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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Writers Workshop: 13 Lines about five things I enjoyed in 6th grade. (Paragraphy Edition)

Writer's Workshop is taking place again at The Sound of One Hand Typing.

Here are this week’s prompts: (The ones I chose are in bold.)
  1.  Write a post based on the word grudges. 
  2. Write a post in exactly 13 lines. 
  3. Write about something you learned in the month of February. 
  4. List your five favorite snack foods. 
  5. Tell us about the worst haircut you ever had. 
  6. What are the five things you enjoyed doing the most when you were in sixth grade? Do you still enjoy doing them?


  1. I have adjusted that to be exactly 13 sentences.
  2. In 1975 when I started 6th grade, I was a huge White Sox fan.
  3. In 6th grade I was still in the school band and I played the saxophone, I liked playing but was never very good at it, so that was my last year.
  4. They are still two passions of mine.
  5. I have been wanting for some years to write a  post using Paragraphy and will try to do that today.
  6. The other two were baseball and bicycling.
  7. Back then I was quite the television watcher and had the network schedule memorized.
  8. Fifty years later I still am.
  9. How Paragraphy works is you write a paragraph and then the sentences are randomly reordered.
  10. Even now when I hear about an old show, the first thing I think of is what network it was on and what day it aired.
  11. I will also try to remember back almost 50 years ago when I was in the 6th grade to think about the 5 things I enjoyed most back then and evaluate if I still lie them today.
  12. The prompt I chose for today is to write a post using exactly 13 lines.
  13. See if you can figure out the original order.
Click here for more Writer's Workshop.  In your comments to my post just order the letters to see if you can guess how my paragraph was supposed to turn out,

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

12 New Movies: The Emperor's New Groove 2000


Kuzco Cosplay - FanimeCon2017
By Michael Ocampo from United States - FanimeCon 2017 647CC BY 2.0Link

The second  new (to me) film I watched this year was the 2000 Disney animated comedy film, The Emperor's New Groove.

 As in the last review, I will attempt to do the following: 

  1. Rate each movie on a 1 (worst movie ever) to 5 (best movie I have seen) scale.
  2.  Provide a 2-3 sentence summary of the movie. 
  3.  I will share 1 theme from the movie.  
  4. Write one thing I liked about the movie and 1 thing I disliked about the movie. 
  5. State who I think would make the best audience for this movie. 

The Emperor's New Groove (2000) Rating 4 stars out of 5 

 Summary: A young selfish Peruvian emperor Kuzco, (voiced by David Spade)  is accidentally transformed into a llama by his wicked advisor in a failed assassination attempt. The Tribal leader, Pacha  (voiced by John Goodman) that Kuzco is trying to usurp land from  begrudgingly tries to restore Kuzco back into himself.   Over the course of their arduous journey, the emperor begins to see himself in a new light.   

Theme: One theme of the movie is the difficulties involved in putting others needs ahead of your own. 

 Likes: The emperor's new groove is an extremely funny movie.  The humor is both character driven and through it's over the top ridiculousness and frenetic pace.

Dislikes: The plot of the movie sometimes suffers from the slapstick nature of the film.  I think repeat viewing may place more emphasis on the emotional unevenness of the plot.  

 A Good Audience for this Film: People who like their Disney animated movies with less musical interludes, fans of Shrek, David Spade, and fast paced romps should enjoy this movie.   

2025 New To Me Film Update

 I have watched and reviewed 2 films:
Films released from 2009 to 2024                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1994 to 2008                      Watched 1 Remaining 1 
Films released from 1979 to 1993                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1964 to 1978                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1949 to 1963                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released before 1934 and up to 1948       Watched 1 Remaining 1 

 My Daughter Lucy  and I watched this film at the local movie theatre that we work at.  It was part of an Employee appreciation party.  Watching it in a theatre setting with our co-workers was very enjoyable.  

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25