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Thursday, February 5, 2009

10 40 Window

When I was in college, I went twice to a once-in-a-life-time event called the Urbana Missions Conference.

For more about the Urbana Missions Conference click here.

At my second conference, Urbana '90, I attended with many friends from the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship chapter of Western Illinois University, including my friend Geoff.

To find out more about Inter-Varsity click here (Do you sense a vast click here conspiracy?).

At the conference, many of the speakers talked about, what is known in missions circles, as the 10 40 (ten-forty) window. For more about the 10 40 window click here.

I don't think Geoff really caught on to what the 10-40 window is. He thought it meant I'll get married and have 10 kids by the time I'm 40.

Yesterday, in my mail, I got an invitation to an open house at Geoff's place. The signature advised that they were expecting again. That's 10 kids, and Geoff won't be 40 until this summer.

Congratulations Geoff and Kim!

Next time: Seasons/Annual passes, Deal or no Deal?

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A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25