs and a box mostly full.

But even with those 8 bagging and weighing away, the whole operation would come to a halt with out the bag sealer.  Yes just as I scooped all the cereal into bins, the four people seated sealed every bag. the person standing took the sealed bags and prepared them to be distributed to the food pantries, soup kitchens, and summer feeding programs that the food bank supplies.  And let's not forget about Don, who went from station to station informing and encouraging each group of workers; perhaps he had the most important job.

Sometimes the most important jobs are the ones behind the scenes.  We were able to volunteer today because a friend watched our 7 year old while we were there.  We volunteered with a group of employees from Capital One.  I am not sure exactly what had to conspire for them to come.  But I imagine that compensation and covering of duties was involved.  It seems the more you break it down, the harder it becomes to determine the most important job.

So what is the most important job? To steal from City Slickers, it is one thing.  It is the one thing that you were assigned to do.  The most important task in a project is the task you were given.  That task is your chance to shine.  You have been given that task for a reason.  Do the best you can at that task and the project has a better chance at success, than if you just did it 1/2 way because you wanted to be the one to scoop cereal out of a big box.

Volunteering is an important job.  Feeding the hungry  is an important job.  If that includes digging up a ton of cereal, then I can dig that.

If you thought  this post was a departure of sorts, you were right.  It was a departure from writing nothing or next to nothing for months at a time.  It is also a departure from my usual homeschooly things I had been writing about until I slipped out of internet existence. 

As the new title suggests, I am no longer just a home school dad.  I am a home schooling dad transitioning back to the business world.  My most important job, to ride that horse one more time, is to land a job.  This blog will reflect on my past jobs and my current search.  

Next Time: My very first job.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25