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Monday, June 1, 2015

Your Basic Dave: An Intro

 When I went back to work in 2013 and stopped being the everyday home educucator.  I  began to think whether I would still blog and what I would blog about.  I opened this blog, but only posted one time. . I have since deleted that post.  I wrote at that time that " If our family ever does stop homeschooling.  I intend YBD to become my main blog. "  As I announced in the recent HSD, we have stopped homeschooling, at least for a sesaon.  I am in the process of mothballing HSD, and will be posting here and at HSD concurrently through the summer.  In September, I will be posting only here.

What can you expect at YBD?  You can expect your basic Dave.  Funny.  Crazy.  Sarcastic.  Eclectic, Encouraging,  Absent Minded.  I am not sure exactly what this blog will look like in the next few months and years.  But as Kermit and Fozzie like to sing, getting there is half the fun, come share it with me.

I have to be moving right along. Later Gators.

Next Time:  Nouns.

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A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25