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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dr. Seuss and More.

Yes, today is Theodor (Ted) Geisel's birthday and the beloved children's author best known by his pseudonym Dr. Seuss has been well celebrated today in the blogosphere. He was born on this day in1904 and died on September 24th 1991. At least 3 blogs in my blogroll have broached the topic. Check those out here, here and here. My post is going to be less about Seuss and more about others who share common bonds with him.

First here is a short list of a few other Theodore's who were known by other names.

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. 26th President of the United States.

Born: October 27th 1858. Died: January 6th 1919.

Other nicknames: The Trust Buster, The Hero of San Juan Hill (among others).

Quote: No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it.

Theodore (Ted) Samuel Williams. Hall of Fame left fielder for the Boston Red Sox

Born: August 30th 1918. Died July 5th 2002

Other nicknames: Teddy Ballgame, The Splendid Splinter (among others).

Quote: Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.

Rev. Theodore "Ted" Martin Hesburgh. President, University of Notre Dame 1952-1987.

Born 5/25/1917.

Other nicknames: Father Ted.

Quote: The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

While there are many famous Theodore's (One of them is even a Chipmunk) to choose from. I picked these 3 to accompany the good doctor for these reasons:

1) They all at one time went by Teddy or Ted.

2) They all were alive at the same time. For about 18 months from May 1917 to early January 1919 they all breathed the same air.

3) Like Teddy Roosevelt the other 3 would be on the Mount Rushmore's of their chosen professions. Seuss made the Children's book what it currently is. Hessburgh is a revered figure in religious, academic and political circles. He is Guiness world record holder for honorary degrees. Ted Williams is the best baseball player of his generation.

Here is a quick video from: The original Cat in the Hat television special. The cat is voiced by Alan Sherman (Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah) also born in 1924.

And now 3 videos featuring other doctors who really weren't doctors at all:

1. Dr. Johnny Fever (portrayed by Howard Hesseman in WKRP in Cincinatti 1978-1982

2. Dwight "Doc" Gooden Major League Pitcher 1984-2000

He still owns the record for strikeouts as a rookie.

3. Dr Pepper

The soda was invented in 1885 at a drug store in Waco,Texas by Charles Alderton. It was introduced to the country at large at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis in 1904, the same year Geissel was being introduced.

Others born on March second include: Desi Arnaz (1917), Mikhail Gorbachev (1931), Karen Carpenter (1950) and Jon Bon Jovi (1962)

People of note born in 1904 Peter Lorre- Actor (Casablanca and Maltese Falcon), B.F. Skinner - Behaviorist ( or as psych 101 students call him, the rat man), and Johnny Weismuller. Olympic Medalist and Tarzan actor.

So that's it for me. No time left to tell you that when Amy and were getting married we registered for a copy of Greens Eggs and Ham. (See how I snuck that in.)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

HSD Rewind: The Oscars our Super Bowl

HSD Rewind: The Oscars, our Super Bowl.

Timely time to go into the vaults for today post.

Original Air Date : Feb 22 2009

My wife loves sports. She really does. She loves to play sports. She likes to see sports played by others live. What she does not love, or even like, is watching sports on t.v., listening to sports talk on the radio, and tracking statistics, magic numbers, and trade deadlines. So, we don't share the same enthusiasm for sports events like the Super Bowl.

Amy and I are movie people. Oscar night is our Super Bowl. The day the nominations come out we always say we have to see all these movies before the award show. We never get to all of them. I didn't see any of the best pictures noms this year. Amy saw a couple. Hello, 3 small children. I did see all the best animated noms. I saw Bolt 3 times. Don't ask.

This year was not the most rewarding of shows. We didn't realize until yesterday, that the show was today. We had a long day with church and visiting relatives and when we did watch the show, it was online while I finished our tax refund on the same computer. Amy is already in bed, and there are at least 5 major awards, a life time achievement award and my favorite, the "hey, look who died montage."

Amy, let's plan ahead next year and go to a Academy Award party or something. Cause watching the Academy Awards without you is as pleasing as watching the Super Bowl without commercials.

Meanwhile back in 2011:

We did not arrange to go to an Oscar party last year. However, as I type this post, I am sitting in my in-laws drive way (got to love wi-fi) waiting for puppy to wake up so I can go into a cousins 1st birthday party/Oscar viewing party. I am not sure if anyone besides Amy and I know it's an Oscar viewing party. But let's see them try to kick us out.

In preparation Amy and I have picked out who we think is going to win in all the categories. Puppy was upset to find out that Tangled only had 1 nomination (best song). That is one fine movie and our family liked it a lot better than Toy Story 3. But alas, we don't get to vote.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Six Word Saturday: Obvious to us edition!

I usually don't go ripped from the headlines here at HSD. But with all the rantings and ravings of one Charles Sheen. I thought my six words should be about what Amy and I and much of the Internet underground get that CBS and their viewership (It is the most popular show currently) don't get:

Very Simply, the show's not funny!!!!!!!!!

I have watched it on many occasions and have not thought about the possibility of laughing on one occasion. All 3 of the principals have been funny before and( if Sheen can keep off the stuff) can all be funny again. A few years ago the Internet was all abuzz with how dumb a show "What About Jim" was. What about Jim was certainly no Mad About You. But Two and a Half Men isn't even Patridge Family level!

It is too bad that it had take substance abuse to for the network of All in The Family,Dick Van Dyke, M*A*S*H, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, etc ... to put two and a half men in the tank.

P.S. lest' you think that I think that there is no good comedy in prime time any more check out Hulu for the latest episode of Community. Community isn't even a show I watch every week. But this episode about a school election is a laugh riot from beginning to end.

For more Six Words click here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

That's Just Nutty

I was at Artic Blast with Spider Droid this past Sunday and Monday at Camp Timber-Lee in East Troy, Wisconsin. A full review is on it's way. Consider this a tease. The above picture is Pattertwig and me. (I'm the one that's not a squirrel.) Pattertwig (named after the squirrel from Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis.) just jumped right on me. He was on me long enough for me to hand my camera to the Timber-Lee Staff member who snapped this picture.
At our house Pattertwig would be named Nutty. All squirrels that Puppy sees are named Nutty. Unless of course there are two squirrels together. Than 1 is Nutty and the other is Puddles, Nutty's wife. If there are 3 squirrels: Nutty, Puddles and their son, Bob. If there are 4 Bob gets a sister named Sally. God in his providential wisdom has never let Puppy see more than 4 squirrels together at one time.
If there are 3 squirrels in our yard and two go away. Whatever squirrel remains is called Nutty, regardless of what we were calling it before. This special kind of naming has led to a joke in our house modeled after the Pete and Repeat jokes.
Q:Nutty and Puddles were on a boat. Nutty fell off. Who was left?
A: Nutty

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Six Word Saturday.

I am a frequent contributor to Six Word Saturday from my main blog. In addition to the six I penned from HSD I have a sports related Six to share here:

Pitchers and Catchers report. Nuff' Said!

This past week spring training began for all major league baseball teams and the Royals and Nationals as well. (Just kidding K.C. and D.C.) It is one of my favorite times of the year. Each team can start afresh. There is a revitalization and renewal in the Arizona and Florida air. A "this could be the year." mentality percolates in the hearts and minds of fans, players, managers and owners alike.

The pitchers and catchers report in about a week earlier than the position players to start getting ready for the season. I am very excited about all the White Sox moves during the off season and am curious to see how they will gel in Spring Training. I was a little disappointed that Ryne Sandberg did not get the managerial gig on the North Side, But I am interested to see how Camp Quade will shake out.

Soon enough opening day will roll around, but lets enjoy the hopefulness that is Spring Training while we can. For more Six Word Saturday click here.

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25