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Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021
12 from 2020
It may be difficult to imagine a hopeful piece about house arrest. Steve West talks about his life in an early covid lockdown and by using his and other's memories talks about doing far more with far less.
My ally stands. “Here’s a place—a fragile, earthen vessel, admittedly, yet one that will hold you, for now,” it says
And yes, I just did order Diane Keaton's book House which D.J. Waldie wrote the text for from my home librray.
Blog: Desiring God
Policies, Persons and Paths to Ruin: Pondering the Implications of the 2020 Election October 22, 2020
Author and Pastor John Piper is not the only contributor to the blog on the Desiring God but his posts are generally the ones I most appreciate. This post I found especially gratifying as I had decided on the same course of action for the election as he did. Well approximately the same, he chose a write in candidadte, I just moved on to the next race. Piper makes a very good defense of not voting for Trump or Biden without mentioning either by name.
Favorite Line: In fact, I think it is a drastic mistake to think that the deadly influences of a leader come only through his policies and not also through his person.
Something similar is happening now in the presidential election. Trump has predicted that he will win when the votes are counted OR if the tally shows him losing, it will be because of vote fraud. He has also affirmed that he would take the election to the Supreme Court if he loses. This is dangerous for our country. If there is a fair election AND Trump actually loses, many of his more devoted followers might protest the counting of mail in votes and declare fraud. Some of these followers might turn to violence.
I am certain this is not something Lindy wanted to be right about. At least we can't say He didn't warn us.
* I've always wanted to say italics mine. As long as we are doling out punctuation marks, I'll take the ampersand.
Blog: The Aaugh Blog
Colorblind Eye Patch Dec 9, 2020
The Aaugh Blog is an independent Peanuts website that I quite enjoy. I really liked this post that talks about some of my favorite strips from when I was a kid when Sally had lazy eye. No favorite line just favorite memories.
Blog: Thinking Person's Guide To Autism
Losing Hard Won Freedoms: The Pandemics Toll on People with I/DD December 10, 2020
I hate to end on a sour note but Covid has been especially hard on people with disabilites. as I'm typing this on My daughter who has high functioning autism is playing monopoly with her Mom and sister. (More on this epic game here and here. That reminds me that she has been unable to attend her monthly game night for young adults with HFA for almost a year. As Ivanova Smith states it ican be much more difficult for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities than just missing a game night.
Favorite Line: (Smith describing the effects of the isolation that pandemic restrictions has caused her). I feel like I am stuck in a car that keeps going backwards and backwards and I can’t make it stop.
Saturday Afternoon Monopoly
My girls are passing this Saturday afternoon with a game of Monopoly.
I figured this might be a good time to catch you, readers, up with my familyEmma FKA Bunny Girl is 21 now.
She says Monopily is going good. She has two light blues an orange 2 railroads and a Brown. She is functioning as the banker,
Amy is still working as a School Bob Newhart/Psychologist. She is doing real estate in the game and 1 monopoly 1 blue, 2 railroads,2 greens and a red. She is currently in negotiations with L.J./Lucy FKA Wolfina/Puppy which have come to a standstill over the red and blue properties.
The previously mentioned LJ is a Freshman and has finally started live (hybrid) learning as a public school high school Freshman after being homeschooled for all of her middle school career and most of elementary school. She has 2 reds, both utilities Boardwalk, and New York.A Quote to Start Things Off
Pictures of Memories I
These Blogs Are SO 2024
Last Night / Auld Lang Syne1 week ago
Ready Or Not2 weeks ago
List Your Way3 weeks ago
On Wednesday, after the election …2 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description4 months ago
Goodbye to WordPress6 months ago
REFLECTIONS8 months ago
Maybe I Can8 months ago
Dune 29 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago