Before the videos commence let’s review the concept of quick random takes.
1. Quick
Some of my videos can be rather lengthy. These videos will be me speaking on a topic for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
2. Random
When I begin filming, I have no idea what the topic will be. I have a number of topic idea written down that I choose from, sometimes out of a hat. Some of these suggestions are my own, others are from family members. If you like you can make a suggestion by writing it in the comments section. On some pieces of paper I have written wild card. If I pick a wild card I pick the topic on the spot.
3. Takes
A little double meaning on this one. Primarily I am giving my “take” on what ever topic I pick. That,s pretty straight forward. The second is that I have a tendency to film a Dave out loud and make a mistake, or get interrupted and film it again, and again, and , well you get the point. This can be time consuming and frustrating. So I decided at the outset of quick random takes that I would film two takes and then choose the one to post. So far for the first two episodes , it’s been the second one. I don’t know about this one as I have not filmed it yet. I’m going to go do that now.
1. Picking the topic.
And now Dave’s Quick Random Take
This was also take 2 as the past episodes have been. Maybe one day I’ll share the first takes here. I wanted to also share a link to a Mr. Rogers episode but instead I’ll share this link to him testifying before Congress in 1969 for funding for what eventually became PBS.
In the video he talks about how feelings are mentionable and manageable. I think that is a profound concept. I hope you enjoyed today’s edition of Quick Random Takes.
I am now in the process of revamping Dave out Loud. The last time I posted here was 1 year 3 months 1 week and 2 days ago. The time before that I was gone 2 years 8 months 3 week and 2 days. So I'm getting better.
I figured I needed a plan if I want this new reboot to work. I think I came up with one. I am going to start a new feature called quick random takes. If you've ever watched Whose Line is it anyway? it will be like scenes from a hat, but instead of scenes it will be me talking. Every week I'll ask my family members and my viewers to give me suggestions on something to talk about for a minute or two. I will then take all those suggestions and put them all in a hat. I will also write random on one of the sheets. If I pick the piece of paper that says random I just have to come up with a topic on the spot. After I pick the topic I'll just speak for 1 -2 minutes and then post the video.
The next time I'll keep the previous suggestions and get some more. Each week I'll make one suggestion of my own and add one more wild card. I may do other types of videos as well and begin sharing other peoples videos as I have in the past. I think one of the reasons I stopped posting here was the coming up with ideas part and then also the filming the idea part. I hope this will jump start the creative process.
So next time I hope to come back with an inaugural video for the segment. Until then
No, I can't handle it. I must include a video. Dave Out Loud without a video is like minor league baseball without kids running the bases at the end. You can do it, it's just not as fun.
With that in mind here's a video of some of my family members running bases after a minor league baseball game.