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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Muzak Lessons: Fathers Day Edition

Muzak Lessons: Fathers Day Edition

I was at work yesterday, and since I was working a 10 p.m. to 6 a.m shift at my local supermarket, yesterday became today rather quickly.  While I was restocking the grocery shelves, a couple of songs played on the sound system that reminded me that the today that yesterday had just become was Father's Day.  

Neither song was being played in particular because it was Father's Day.  Each of the songs is played at least twice a week as I go from aisle to aisle stocking groceries  and straightening them so the customers can easily get what they need.  I don't believe I had ever heard either song until 3 months ago when both my previous jobs were put in a holding pattern because of a certain pandemic playing through on the golf course of life.  

The first,  Something to be Proud Of  by Montgomery Gentry makes me cry every time I hear it.  I think part of that is context because most of the times I hear it when the lyric "When you're doing what you're able and putting food upon the table." I am standing on a milk crate literally and figuratively in the process of putting food upon the table.

I may have  never made a living using the degree I obtained from university.  However my Dad raised me with a work ethic that I still have to this day and even though I've had my share of "nothing" jobs, they have always meant something to me and the people I work for.

"Something To Be Proud Of"

There's a story that my daddy tells religiously
Like clockwork every time he sees an opening
In a conversation about the way things used to be
Well I'd just roll my eyes and make a bee-line for the door
But I'd always end up starry-eyed, cross-legged on the floor
Hanging on to every word
Man, the things I heard

It was harder times and longer days
Five miles to school, uphill both ways
We were cane switch raised, and dirt floor poor
'Course that was back before the war
Yeah, your uncle and I made quite a pair
Flying F-15's through hostile air
He went down but they missed me by a hair
He'd always stop right there and say...

That's something to be proud of
That's a life you can hang your hat on
That's a chin held high as the tears fall down
A gut sucked in, a chest stuck out
Like a small town flag a-flyin'
Or a newborn baby cryin'
In the arms of the woman that you love
That's something to be proud of

Son graduatin' college, that was mama's dream
But I was on my way to anywhere else when I turned 18
Cuz when you gotta fast car you think you've got everything
I learned quick those GTO's don't run on faith
I ended up broken down in some town north of L.A.
Working maximum hours for minimum wage
Well, I fell in love, next thing I know
The babies came, the car got sold
I sure do miss that old hot rod
But you sure save gas in them foreign jobs
Dad, I wonder if I ever let you down
If you're ashamed how I turned out
Well, he lowered his voice, then he raised his brow
Said, lemme tell ya right now

That's something to be proud of
That's a life you can hang your hat on
You don't need to make a million
Just be thankful to be workin'
If you're doing what you're able
And putting food there on the table
And providing for the family that you love
That's something to be proud of

And if all you ever really do is the best you can
Well, you did it man

That's something to be proud of
That's a life you can hang your hat on
That's a chin held high as the tears fall down
A gut sucked in, a chest stuck out
Like a small town flag a-flyin'
Or a newborn baby cryin'
In the arms of the woman that you love
That's something to be proud of
That's something to be proud of
Yeah, that's something to be proud of
That's something to be proud of
Now that's something to be proud of

The second song was Busy Man by Billy Ray Cyrus which warns about the other side of providing for your family and that is losing focus of why you're working in the first place.  I'm more of a Cat's in the Cradle kind of guy, but this has a happier outcome.  

Billy Ray Cyrus Lyrics

Play "Busy Man"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)
"Busy Man"

There's a little boy out in the driveway his basketball in hand
Saying Daddy could we play a little one on one
You pat him on the back and say not now son I'm a busy man

His sister's out on the sidewalk settin' up a lemonade stand
Hey daddy don't you want to buy a glass from me
You say maybe later can't you see I'm a busy man

You got to go got to run hit it hard and get it done
Everyone can see you're going far
You got responsibilities a crazy schedule that you keep
And when you say that time's a wastin'
You don't know how right you are busy man

There's a woman in the bedroom crying sayin' I thought we had plans
You say honey I'm sorry I'll make it up
When the job slows down and I'm not such a busy man

You got to go got to run...

Have you ever seen a headstone with these words
If only I had spent more time at work

There's a call one day from the office they need you down in Birmingham
You say no way the weekend's mine
I got plans with the kids and a date with my wife I'm a busy man

You got to go got to run take a break and have some fun
Those that love you most say you've come far
Got some new priorities in that schedule that you keep
And when you say that time's a wastin'
Now you know how right you are busy man busy man

Well I'm off to work. Happy Father's Day.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Phil Vischer Race in America

Phil Vischer one of the creators of Veggie Tales.  Veggie Tales started as a children's video series and did not only contain sound Biblical teaching for children.  It also was quite hillarious for the whole family. 
 Vischer has worked on other projects since Veggie Tales such as Jelly Telly and What's In the Bible.  He also has a podcast called Holy Post which this video comes from.  In the video Vischer gives a 17 minute history lesson about racia inequality in this country.  It is both harrowing and fascinating.  If you are a big Veggie Tale fan, it may be a little disconcerting as at points it sounds like Bob the Tomato is giving a history lesson.  (Vischer provide's Bob's voice for Veggie Tales.) Once you get past that, I hope you are as challenged by this as I was.  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Quick Random Takes

Welcome back to Dave Out Loud  and the innaugural episode  of Quick  Random Takes.  Here is a quick intro and the picking of the first topic.  

Here is our first topic, Chronicles of Narnia.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

My Son the Graduate

My Son Charlie graduates from high school today.  Charlie was home schooled from birth to fifth grade. He was the 2nd born in our family.  When he was born my wife was already "playing" school with our 2 year old  and Big Dude (one of a multitude of nick names we saddled the poor kid with over the years)  was incorporated into their home school routine right along.  He went to public school in 6th grade, we were fortunate to home school him again for 7th grade and did his last 5 years of school in public school.



Charlie excelled in high school and we are very proud of his accomplishments.  But this is my blog not his, so let's talk about me.

I have had many roles in Charlie's life.  I was the principal of our home school.  I stayed at home when he was in first to fifth grade and was his main teacher.  I helped him learn to read.  I taught him how to ride a bike.  I've been his coach, his youth group leader for 6 years.  We have gone on two mission trips together and he has even been my co-worker at a local movie theatre.  



Cannon Fodder

Our relationship has changed quite a bit over the years.  I've gone from his hero to the embarrassing guy with the bad puns.  This year has been a transition year as he prepares for whatever the next chapter of his life is going to be and I get use to the notion that he will be penning these chapters almost entirely on his own.  I've been trying to step back from a leadership role in his life to an advisory one.  Something I've been getting a little better at lately, mainly because I was doing it so very badly to begin with. 


Before I end this post with some uncaptioned glimpses from over the  years, I will share  a hopeful anecdote. Over the past few years Charlie has taken up walking, running and cycling: 3 activities I've really enjoyed in my life.  Last Sunday, he went cycling with a friend from the youth group and they dropped by the house on a way to a local park to toss a frisbee around.  Frisbee is another thing I really enjoy, I walked out to the front yard to say hi and bye when Charlie invited me to come and play frisbee with them.  I'm crying even now as I recall how overwhelmed I was by the invitation.  I went and I had a great time and I think they did as well.  I hope this is just one of many activities that Charlie and I will enjoy together in the years to come.  Not only as father and son but as adults, and as friends.  


A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25