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Sunday, February 28, 2021
The Tonight Show: A History of Hosts
Sunday, February 21, 2021
I like spotify. I only use it sporadically, but when I do, I go to town. I especially like creating playlists. I recently created a playlist entitled 40% Stonehill. Of the 25 songs I have on the playlist so far 10 have them are from Randy Stonehill. If you do the math that means 40% of the songs on the playlist are stonehill songs.
The other night I listened to 10 of the songs and am going to write a little bit about each one.

Song 1: In Jesus Name - Randy Stonehill from The Lazarus Heart (1994)

Thoughts: I love everything about the bridge in this song.
The Lyrics: Mercy is the miracle by which we stand. Mercy that comes pouring down from nail scarred hands. Mercy pouring out from nail scarred hands.
The Guest Artist: Stonehill employs Michael W Smith to sing the bridge and MWS nails it.
The Signature Move: The bridge hits it's powerful climax with the requisite yeah yeahs that Smitty is known for.
Song 2. If I Stand - Rich Mullins from Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth (1988)

This album contains the song Awesome God that propelled Mullins to the top of contemporary Christian music at the time. However, it is the lyrics from If I Stand where the album derives it's title. Also this song is imbued with much more lyrical depth and sheer poetry than Awesome God. If I Stand is one of many fine songs on Winds O Stuff O (my nickname for the album) that along with Awesome God displays the passionate genius of Mullins.
Song 3: It's Now - Randy Stonehill from Can't Buy A Miracle (1988)

Thoughts: It had been quite a while since I had heard this song. Of all the Stonehill songs mentioned on these 10 songs it may be my least favorite. However, I do like this rocking anthem and was struck by how timely the lyrics are 1/3 of a century after it's original release.
Think about 2020 and consider these lyrics:
The world is spinning faster,
It's out of control, it's out of control,
In the air is the smell of disaster,
No running away, it's time to say who we're gonna choose to make our master.
Song 4: I'm A Punk - Alan Sherman

Thoughts: I'm a Punk is a song from the 1971 cartoon adaptation of the Cat in The Hat. Even though my family grew up listening to the music of Alan Sherman, I didn't realize until recently that Sherman had provided the voice for T Geisel's titular cat, This song reminds me of a first person version of you're a mean one Mr. Grinch,
Song 5:We Were All so Young - Randy Stonehill from Edge of the World 2002

This song about the beginning of the Jesus Music era features many of the pioneers of the Jesus Music era, which I guess is the point.
The Guest Artists: Larry Norman, Phil Keaggy, Annie Herring, Noel Paul Stookey Barry McGuire and Love Song.
Song 6 Deep Calling Deep - Margaret Becker from Grace 1995

I'm a big fan of Maggie B. Deep Calling Deep which opens her 1995 album Grace (The follow up to Soul and the end of her 1 word album phase) goes along way to explaining why. Soulful. wistful, haunting and rocking all in the same package. an
Song7: American Fast Food. Randy Stonehill Equator 1982

Have you ever had a moment that started as a dream come true and ended up a nightmare? Thia aong reminds me of one such time. A few years ago my family drove to Indinapolis to visit friends and watch Randy Stonehill in concert. It was an intimate gathering and Stonehill asked for a volunteer to belch during this song which is the high point of the song. I volunteered and totally biffed the belch. It took me a long time before I could appreciate this song again. Sorry Sir Stonehill. I'll tty not to bring it up again(belching humor).
Song 8: The Pirates Who Don't do Anything - Veggie Tales

I'm a big fan of Phil Vischer and all things Veggietales. I especially love silly songs with Larry. The song the Pirates who don't do anything really has had a life of it's own. I think it's the only song to have recurring parts in veggiedom. They came back to host the silly song countdown and were featured prominently in both veggie tales movies. Usually my favorite silly song is whatever I'm listening to at the time, but, this is the one I listen to the most. I still haven't been to Boston in the Fall.
Song 9: Finish Well - Randy Stonehill from Spirit Walk (2011)

The last Stonehill song of the 10 finishes well. Besides having a very similar melody as Randy's Stop the World it is a good song, My favorite line is chase the fickle butterfly of cool.
Song 10 Wind and Wave Jacob's Trouble from Door Into Summer (1989)

Jacob's Trouble is my favorite band to play ping pong to and Wind and Wave is one of my favorite songs of theirs. Instead of talking about them I'll just show a video of them performing it back in '91.
I hope you enjoyed this special glimpse into my musical tastes. It is something I hope to do again.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Dave Out Loud : Quick Random Takes Quiznos
Sunday, February 14, 2021
How to Get Through 2021: Shoulder to Shoulder
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Hall of Fame Voting Results 2021
The 2021 BBWAA voting for the Hall of Fame was announced on January 26th. For the 3rd time since 1996 no one received the 75% of the vote needed for enshrinement this year.
Here is a quick list of the voting results with years on ballot this years % & last years percentage (where applicable) and where they appeared on my unofficial ballot(Those ranking 4th or higher would have been on my official ballot if I had one). Ranked in descending order of vote received.
Curt Schilling 9th year on ballot 71.1 % in 2021 70% in 2020 Schilling was 4th on my 2021 ballot.
Barry Bonds 9th year on ballot 61.8% in 2021 60.7% in 2020 I did not vote for Bonds.
Roger Clemens 9th year on ballot 61.6% in 2021 61% in 2020 I did not vote for Clemens
Scott Rolen 4th year on ballot 52.9% in 2021 35.3% in 2020 Rolen was 7th on my 2021 ballot.
Omar Vizquel 4th year on ballot 49.1% in 2021 52.6% in 2mmy021 Vizquel was 2nd on my 2021 ballot.
Billy Wagner 6th year on ballot 46.4% in 2021 31.7% in 2020. I did not vote for Wagner in 2021.
Todd Helton 3rd year on ballot 44.9% in 2021 29.2 in 2020. Helton was 3rd on my ballot in 2021.
Gary Sheffield 7th year on ballot 40.6% in 2021 30.5% in 2020. Sheffield would have appeared 11th on my 2021 ballot. (official ballots can only have as many as 10 players on them)
Andruw Jones 4th year on ballot 33.9% in 2021 and 19.4% in 2020. Andruw was 8th on my ballot in 2021.
Jeff Kent 8th year on ballot 32.4% in 2021 27.5% in 2020. Kent was 6th on my ballot in 2021.
Manny Ramirez 5th year on ballot 28.2% in 2021 and 2020. I did not vote for Ramirez.
Sammy Sosa 9th year on ballot. 17% in 2021 13.9% in 2020. I did not vote for Sosa.
Andy Pettitte 3rd year on ballot. 13.7% in 2021 11.3% in 2020. I did not vote for Pettitte in 2021.
Mark Buehrle 1st year on ballot received 11% this year and was 1st on my ballot.
Torii Hunter 1st year on ballot received 9.5% this year and was 9th on my ballot.
Bobby Abreu 2nd year on ballot received 8.7% in 2021 5.5% in 2020 Bobby was 10th on my ballot in 2021
Tim Hudson 1st year on ballot received 5.2% in 2020 and I did not vote for Hudson this year.
These 17 players are eligible to return to the ballot on 2022
Other 1st year playes receiving votes were Aramis Ramirez (who would have been 13th on my ballot) LaTroy Hawkins and Barry Zito. 5 players (AJ Burnett, Shane Victorino, Dan Haren, Michael Cuddyer and Nick Swisher) failed to receive any votes.
This years vote was the first time since 2013 that no one was voted in by the members of the BBWAA a look back at the 2013 ballot should give the players shutout on this years a vote a reason for hope. 17 players from the 2013 ballot returned to the 2014 ballot. These 13 did not include Dale Murphy who was in his last year of eligibility. 4 of those players were on the ballot for the first time are still on the ballot (Schilling, Bonds, Clemens & Sosa). 9 Of the 13 remaining have since been inducted to Cooperstown.
Here is a list of those 9 in descending order of votes received in 2013
Craig Biggio was in his 1st of year eligibility and received 68.2 % of the vote in 2013. He increased his % to 74.8% of the vote in 2014 (just missing the 75% threshhold for enshrinement) and then in 2015 in his third year on the ballot was inducted with 82.7% of the ballot.
Jack Morris was in his 14th year of eligibility in 2013. This was back when candidates were on the ballot for a maximum of 15 years rather than 10. He received 67.7% in 2013 61.5% in 2014 on his last chance for enshrinement through the BBWAA. In 2018 Morris was elected to the Hall of Fame through the veterans committee.
Jeff Bagwell was in his 3rd year on the ballot in 2013 where he received 59.6 % of the vote. In 2014 he went down to 54.3 and up to 55.7% in 2015. His percentage increase by more than 15% in each of the next 2 years culminating with his election to Cooperstown in 2017
Like Schilling, Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, & Biggio, Mike Piazza was on the BBWAA ballot for the first time in 2013. Piazza received over 55% of the vote in 2013 and increased into the 60's the next 2 elections until garnering 83% in 2016 on his way to Cooperstown.
Tim Raines was in his 6th year on the ballot in 2013 where he received 52 % of the vote. In 2014 his votes went down to 46.4% due to the election of Frank Thomas, of 7 Maddux and Tom Glavine in their first year of eligibility. In 2015 received 55% of the votes and then went up to 69.8% in 2016 and over 80% in 2017 achieving the Hall of Fame.
Lee Smith was in his 11th year on the ballot in 2013 where he received 47.8 % of the vote. In 2014 after receiving between 35 & 51 % of the vote in first 11 years of the ballot Smith saw his numbers drop. He went from 47.8 % in 2013 to 29.8 % in 2014. His numbers increased a little in each of his last 3 years on the ballot and his final BBWAA % was 34.2% in 2017. 2 years later in 1019 the Veteran's committee came calling and he was inducted into Cooperstown.
Edgar Martinez was in his 4th year of eligibility when he received 35.4% of the vote in the 2013 ballot. His % decreased to the 20's the following 2 years due mainly to the influx of 7 1st year hall of famers on those ballots and the 10 player limit imposed on the writers. In 2016 Martinez rose to 43.4% and increased by about 15% each year until 2019 where he received 85.4% of the vote in his last year of eligibility.
Alan Trammell received 33.6 % of the vote in 2013 on his 12th year on the ballot. This percentage dropped to 20.8 in 2013 increased to 25.1 in 2015 and went up again to 40.9% in 2016 on his final year on the writer's ballot. The Veteran's Committe elected him to Cooperstown in 2018.
Larry Walker was in his 3rd year on the ballot in 2013 when he received 21.6% of the vote. Walkers votes went down in 2014 and 2015 and slowly climbed back up year after year until reaching 76.6% of the vote last year.
Fred McGriff, Mark McGwire, Don Mattingly and Rafael Palmeiro returned to the 2014 ballot and have all since been eliminated from election by the BBWAA. They could still make it to Cooperstown by means of the Veteran's Committee.
Of the 9 Hall of Famers (so far) from the 2013 ballot 6 were elected on the writer's ballot and 3 by the veteran's committee.
In 1996 there were also no players receiving the need 75% of votes on the writer's ballot needed for induction to Cooperstown. Since then 7 players from that ballot have been inducted Although Joe Torre was inducted in 2014 as a manager and not a player. . The other 6 are Phil Niekro (1997 BBWAA), Tony Perez 2000, BBWAA), Don Sutton (1998 BBWAA), Ron Santo (2012 Veteran's Committee), Jim Rice (2009 BBWAA) & Bruce Sutter (2006 BBWAA). There are several players from that ballot including Dick Allen who may someday join the other 7 inductees via the Veteran's Committee.
While the tales of the players from the 1996 & 2013 ballots may encourage the players from the 2021 ballot about their future in the hall their immediate inclusion seems less likely. No players are aging off the ballot this year and players like David Ortiz and Alex Rodriguez are being added to the 2022 ballot. Curt Schillings seems to have the next chance for Cooperstown in 2022 as he has 4% of voters to gain. He recently asked to be removed from the ballot and while that doesn't seem likely this may not increase his chances on maintainig his votes let alone garnering new support.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
A Quote to Start Things Off
Blog Tryouts - Commenters Edition
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