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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Writers Workshop: 13 Lines about five things I enjoyed in 6th grade. (Paragraphy Edition)

Writer's Workshop is taking place again at The Sound of One Hand Typing.

Here are this week’s prompts: (The ones I chose are in bold.)
  1.  Write a post based on the word grudges. 
  2. Write a post in exactly 13 lines. 
  3. Write about something you learned in the month of February. 
  4. List your five favorite snack foods. 
  5. Tell us about the worst haircut you ever had. 
  6. What are the five things you enjoyed doing the most when you were in sixth grade? Do you still enjoy doing them?


  1. I have adjusted that to be exactly 13 sentences.
  2. In 1975 when I started 6th grade, I was a huge White Sox fan.
  3. In 6th grade I was still in the school band and I played the saxophone, I liked playing but was never very good at it, so that was my last year.
  4. They are still two passions of mine.
  5. I have been wanting for some years to write a  post using Paragraphy and will try to do that today.
  6. The other two were baseball and bicycling.
  7. Back then I was quite the television watcher and had the network schedule memorized.
  8. Fifty years later I still am.
  9. How Paragraphy works is you write a paragraph and then the sentences are randomly reordered.
  10. Even now when I hear about an old show, the first thing I think of is what network it was on and what day it aired.
  11. I will also try to remember back almost 50 years ago when I was in the 6th grade to think about the 5 things I enjoyed most back then and evaluate if I still lie them today.
  12. The prompt I chose for today is to write a post using exactly 13 lines.
  13. See if you can figure out the original order.
Click here for more Writer's Workshop.  In your comments to my post just order the letters to see if you can guess how my paragraph was supposed to turn out,

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

12 New Movies: The Emperor's New Groove 2000


Kuzco Cosplay - FanimeCon2017
By Michael Ocampo from United States - FanimeCon 2017 647CC BY 2.0Link

The second  new (to me) film I watched this year was the 2000 Disney animated comedy film, The Emperor's New Groove.

 As in the last review, I will attempt to do the following: 

  1. Rate each movie on a 1 (worst movie ever) to 5 (best movie I have seen) scale.
  2.  Provide a 2-3 sentence summary of the movie. 
  3.  I will share 1 theme from the movie.  
  4. Write one thing I liked about the movie and 1 thing I disliked about the movie. 
  5. State who I think would make the best audience for this movie. 

The Emperor's New Groove (2000) Rating 4 stars out of 5 

 Summary: A young selfish Peruvian emperor Kuzco, (voiced by David Spade)  is accidentally transformed into a llama by his wicked advisor in a failed assassination attempt. The Tribal leader, Pacha  (voiced by John Goodman) that Kuzco is trying to usurp land from  begrudgingly tries to restore Kuzco back into himself.   Over the course of their arduous journey, the emperor begins to see himself in a new light.   

Theme: One theme of the movie is the difficulties involved in putting others needs ahead of your own. 

 Likes: The emperor's new groove is an extremely funny movie.  The humor is both character driven and through it's over the top ridiculousness and frenetic pace.

Dislikes: The plot of the movie sometimes suffers from the slapstick nature of the film.  I think repeat viewing may place more emphasis on the emotional unevenness of the plot.  

 A Good Audience for this Film: People who like their Disney animated movies with less musical interludes, fans of Shrek, David Spade, and fast paced romps should enjoy this movie.   

2025 New To Me Film Update

 I have watched and reviewed 2 films:
Films released from 2009 to 2024                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1994 to 2008                      Watched 1 Remaining 1 
Films released from 1979 to 1993                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1964 to 1978                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released from 1949 to 1963                      Watched 0 Remaining 2 
Films released before 1934 and up to 1948       Watched 1 Remaining 1 

 My Daughter Lucy  and I watched this film at the local movie theatre that we work at.  It was part of an Employee appreciation party.  Watching it in a theatre setting with our co-workers was very enjoyable.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Team Saturdazzle: The One Where I Finally Say Something About President Trump

 Wow.  This year is flying by fast.  It's already the last Saturdazzle of the month for the 2nd time this year.  

If you are a regular reader of this blog, or if you are joining in from my Facebook page, you may be confused by the title of this post.  "What?!? Roller talks about Trump all the stinking time.  He even had his Dad teach him how to play bridge so he could say No Trump. more often.", you might be thinking to yourself. (You may even be thinking parenthetically, that you're not sure if thoughts  should be in quotation marks).

The truth is that  in this blog, I have not written a thing about President Trump all year.  That isn't to say I haven't had thoughts,  I've had thoughts! Here's two I'd like to share today:

1. President Trump is My President.

I don't know where it started, or where I first heard it, but it seems very likely regardless  of who  is the  current president, or who's the governor of your state that you may hear or read someone mention, "He's not my president."  or  "She's not my governor".  This bothers me in many ways, but mainly linguistically.  

If I live in Elgin, Illinois,  (#Ido), the mayor of that city is  my mayor.  It doesn't matter, if I don't know his or her name (#IdoIjustlookeditup) or if I voted for him, (#Idid), that's my mayor.

On January 20th 2025 10:00 A.M. central time Joe Biden was my President.  No, I didn't vote for him.  No, I don't agree with him on a number of issues, but I'm a U.S. citizen as he was in the last hour of his presidency  for that hour he was  still my president.  

In the same way by noon central time  Donald Trump had again become my president.  I trust Trump about as far as I can throw Mount Rushmore.  I didn't vote for him in the 2016, 2020, or 2024 primaries or general elections but yet he's my president.

Saying someone is not your president, when they are is not to me an act of defiance, nor a nod of a disapproval.  It's more like saying I'm only part of my country when I agree with their choices.  I understand  the voting process the way  we elect our public officials but then those  elected officials  work for all of us and represent all of us.  This is why they are our elected officials.  While it's an essential part of our democracy to speak up when we disagree with our elected officials, disagreeing with them in no way makes them no longer our leaders.  It's because they are our leaders that we can  ask them to change. I live in the state of Illinois and a Republican presidential candidate has not won the state of Illinois since 1988.  Does that mean that President George W. Bush or President Trump aren't the President in Illinois.  No! Nor does it matter that I haven't voted for a winning presidential candidate in over 2 decades.  The President of the U.S. is my president and this brings me to my second point.

2. President Trump is not my savior, but he's not the devil either.  

As stated before, I have not posted on this blog  about President Trump all year.  This can not be said when it comes to  posting  my Facebook account.  Several times  I have written there about our current president.  A few weeks nto his most recent term, I asked my FB friends to mention one thing Trump had done in those two weeks which they liked and one thing he had done which they didn't like.  

I have 441 FB friends. Two gave me one thing they liked and one thing they didn't like.  My submission made for a total of three.  3 out of 442? Wow!

 I'm not exactly sure why it was this low.  Many people on FB say good things about him and many people say bad things about him.  How come so few can  mention both the good and the bad?  

We are all created in God's image, so we all have good inside of us.  We also are all sinners who have  fallen short of the glory of God so we all have bad coming out of us. Finding both good and bad should not be that hard of an exercise.  And if it is, then since we are called to pray for our elected officials maybe we should spend more time trying to think about good and bad things that they are doing to aid in our prayers.  

One of my FB friends asked why I hadn't done such an exercise when Biden was President.  I had  in fact done a very similar exercise when Biden was president. But I'll go ahead and conclude  this segment by  saying one good and one bad thing about both President Trump and former President Biden.

Donald Trump 

Good:  When he was on  The Apprentice, I liked how in the board room segments he would make  the contestants take responsibility for their actions.  There was one episode where a project manager was talking about how great he ran his team for that week. Trump turned it around on him and asked, Did you win?  Which of course he had not, which is why he was in the board room to begin with.

Bad: As a candidate and as president I have never seen him follow his own advice and admit a mistake.  This is shown most in his inability to concede the 2020 Presidential Election.

Joe Biden

Good:  Biden thought about the good of the country and the good of his party before choosing to drop out of the 2024 election.  

Bad: I didn't mind that he pardoned his son Hunter, I just don't like that he did it after saying that he wasn't going to.

Note: The things I mentioned about Trump are not the same things I mentioned on my Facebook Page.  Here is what I said on Facebook: 

 A good thing I think Trump has done is pardon the 23 people who were being prosecuted under the F.A.C.E act Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances. A bad thing Trump had done is the pardoning or commuting the sentence of all 1500 people convicted of crimes during the events at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021

Coming Soon: Levi A to Z

Sometimes I like to use Team Saturdazzle as  a place to start the conversation about topics I'm preparing future posts about.  

A to Z challenge Update.  I believe I have a topic for the upcoming challenge.  I am in the process of preparing posts and making a theme reveal post as well.

Speaking of Alpha and Omegas: I have some future posts featuring a pair of  Levi's.  This pair is well worn on the pages of my blog.  The first is Allen Levi, a member of my Big 5 list of favorite musicians.  Actually I have 2 upcoming posts featuring Allen.  The second Levi, is Chuck Bartowski, Flynn Rider, Captain Marvel and Kurt Warner rolled into one, Zachary Levi.  I watched The Unbreakable Boy earlier today and hope to post a short review before the next Saturdazzle.  

 There are 24 hours in a day but  only 24 minutes left of  this particular Saturdazzle.  So on that mathematical non sequitur, I bid you farewell.  

Monday, February 17, 2025

Two 10.70 solves

My Son Charlie competed in anoter Rubiks Cube event this weekend. He films all his solves and made this cool video with two solves with nearly identical times from different days of the event.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Stats Sunday: Worst thing about the 2024 White Sox

The Chicago White Sox start ful squad workout for  2025 Spring Training tomorrow.  I thought this might be a good time to review the 2024 team.  The 2023 White Sox were horrible.  They were record breaking bad. I know, can I analyze or what?

One stat more than any other shows how bad their start to the season was.  This stat would be the number of 1 game losing streaks the White Sox had in the first half of the season.  A 1 game losing streak may sound like a bad thing but it is actually pretty good. A 1 game losing streak is really a series of 3 games in a row, a win followed by a loss followed by another win.  Here is a list of the 30 MLB teams last year listed with their record after 71 games and how many 1 game losing streaks they had at that point of the season.  

Arizona Diamondbacks        34-37         12

Atlanta Braves                      40-31         12

Baltimore Orioles                 47-24        10

Boston Red Sox                  36-35          7

Chicago Cubs                     34-37          12

Chicago White Sox             18-53          0

Cincinatti Reds                    34-37          8

Cleveland Guardians           45-26          10

Colorado Rockies                25-46          5

Detroit Tigers                      34-37           7

Houston Astros                    32-39           11

Kansas City Royals             40-31            10

Los Angeles Angels             28-43            7

Los Angeles Dodgers           43-28           10

Miami Marlins                     23-48            6

Milwaukee Brewers             42-29            11

Minnesota Twins                  39-32             9

New York Mets                    34-37              7

New York Yankees               49-22              8

Philadelphia Phillies             47-24              13

Pittsburgh Pirates                  34-37              10

San Diego Padres                  36-35               11     

San Francisco Giants             34-37              13

Seattle Mariners                     40-32              12

St. Louis Cardinals                 36-35              12

Tampa Bay Rays                     33-38              10

Texas Rangers                         33-38              13

Toronto Blue Jays                    35-36              10

Washington Nationals              35-36              11

In 71 games all the other teams in Major League Baseball had at least 5 1 game losing streaks.  1 game losing streaks are a key to any kind of sustained success.  A 1 game losing streak means you can start inching back up in the win column.  If its multiple losses are followed by a win or two and then followed by multiple losses you are never going to gain any momentum.   

lack of momentum was certainly yjr case for the 2024 White Sox. This was partially  because it took  72 games to finally stop the bleeding after a 1 game losing streak.  By that tine they were 19-53.  In the 90 games left in the season they would have needed to go 62-28 to get to .500.  They did not go 62-28 in their last 90, They went 22-68 or .244 which was actually worse than the  .263 winning percentage for the 1st 72 games.

Very few people including myself, expect the White Sox to be much better than they were last year.  They may well lose 100 or more game s for the 3rd year in a row.  One thing  I will be looking at is  if they can  put a win or two together and then lose just 1 game before getting back in the win column.  In fact I have a plan for a future  Stats Sunday focusing on  how long it takes each team to stop a losing streak at just one game.  Hopefully the White Sox won't be the last team to achieve that this year.  

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25