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Showing posts with label Three Things Thursday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Things Thursday. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A birthday party fit for a bunny

Today is the official bunny girl birthday. If you are reading this in the year 2010, she has turned 11. I set the post to publish automatically at the time she was born (8:16 pm.) It is a Thursday and she was born on a Thursday. Speaking of Thursday, I have not posted a 3 Things Thursday for a fortnight or two. I do have 3 birthday related photos from her surprise party Sunday.

1. I like this picture cause it shows our bunny girl at the point of being surprised at her birthday party on Sunday. I especially like it, because it shows Amy in the background. Amy was definitely in the background making sure the party went off without a hitch.

2. This is just a moment later; her brother and cousin are enjoying her surprise.
3. She received many cool presents. Her favorite was a paint set and sketch book from her cousin. Here she is with one of the paintings she has made already.
Happy Birthday little Bunny. Hope you have a fantastical year. We all love you very much.
Next Time: A No Tears Formula that works.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things Fortnightly

I am a few book reviews behind and have decided that these reviews will be my "things" for this edition of things fortnightly.
Review 1: Down To The Wire By David Rosenfelt

David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter books are series that my wife and I enjoy very much. Down to the Wire is Rosenfelt's second foray outside the series. The result is a much more satisfying read than his previous Carpenterless contribution: Don't tell a soul.
While I still prefer the Andy Carpenter books, Down to the Wire takes some of the more evocative elements from Don't Tell a Soul and even a secondary character and creates a vibrant, humorous page turner.

Review 2: A Mountain of Crumbs by Elena Gorokhova
This book is a memoir of Soviet life from the late 1950's through the 70's. Gorkhova presents a sometimes sentimental and sometime sardonic view of growing up Russian.
Having lived in Russia from 1992 to 1994 this book really struck a chord with me. While my Russian experience was in a different continent (I lived in Far East Russia and she lived in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg ) in Europe and both Gorokhova and her mother (the 2 principal characters) in the book were both residing in New Jersey by the time my Russian adventures began, Their Russia and my Russia were eerily similar.

This enchanting memoir really swept me off my feet. Her use of the English language is much more powerful than my own and it is not her native language. I would have liked to have read more about her husband and daughter. But like most good books, you are left wanting more.

Review 3: Autumn With the Moodys by Sarah Maxwell

A few years ago I picked up this book at a home school seminar. It is the second a four book series. My daughter Emma really enjoyed it, so this Summer I read it to the whole family, a chapter at a time after dinner.

It is the story of a home school family with 4 children and a 5th on the way. This particular book follows their exploits through the season of Autumn. While the book is based on the author's own family, it reads like a fiction in comparison to our own family. The children get along with each other and are generally obedient and compliant.

I was actually pretty surprised that all 3 of my kids like the book when our own life is so different than theirs. I would highly recommend this book, but be prepared if your family doesn't stack up. Another feature of a good book is that it leaves you wanting more for yourself.

Those are all the things I have for today. If you would like to share your things link them below.

Next Time: A rant about a beer commercial

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Catching Up

Things Fortnightly time once again.

This week's theme is catching up.

Thing 1. Dropping in.

Sometimes we catch up with people when they drop in for a visit.

These paratroopers were a highlight of a wonderful visit to Cantigni park in Wheaton for Scout-A-Rama. Been meaning to post these pictures for a while and am just catching up to it now.

Thing 2. Has it really been that long?

I recently had the opportunity to catch up with several friends that I knew in my high school days. We got together last weekend, sang some of the old songs and had a great time visiting with each other. What's really odd with seeing people that you've known for pushing 30 years is that some of the things that you remember the person for, they have forgotten and vice versa.

Thing 3: Catching up on Labels

A few months ago when this blog celebrated 300 posts. I decided to write 25 tribute posts to my 25 most used labels up to that time. This has proved to be a little more difficult than I first anticipated. I've decided to give it another go.

Here is today's installment

#20 (7 way tie) Russia

From 1992 to 1994 I served as a missionary to Russia for the Southern Baptist Convention. In many ways it was the best time of my life. At least it was the best time of my life up to that point. From time to time it comes up in the blog.

Someday I'd like to take my whole family back to Russia. One of the books I am reading about now, is a memoir about a woman from Russia. It reminds me of the time that I spent there.

Thing 4: Speaking of Catching up.

On the June 4th installment of Things Fortnightly I mentioned the White Sox and my passion for them. I mentioned how they had lost the game the night before that I took my son to and how I was taking my youngest daughter to the game that day. The Sox had a record of 22-30 at the time. They were 8 games below .500 and 8.5 games behind the division leading Minnesota Twins. They were 5 games behind the Second Place Detroit Tigers.

Since then The Sox have turned their season around. They beat the Rangers when Lucy and I saw them which was the beginning of a 23-8 run they are currently on. They have gone from 8 games below the .500 mark to seven games above and with tonight's victory over the Angels they are in second place in their division only 1 game behinf the Tigers and have just pulled a half game ahead of the Twins.

Thing 5: Vote Pauly, Vote Often.

A big reason the Sox are doing so well is the monster season Paul Konerko has been having for them. He is one of 5 AL players who can be voted to next week's all star game. In tonight's victory he doubled twice. Click here to vote for him. He is currently in third and needs to catch up (you knew I'd have it somewhere) to make it to the game.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Conventional Wisdom

I have decided to blend this edition of things fortnightly with a long promised synopsis of the Home School Convention I was at earlier this month. So, here are a few things I learned at the 2010 I.C.H.E (Illinois Christian Home Educators) Conference.

Thing 1: Be Careful out there.

A friend of mine was a seminar speaker at the conference.

He spoke about identity theft and on-line safety. Did I mention he was a police officer? I am planning to have him be a guest speaker at a blogging class I am offering at my co-op this year. Hopefully we can work all the arrangements out. I plan to interview him later this Summer and feature that interview here.

Here is a bit of what he had to say at the conference. . .

I have learned quite a bit from him already on Internet safety and as a result will be implementing some changes in this blog in the near future.

Thing 2: Pass the catch up.

One of the best things about the conference is seeing old friends. Between people from our co-op, our church, we were running into friends from other places we lived, college and even saw a co-worker of Amy's that we did not know home schooled. These "chance" meetings are real energizers and encourager's. Maybe next year I'll run into my Aunt Eileen!

Thing 3: Tongue Tied

I had the opportunity to work off some of the cost of the conference by working behind the scenes at the conference. One of these jobs was by working as a "host" to seminar speakers. Basically what I do is introduce myself to the speaker 20 or so minutes before they speak and make sure they have everything they need. During the talk I make sure that the place is quiet as all of the talks are being recorded. I was very happy that I was assigned to host a seminar that Dr. Voddie Baucham, a keynote speaker at the conference was speaking at. I spoke with Him briefly on 2 occasions before his address. I had been planning to tell Him how much I enjoyed his work. This was the third conference I had heard him speak at. I also wanted to tell Him how much I enjoyed the book of His that I read. I had even thought about telling Him that I was going to be blogging a review of it soon and give him my business card. But alas I clammed up, which is extremely uncommon for me. I'm not even sure that I told Him my name. Maybe next time.

Thing 4. Guess which one did not speak at the conference.

A conference is a good place to hear quotes. Either quotes speakers attribute to others, or direct quotes from the speaker themselves.

Here are 3 quotes I heard at the conference. Try to guess which speaker was not there in person?

  • Museums are the secular temples of our day- Bill Jack

  • God says don't walk sit or stand (with sinners) and we say how about marriage? Voddie Baucham

  • A pious spouse is a s necessary as a sound arm or leg. - Martin Luther.

Before you answer please be aware that George Washington Carver was announced as one of the speakers.

You were correct if you said Martin Luther. As for GWC, there was a man there who impersonated Carver. I was unable to go to the seminar which was a little disappointing since my daughter had just finished reading a biography about Him.

Thing 5: I'll take History for 300 . (It actually was not that much.)

As I've mentioned previously. One of our big expenditures each year is buying curriculum at the Home School Conference. Some of the stuff we just pick up at the conference and others is delivered to our house a week or two after the conference is over. We are trying out some new curricula this fall and continuing with others. One new thing that looks really promising is called the Mystery of History. Parts of it were offered at our co-op this year and though none of my children participated, it seemed pretty cool. We are doing the ancient history unit this coming year. The more I review the materials the more psyched I am for the class to begin.

Well those are some things I wanted to share from the convention. If you have things you want to talk about it. (How Fred Rogers of me) please join in below.

Next Time: A Good Book.

Monday, June 7, 2010

An Open Letter to Tim of Families Again

Men's Monday Meme

I really like The Men's Monday Meme that appears each week at Families Again. I feel sympathy for Tim, as it seems that very few people participate each week. No one hardly ever participates in my Things Fortnightly. Perhaps a week from Thursday, he'd like to give it a go (Subtlety has never been my strong suit.)

I don't always know how to set up my answers. Should I just have you click here to read Tim's article? Should I spend a few paragraphs explaining it? The main point of this week's rant (his words not mine) was that churches seem to judge some sins and turn a blind eye to others. His questions for any men to answer this week were:

What do you think about my above rant? Am I being to harsh on churches and Christians? Are there certain folks that should not be allowed into a church because of their sinful behavior?

As you may have surmised by the title, I have decided to answers Tim's questions directly this week.

Dear Tim,

Thanks for mentioning me in your post last week. There have been a few of your meme's I have wanted to participate in over the past few weeks. I just have not had the time or could not find the words to express my feelings appropriately.

This week's post really got me to thinking. It made me think of my college years in the late 80's early '90s. At the time, homosexuality was much less accepted even by the non Christian public than it is now. Each year on our campus the Gay Student group would participate in an event called Denim days. You were supposed to signify your acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle by wearing jeans. I always thought this was a bit of a trick since jeans were (and probably still are) the clothing of choice on a college campus. It would be like telling a group of motorists to signify their support of a tax hike by having air in their tires. In order to "speak against" homosexuality many people had to plan their attire in advance.

This was a very emotional time on campus and many unchristian and hypocritical things were voiced or acted out against homosexuals. At the time, I wrote many op-ed pieces for the campus newspaper. I decided to write a piece that pointed out the hypocrisy of using the Bible to condemn one sexual sin when a vast amount of students were practicing other more conventional ones. I argued that all sex outside marriage between and a woman was sin and not just the same sex ones.

In my article I did speak out against homosexuality, but since I also spoke out against other sexual acts and hypocrisy, many in the homosexual movement embraced my article. I was even asked to read it at a campus gathering on the issue.

So, Tim, I must say that I understand and agree with your rant. We can't pick and choose what sins are horrible and what sins are just bad. Now I Corinthians 6:18 does say: Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. (NIV) However, I think that is a reason to flee from sexual sins, not a reason to say that those sins should be considered better or worse when compared to other sins.

After all. all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and not everyone has sinned sexually. The result of any sin is death (Romans 6:23) and Jesus died to forgive sins (1 Corinthians 15:3). He didn't have to die twice for the sexual sinners and only once for the liars.

In answer to your question as to whether you were being too harsh. I think only you can answer that question. If handled improperly, blogging could become a platform for the kind of gossiping you and scripture rightfully condemn. Personally, it doesn't sound to me like you were gossiping, because a) you didn't name names and b) you gave general examples. However, If there are specific people in your church who are committing the sin of gossiping, have you brought it to their attention following the scriptural model?

I will answer your question as to whether there are certain folks that should not be allowed into a church because of their sinful behavior once I've made a distinction. The church is not a building, the church is a body of believers. I Corinthians 5:9-13 says

9I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. 12For what have I to do with judging outsiders?Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? 13God judges those outside."Purge the evil person from among you."

Too often we judge those outside of the church. It is those that claim to be believers and continue in sin that we are to remove from the body, not from the building. The purpose of this removal is always repentance. Earlier I referenced the Biblical model of addressing sin to a believer. As I am sure you know, it is found in Matthew 18:15-17. In the NIV it reads like this:

15"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

I think Biblical discipline intertwines Matt 18:15-17 and I Corinthians 5:9-13. Such a model was used at a church I was a member of a few years before I got married. At the time, I was involved in sins that no one at the church was aware of. When the church followed this scriptural method on a friend of mine involved in a similar pattern of sins, it was the first step God used in bringing me to repentance, restoration and eventually marriage as the forces of darkness were using my sinful pattern of behavior make me feel unworthy of God and marriage. I left the state to court my wife prior to finding out what happened to my friend. But the process of expelling an immoral believer had a profound impact on the spiritual life of myself and many others in my church. More so than gossiping or judgemental hypocrisy ever could.

Thanks Tim for bringing up such an important topic and reminding me of the power a Biblical acting church can have on a believer in persistent sin.

Dave (Home School Dad)

Next Time: Good Help and a Good Book is hard to find.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things Fortnightly

It's time once again for a thing or two or seventeen.

Thing 1: White Sox

I have been blogging about the top 25 labels of my blog for the first 300 posts. Tonights installment is the White Sox they were in a 6 way tie for # 20.

I grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. The NW burbs are Chicago Cubs country. My Mom grew up as a Cubs fan and my Dad followed suit when he moved to the Chicago area. Each summer of my youth we would go to a Cubs game as a family and every few years our school would go to a game.

The White Sox used to have a program where if students had straight A's or perfect attendance they would earn 2 free White Sox Tickets. My older sister earned tickets this way and I remember how she and my Dad went to a Sox Orioles game together. The next year I had perfect attendance and my Dad took me to a game. This is where I fell in love with Bill Melton, Richie Allen, Wilbur Wood, Rich Gossage and the whole Happy Days gang. I still liked the Cubs but they took a backseat to my passion for the White Sox. That was more than 35 years agao and I remember it like it was 28 years ago.

As I am writing this it is actuall Wednesday night and I just came home from a White Sox game. The White Sox still give tickets away and Charlie and another Dad and son went on the White Sox dime. The Sox lost, but we had a wonderful time despite the score. The White Sox have this section called fundamentals where kids can play catch, use batting cages, and a few other cool things. It's like having a theme park within a ball park. Charlie and his friend had a great time.

Today (Thursday) I am heading back to Chicago to see the Sox play again. Lucy scored 2 free tickets and we are going to dog night. Fans actually can bring their dogs to a special section and into the game. In the past I have taken all 3 kids to dog night. Tomorrow is the first game where it is just Lucy and I. I wonder if she will want to play puppy when there are actuall dogs who can do that for us. I am not sure, but I think this is the first time in 30 + years of attending ball games that I have gone to back to back games. I wouldn't mind if we got a win instead of a loss, although Lucy will probaly have just as much fun as Charlie had independent of the result of the game.

Thing # 2. Lucy Dance Revolution.

Lucy had her ballet recital about a week and a half ago. One thing I noticed is the attrition rate of dancers as they get older. Their were 3 classes of pre school dancers of about 20-25students each. There were 2 classed of kindergarten dancers. In the highest level there (jr. high to H.S) there were 6 dancers. I wondered aloud to Amy if Lucy would be one of those 6 10 years or so from now. We think that she might just be. She loves dancing!

Things have changed much in the few years since Emma's first (and only) dance recital. Emma's recital (run through the same park district) was free of charge. We were given 2 free tickets for Lucy's recital and had to pay $5.00 each for every advance ticket and $7.00 at the door. That part was sort of understandable. What I did not get was that no photography of any kind was allowed during the recital. Pictures like the one above were allowed to be taken at the rehearsal the day before. Well guess what? Grandparents don't go to rehearsals! You can't come between the trinity of grandparents, grandchildren and cameras. You don't mess with that!
The only footage taken at the recital was by a professional videographer who was selling the dvds and tapes for 20 big ones. So were photographs and videos not allowed so there would be less commotion at the recital or more ka-ching for the videographer? You tell me!

Thing 3: What's going on next year?

There is a home school conference this weekend that Amy and I usually attend. One of the main things we do there is choose the curriculum for the next calendar year. This is basically the first year that I will be the primary curriculum chooser. Two years ago we were planning on Amy teaching when we picked the curriculum. Last year we went mostly with curriculum we already owned. I am pretty sure of some things we will do this year and totally open on other areas. When I say I am the primary curriculum chooser, that is kind of a misnomer. We generally pick the curriculum together. When Amy was the main teacher, I would defer the final choices to her as she was the one who needed to teach the material. The only difference between now and then is now she would defer that final decision to me.

Thing 4: Reading Update

I started my summer reading last week. I am fully engaged in 3 books right now. Two from home and one from the library. When I read I tend to read more than one book at a time. Between 2 White Sox games, the home school convention and just regular life I'm not sure how much reading I will get in in the next few days. Hopefully some.

Thing 5: No Junk food June?

June is usually a good month in our family to try to eat a little more healthy and to exercise more. I started the month out by going to that most healthy of places, Dairy Queen. Amy had told Charlie that we would go to Dairy Queen after his last soccer practice of the year. This just happened to be on June 1st! Healthy eating will commence a little later in the month.

That's all the things!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tweets Fortnightly?

Things Fortnightly here for another episode in our biweekly bloggy bash. Since I posted how busy I was yesterday, I thought I'd introduce a new segment for the blog. It is called The Tweets I would tweet if I were a twit who used Twitter. I know it's a little Seussian, let's just call it Tweets Tweet Twit Twitter for short. Yep all my things will be 140 characters or less.

Tweet 1: Olivia from has won the contest for my Washington D.C. memoirs and trip trinkets. Congratulations!

Tweet 2: Chuck has been renewed! Here is the tweetnouncement from show creator Josh Schwartz. I am all set for Monday’s season finale.

Tweet 3: Our church had a father daughter cake decorating night a few weeks back.
Started with this . . .

Added aprons,

A hat,

And voila!

Tweet 4: Charlie and I saw a Cubs game last Monday. It was his third in his lifetime and He is still looking for win #1. Poor kid!

Well, that's all the things/tweets I have thought/tweeted.

If you want to participate your things can be more than 140 characters. Just link your post with Mr. Linky.

I'll be back in no less than 2 weeks with another fine installment of Things Fortnightly.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Something's Got to Give

Life has been very busy at casa de Roller lately. I am working a temporary job in the evenings and weekends. Each of our three children is busy with an extra curricular activity. I have decided to slow down the blogging until my temp job ends. I wish I had done a little more Bulk Blogging like Kristin talked about an her most recent WFMW post.

I will be publishing Things Fortnightly tomorrow. But then I have nothing planned for a week or two until the temp job ends. Remember that today is your last chance to comment on this or any of my posts since last Monday for an opportunity to win a copy of my Washington D.C. Journal and a few D.C. knickknacks.

Next Time: Things Fortnightly

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Balloons Ahoy!

As far as fortnights go this one seems shorter than most. But yes it's been 2 weeks since our last Things this Thursday. Let's get right to it shall we.

Thing 1. Talk about your send offs!

The last Monday in April was the last day of our home school cooperatives Spring Semester. The group Christian Workshops of the Fox Valley (CWF) had their 10th anniversary this year. To celebrate we had a balloon launch.

Each family put their names on a pre-addressed stamped post card and attached it to a balloon.

Then we gathered as a group.

and let go!

The release was less than 2 weeks ago and 3 posts cards have already been returned. So far all have come from Illinois. Some from 3 hours away. What I find amazing is that 2 balloons found 3 hours away were returned by the same person and seemed to have been retrieved on different days. Our families balloon is still among the missing. If it shows up I'll let you know.

Thing 2: Trained to do right!

Last year Charlie learned about the underground railroad in one of his CWF classes. In the town next to ours there is a historical marker on a very busy corner of a busy street. My sister is obsessed about historical markers, so I decided to take a picture of it for her. I took Charlie and Emma with me as a field trip is a field trip no matter how small.

We were surprised and delighted to find out that the marker showed that the home next to it was a station for the underground railroad.

It really does something inside of me to realize that in the area I live there were people bold and brave enough to fight against a great injustice. On this the National Day of Prayer it reminds me that God often answers prayers through the actions of others.

3. Is Chuck Lost?

Today I continue my tribute to the top 25 labels I used in the first 300 posts of Home School Dad.

Label # 20 (7-way tie) Chuck.

My blogging about the NBC show Chuck is very tied in with my experience with Three Things Thursday. When Michelle of Psalm 104:24 was at the helm of 3TTT she always had 1 of her things about the ABC series Lost. Having never watched an episode of Lost (a fact that HULU is helping me remedy, see future posts) I could not include a synopsis of said show. What I could do was write little blurbs about the best television show I never watched on television. I have watched every episode of Chuck online either at NBC.Com or Hulu.

Because of low ratings and the t.v. writers strike of 2007 Chuck has spent much of it's life on the NBC chopping block. Even with the large grassroots supports of scifi/ action geeks (like me)i t barely survived last year to make it to season 3.

As I reported here, I wasn't sure if Chuck's renewal was a good thing or not as the 2008-2009 season ended on the highest of high notes. It turns out my fears were totally unfounded as season 3 has made season 2 look like a Partridge Family reunion show in comparison.

But now that Season 3 is drawing to a close, Chuck's fortunes for a 4th season seem as unclear as ever. There is some speculation that Chuck could be renewed and premiere later in the season as it did last year.

I have more things than I have time to share them. If you'd like to share your things link on Mr. Linky below. I'll be back in two weeks with another installment of things fortnightly.

Next Time: Lyrics By Dave

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Washington Day 6 and Beyond

It's been almost 3 weeks since our trip to Washington.

It is now time for Things Fortnightly. Thing #1 will have to be my journal entry from day 6:

Charlie and I were slugs today. We drove in to DC with the friend of my sisters that we are staying with. With 3 in her car and 3 in ours we could both ride in the HOV (High Occupancy Vehicles) lane. In DC commuters meet up to be able to make enough passengers to get in those lanes. This practice is called slugging. Once we got into the DC area we took the metro to the zoo. At first,, neither of the pandas were very active or photogenic. While we were resting one panda started climbing a tree and spinning around.

Amy got footage.

I showed it to my sister and she said she doesn't know anyone who's been there and seen them be anywhere near that active.

We also saw many other cool animals like Orangutans climbing through towers outside of their usual habitat. After a number of hours at the zoo we went to the library of congress and visited two amazing exhibits featuring children's literature. One for authors and researchers and the other for young children to read with their parents.

Thing # 2. You can't believe everything you read.

Before the aforementioned trip to DC we read and read and read about how to prepare for said trip. One thing that we read and read and read over and over and over (I think you may be beginning to see the point here) was don't drive your car in DC.

This is why in past journal entries you have read about trains and slugs. It turns out that driving in D.C. is no worse than driving into Chicago. For us it was our preferred form of travel and was part of the adventure. Again we stayed outside of the city proper, and I could see the benefits of parking your car somewhere for a week if you were going to be holed up in some downtown hotel.

Thing # 3 In-flight Movie

Thing # 4 Endings

Charlie and his cousin Bobby finished cub scouts last week.
The kids finish Awana and another semester of our home school co-op Monday.

It's a good thing they all have at least one more activity they are still involved with. Otherwise people might start asking "What about socialization?" again!

Those are my things for this edition. Can I count on you to share some things by clicking on Mr. Linky below?

Next Time: Washington Trip Day 7: Saving the best for seventh.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things Fortnightly

Time once again for our biweekly thing festival. SO many things so little time. Let's get to them shall we.

Thing #1. Blog Insider - A look at the widgets, gadgets, and what nots of Home School Dad.

Tonight's Episode: Here but not here.

My family was visiting the Washington D.C. area last week. We had a wonderful time. I took plenty of pictures and even kept a trip journal. I will be sharing from both of these sources in the posts to come. While I let my face book friends know I was gone, I didn't want to announce on the blog my absence just to make sure that no unscrupulous types took advantage of our absence from our home. To that end, I used one of my favorite features of blogger and wrote and scheduled 4 posts that appeared the week I was gone.

If you click on the post options menu while writing your current post, you can schedule your posts in advance. This not only helps when you are warning to post date a post, it also helps if you start a post and save it and want to have a current date on it. If you save a post without changing the date and then come back and publish it later it will retain the original date and often get lost behind whatever you published in the interim. If you post date your work and save it, then you can change the date to the current date once you have made your revisions.

Thing #2 What's on my screen saver

Charlie is playing soccer for the first time in an organized league. He really enjoys it. His first game is Saturday. He is looking forward to it.

Thing # 3. Chock full of Chuck.

It wouldn't be Thursday if I weren't telling you about the awesomeness that is Chuck. As I have mentioned in the last few times here Chuck VS. the Beard was the Best Episode Ever. The 4 episodes that followed it and ended the current story arc all were very very good. I would have to say that Monday's episode Chuck vs. The Other Guy was the second best episode ever. No Spoiler alerts here, but many things transpired in this episode that would have been impossible to even fathom less than a season ago. But every plot point seemed to fall in place and seem very genuine and most of all immensely watchable. Chuck takes a 3 week hiatus until the end of April. This means that in the next things fortnightly, I'll have to fins something else to go on and on about.

Thing # 4, Something to count on.

Last year right around Thanksgiving time I applied for a temporary job with the Census Bureau. I worked with them in 1990 and was hoping to do so again this year. I got 98% on the test and was thinking I should have heard from them one way or another by now. They called and I got a job as an enumerator. I have 4 days of training in late April and then a number of weeks of collecting census data form the field. This is my first paying gig in 2 years and I am just excited that I'll get a W2 next year. Besides the training, I'll be able to work my schedule around the kids homeschooling. It is a real answer to prayer.

Well that's all the things I have for today. If you have some things you'd like to share please click on Mr. Linky below.

Next Time: DC Trip Day #1

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things Fortnightly

Time now for Things Fortnightly.

Thing 1 Diagnosis Blogger

Last week's episode of House was centered around a sick blogger. While there were aspects of the program that I was not fond of, the blogger theme worked quite well. I especially liked the dynamic between the blogger and her friends/followers.

There is a scene when her friend is visiting her in the hospital. The patient is blogging and her friend is reading her posts as opposed to just visiting with each other. This was unexpectedly poignant to me as the last time I saw my brother alive, I was visiting him in the hospital and showing him video's of my kid's biking that I had posted on my blog.

Thing 2. Nostalgia for teenagers

Have you seen the Because of camp commercial? As a former camp counselor, and a camp guy, I think it is pretty cool. I do have a problem with Emma Robert's part. She says that because of camp she built lasting relationships with people she keeps up with to this day. My problem with that is: She's 19! She was probably 17 when it was filmed! I have t-shirts that are older than her! If camp is such a life changing experience where you maintain lifetimes of friendships perhaps we could get a spokesman who is at least the drinking age!

Thing 3: My 8 year old gets it!

We have been in the car a lot lately. Field trips, doctor appointments, family visits: the stuff life is made of. This means I have been subjecting my kids to talk radio. It seems I have passed the talking to the radio gene on to Charlie.

One of the radio hosts we have been listening to lately has a habit of calling the USA the greatest country on God's green earth. After hearing that about 3 times, Charlie starts talking to the radio and saying it is not the greatest country! Other people like their countries just as much, and things of that nature. We as a family are very thankful for our heritage as Americans. We are looking forward to our trip to Washington D.C. later this spring. But Charlie gets that our patriotism stems mainly from the fact that we were born here. As he continued his conversation with the radio, he went on to say how much better a country Heaven is than America could ever be. While Heaven is not on God's green earth, Charlie still knows what country it is better to have your citizenship in.

Thing 4: Chuck and the World Chucks with you.

There are some Internet acronyms that have just not taken off yet. So when I say Chuck is the BTSSB you might not know of which I speak. Chuck is certainly the best thing since sliced bread, and in the last Things Fortnightly, I shouted its praise from the tops of something. Two weeks after the BEE (Best Episode Ever) things in Chuckville are still kicking it old school. The most recent episodes Chuck Vs. The Final Exam was particularly awesome. It had an excellent "Man who Shot Liberty Valance" moment that blew me away.

Thing 5: I see that hand (I just choose to ignore it.)

We took a field trip this week to a working fire house.

At the end of the tour, the fireman who was showing us around asked if anyone had any questions. Lucy raised her hand, which given her penchant for Lucyisms, usually frightens me. The fireman called on her and she asked a pretty good question for the general population, which means an amazing question for a 4 year old, and a pretty miraculous one coming from her. She asked when do you guys (fireman) sleep. The fireman said that when he is working a night shift, he tries to go to bed early, so he can get some sleep before the calls start coming in.

Some of the other parents, and children asked some more questions and then Lucy raised her hand again. She not only raised her hand, she said "I have another question." The fireman called on her again and this time she said, "My favorite color is purple.". Now, that's the kind of "questions" she usually asks!

Well those are my things for This Thursday. Thanks for stopping by

To play along just click on Mr. Linky.

Next Time: Snack Time

Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Open Letter to Michelle of Psalm 104:24

Dear Michelle,

A year or so ago I discovered your excellent blog. I am not quite sure how exactly, probably through WFMW but maybe by some other means. You had a nifty little thing going called Three Things This Thursday. You would tell 3 things going on with your life including a Lost update and then give others in the Blogoverse the opportunity to share. 3TTT had me at hello. I became a frequent contributor and this Fall, due to a series of circumstances, you handed over the torch of your great little idea to me.

And It just tanked! Well, that's not quite true. But I feel like under my watch, it did not blossom in the way, I hoped it would. So, this winter, I did some tweaking.

At the beginning of 2010 I changed the name from 3 Things This Thursday to Some Things This Thursday so people would not be limited to 3 things. That name didn't stick in my mind, So I have been calling it Things This Thursday. Over the past few months this feature, which was a great joy when you were doing it, has become increasingly burdensome to me. It seems each week I am up against a time constraint and it gets in the way of other blogging I want to do.

So, Michelle, I know you think you know what's coming that I'm saying goodbye to good old 3TTT. In a way, I am. I have decided to make a change that will allow me to continue giving random tidbits but not be tied into it on a weekly basis. I will be publishing my "things" on a biweekly basis. I am also making one more (hopefully final) name change. The new name? Things Fortnightly. Catchy, huh?

If you ever decide that you want 3TTT back you can have it and I will gladly continue TF on a day other than Thursday. In that case, I would probably link my things to yours as that was always my favorite part.

I hope you are doing well. I have a meme to continue so I will bring this fake letter to a close.

A Fellow Blogger in Christ,

Home School Dad.

And now here is the first edition of Things Fortnightly . . .

1. I love the word fortnightly.

Maybe it's the Jane Austen fan in me, but for whatever reason I love the concept of a fortnight. I used to be hyper vigilant on it's use (or in this case misuse). My SIL who is from a part of the world that fortnight is still in the vernacular once used fortnight to refer to something other than an exact 14 day period. I was quick to correct (incorrect) her and I don't think her Irish eyes were smiling when she informed me that a fortnight is generally used as a period of approximately two weeks not exactly a 336 hour event. Yes I know how many hours are in a two week period by rote. They don't call me, scary math guy for nothing.

So when I decided to do things every other week I jumped at the chance to use fortnightly in the title.

2. Lucyism

The other night Amy asked Lucy, What do you want to be when you grow up?
Lucy says: I don' t know, maybe a ballerina, or a teacher? I know, I want to be everything! Wait, I don't have the clothes for that...

3. Chuck Update

It is great when a television program hits it's stride. The action, direction and story telling all come together until it seems that each week the show is the best it's ever been. I have been watching Star Trek the Next Generation season 3 with my kids and season 3&4 is when that show hit it's stride. The British T.V. program Robin Hood hit it's stride for me in season 2. I remember watching episode after episode on d.v.d. and I would just shout out to the t.v. "This show is great!"

This past Monday night, Chuck hit it's stride. The Star of Chuck, Zach Levi, made his directorial debut in the episode Chuck Versus the Beard. If you have not seen it you can watch it free on Hulu. This episode has it all hilarity, secrets revealed, suspense, and action, action, and more action. It is easily the best Chuck episode I've ever scene and the ending gives me every reason to believe that the best can be improved on.

4. D.C. Talk -

Our trip to Washington D.C is inching closer and closer. We are getting excited. One thing we will be doing on the way there is making a side trip to the "Walton's Mountain" area where the writer of the book that inspired the Walton's grew up.

Today we are heading over to visit where our bunny will stay when we go on our trip. He will have another homeschooled boy bunny to hang out with, so that place will be hopping.

Those are all the thing's I've got going for this edition. Se you in 2 weeks for the next fun filled episode of Things Fortnightly.

Feel free to share some things of your own by linking your post below.

Next Time: Get thee to a Bakery

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lucy, Bears, and Meat Loaf. Oh My!

Time again for things this Thursday.

1. Lucy the Artist.

We had a piece of saran wrap like packaging material around the house. Lucy wanted to make a project of it. I taped it up to two pieces of construction paper so it wouldn't rip. Lucy proceeded to make the design pictured here. I removed the tape from the construction paper and displayed it in our room.

2. Lucy, the graphic novelist.

The same day all the kids were working on some school work. Lucy was drawing pictures. Sometimes she likes to write words on the pictures so she asks me how to spell the words. On this particular occasion she asked: "Dad how do you spell " a long time ago in Mexico in a library that was far away from Carpentersville? She then proceeded to illustrate and dictate narration to a ten page story of kitties in a Mexican library.

3. TV

I don't regularly watch the show House. Amy watches it sometimes and I have sat down and watched it with her. A recent episode entitled 5 to 9 followed the day of the Hospital administrator. Even though the focus of this episode was not House and his antics, I found that it did a good job of grounding the new or infrequent viewer into what the Show is about. You can watch the episode on HULU by clicking here.

4. Dinner

Last week I made meatloaf for dinner. I used a traditional recipes that uses tomato soup. The only significant departure I made was to substitute oyster cracker crumbs for bread crumbs. I even put whole oyster crackers on top. It actually turned out to be very good. Better than the after picture shows.

5. Polar Bear backwards is Polar Bear.

I took the kids to the zoo last weekend. We always try to go see the Polar bears. A few years ago Amy and the kids saw one of the bears do this.

On Saturday we watched a polar bear doing this

over and over again. I took 4 separate videos of the bear walking on the ledge

and then backing up.

So those are my things this Thursday. Join in by clinking on Mr. Linky below.

Next Time: Six Word Saturday

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You haven't seen ... ?!!!!?

Time again for Things this Thursday.

Thing # 1. Films seen and unseen

I watched the movie Hello Dolly last night. I had never seen it before. The movie is based on a musical which is based on Thornton Wilder's play the matchmaker. I think I saw the play in high school. I know I read it (Yes I used to read plays for fun!).

The Movie Wall-E was inspire by Hello Dolly and actually includes footage from the film. This made me even more interested to watch it. I enjoyed Hello Dolly. It is funny, and poignant. It made me wonder how I missed it all these years.

This got me to thinking about movies that seemingly everyone has seen except you. These conversations used to happen at work. I would be sitting with my coworkers and some movie reference would come up and everyone would talk about how great a movie that was and one person would have never seen it. I remember one guy had never heard of Rain Man, it was strange.

One movie I never saw was Platoon. When it came out all my friends said I should see it but no one would see it with me. They had already seen it once, and said it was too powerful to watch again.

If there are any movies that you have always wanted to see, that seemingly everyone except you has watched, leave a comment or post about it and link here.

Thing # 2 Dance Class Fever

Lucy is loving her ballet class. She loves to spin around and play all the dancing games with the other girls. It is definitely the highlight of her week. Her first recital is in May and she is so excited.

Thing # 3 CTRL
This past week I have discovered a quirky web based t.v. show called Ctrl. It stars Tony Hale who recently played the ultra nasty Emmet Milbarge on Chuck. The first 10 episode which originally ran last summer are about 5 minutes each in length and are available in their entirety at Hulu.
The basic premise of the show is that Iced Tea and computer keyboards don't mix. I have seen 8 of the 10 episodes so far and encourage you guys to check it out.

Thing # 4 Sickness Disease Update
I appreciate all the encouraging feedback I received about my posy regarding Amy's recent unexplained medical issues. It seems we have hit upon an explanation. The chest pain and arm pain seem connected to GERD which is like acid reflux. Amy is going to review this with her doctor next week, and hopefully that will be that.

So, those are the things this Thursday. I encourage you to come join the fun.

Next Time: Six Word Saturday

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Things This Thursday

Thing 1. Carnival sightings

This weeks Carnival of Home Schooling is at Corn and Oil. I haven't read it all yet, but what I have read is first rate. I especially appreciated Tag your Truant at Home is Where you Start from.

My blog is still the site of the most recent carnival of book review blogs. You can check it out by clicking here.

Thing 2. Sew what?

Emma is taking a machine sewing class at our home school co-op this semester. It is the only course I chose for her. She would have rather taken a drama class offered at the same time. I chose for her because she has shown interest in sewing before, and it is a class that at this point neither Amy and I could teach her. We have supplemented her yen for drama with a park district class on improvisation that takes place in the spring.

It turns out she LOVES the sewing class! She had a little trouble the first week with the sewing machine we borrowed, but we borrowed another one which is working fine.

She sewed this pocket in class. She has been working on a few more at home.

I always try to teach at least one co-op class to one of my kid's grade level and assist in one of the other kids classes. I hit the trifecta this year. I am the assistant in Charlie's gym class, Emma's is taking the second part of my Narnia class, and I am teaching a pre-K class called, "Let's go to the store." This week Lucy and her classmates made a shopping bag. Here is a picture of Emma and Lucy with their projects.

Thing 3. Two Race Charlie

It seems that no matter how full or empty your schedule is that there usually are two "can't miss" events scheduled for the same day or time. Recently, we have been experiencing that phenomena in spades. For example, the sewing class and drama class Emma wanted were two of the classes Emma wanted to take most this semester and they were offered at the exact same time. This is the second year in a row that the Awana closing ceremony and our home school closing ceremony are scheduled on the same day.

We are hyper vigilant when it comes to avoiding scheduling conflicts. I should say that Amy is hyper vigilant when it comes to avoiding scheduling conflicts. Last Fall when we received our schedules for cub scouts and Awana Amy entered them all in our calendar to make sure there were no conflicts. We were glad to see that the Pinewood Derby and the Awana Grand Prix, two similar model car events were scheduled on different weeks in January.

That was until, the Cub Scouts moved their race back a week and then they were both on the same day! Charlie was able to build two different cars and bring his Awana car in early so he could enter both races.

Thing 4: An extra special glimpse at my life.

The first time I was on an airplane was in 1973. I was 9 and we went to visit Washington D.C. I did not get on a plane again until Spring of 1992. I spent the next decade as a fairly frequent flyer. I flew domestically and internationally landing in 8 countries outside of the U.S. The last of which was in July of 2001 to attend my brother's wedding. I have not been on a plane since. It has nothing to do with the events of September 11th of that year. It is just that I have had no occasion to fly since then. Everyone else in the family has flown since then , although only 2 of them remember it. Charlie flies to Florida this year to go to DW with my parents.

Thing 5: Television by the book.

My sister stopped by today and gave me my Christmas present. 2009 not 2010. She gave me the ninth edition of "The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows. I already had the 8th edition which carried a description and cast list for every prime time show from 1946 to the 2002/2003 television season. It also includes the prime time schedule, Nielsen ratings, and Emmy winners for each year. In short a TV geeks dream come true. The 8th edition is 1,591 pages long. The new 9th edition checks in at 1,831 pages and goes up to the 2006/2007 season. Chuck is not included in this tome as it premiered in the fall of 2007. If the 10th edition publishes with a 4 year lapse between editions as the 9th did. It should be available sometime in 2011. I'll be making room on my shelf.

Those are my things this Thursday! What things are up with you? Due to a glitch with mr. linky I am not able to accept links today. If you have some things to share just post a link on the comments.

Next Time: Book Review

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Getting Ready for DC

As some of you know, I took over a blog meme this past fall called 3 Things This Thursday. Michelle at Psalm 104:24 originated the meme whose premise was basically simple: On Thursday blog about 3 things and then link to her post. I was a frequent contributor and when she gave me the opportunity to host, I gladly went for it.

The thing is this: Hardly anyone ever participated in it. I have been thinking about scrapping it or begging Michelle to take it back. I have decided instead to tweak it a little.

Going forward I will call it: Things this Thursday.

The reason why the name change is because some people have told me they would participate but can't think of three things. That's okay one thing is fine. Just blog about as many things as you'd like and then link it to my post. If you don't know how to link and still want to participate just leave a comment and tell me the name of your post and blog and I will do the link for you.

Here are my things for this Thursday:

Thing One: Our family is going to Washington DC this spring and we are psyched. I have been to DC several times but not for an extensive time of sight seeing since the 4th grade. The rest of the family has never been. We definitely want to visit the Mall and some of the Smithsonian exhibits. We have contacted our congressman will visit several governmental buildings but it doesn't seem likely that we will get into the White House, which is what we really want to see.

A friend of my sisters, who we have never met has offered to house our whole family for our week there at no cost. What a blessing! We are driving and we hope to visit a few other sites near the DC area as well. As the plans get more fleshed out I will let you know what's going on.

Thing Two: I've been blogging for over a year and there is so much that you don't know about me. Each Thursday I'll try to share something about me that I haven't shared previously. Today's Factoid: My favorite candy bar is Three Musketeers.

Thing Three: Chuck Update. Michelle used to give us Lost updates and maybe she still will and link them here. I don't do lost. I do enjoy Chuck and have blogged about the show a few times. When it was renewed for season 3, I shared my fears that the show would have no choice but to bring Chuck back to the Buy More. I thought this would be a mistake. After watching the 2 hour season premiere and the most recent episode, I must say that I am pleased with the direction the show is going. Yes Chuck is back at Buy More but it sure seems he will be spending less and less time there; and the way they are utilizing Chuck's BIL is, well, awesome!

Thing Four: What's with the music? You ever get a song stuck in your head? Tuesday night Emma, Charlie and I went to visit my SIL. For the entire 45 minutes there and back they sang the words they knew of You Never Let Go. As a result, I've been singing it ever since. I did not know who sang it. As I was writing this post I was listening to the music on Michelle's blog and it came on. So it's going to be on the blog for a few days. Maybe I can get all of you to sing it as well.

Well those are Things for this Thursday I hope you enjoyed them. Just click on Mr. Linky to join in.

Next Time: Poetry

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1 Year Ago Today . . .

The FAQS of Life: My life in Frequently Asked Question Format

Special Blogoversary Edition

Q: Do you know what is special about today?

A: Yes. Today is a special anniversary.
Q: An anniversary of what?

A: It's the 4 year anniversary of date multiplication day. Just 4 years ago on 1-6-06. You see 1 times 6 = 6.

Q: Doesn't that happen quite frequently? Aren't there 4 just this year?

A: Oh, that's right! January 10th, February 5th, May 2nd and October 1st.

Q: Is it maybe a different anniversary?

A: Can't think of any.

Q: Does this ring a bell?

A: Literally, no it does not ring a bell. But figuratively, yes, this here blog is a year old today.

Q: Are you doing anything special to commemorate the day?

A: Yes?

Q: Are we back to that joke again?

A: Yes

Q: What are you doing to commemorate the day?

A: I thought you'd never ask. I have been making changes to the format of the blog over the past few weeks and I am unveiling them today.

Q: What's new?

A: Not much. We had fish today. Don't usually have fish at home. It was quite tasty.

Q: No I mean what's new with the blog?

A: Well first of all, I am starting a new segment where I feature a new blog in the top right corner of my blog.

Q: Cool. What's it called?

A: Featured blog .

Q. Catchy. Who are you featuring now?

A: Cornforth Adventures. It is an excellent blog. I have known the Cornforth's for several years and it is nice to follow someone in cyber life who you know in real life. She has great music on her blog. I'm even listening to it right now. She is also been a consistent commenter and encourager of this blog. Even when we don't see eye to eye she gently states her points without destroying me in the process.

Q: Will you basically be featuring blogs that you already link to?

A: No. I will probably feature all those but I will also be featuring many others.

Q: Has your blog changed a lot over the past year. If so what about it has changed?

A: Yes, it really has evolved. In the first few months I was changing links and music and other things on a weekly basis. It was wearing me out. I did a lot of experimentation over the first few months as well. I really learned my lesson from the NABLOPOMO incident. Blogging is not an end in itself.

Q: Didn't you write about that in the End of blogging?

A: Sure did. Tackled it in Danger: Blogging as well. It is a theme I kept going back to. I constantly need to be reminded to put this blog in it's proper place. Another thing that changed was that the blog often took on a more personal nature than I thought it would when I started it.

Q: What do you think that was due to?

A: It was definitely due to the passing of my Brother last April.

Q: How did blogging affect your grieving process?

A: I think it both helped and hurt. It helped in the sense that I had an outlet to air my feelings. It hurt that it created an idea inside myself that because I blogged about it, I had dealt with it fully. But that's enough about that now. Ask me another question.

Q: Gladly. What have been some of the more surprising aspects of blogging over the past year.

A: I think most surprising is that I have started 2 more blogs and each of my oldest kids have started their own. Lucy can't wait until she can get in on the act.

Q: Isn't she already the act with all her Lucyisms?

A: She sure is.

Q: Do you have any more?

A: This past week she was on her way home from AWANA. She asked Amy if she (AMY) was a Christian and Amy said "yes, why." Lucy told her that she (LUCY) was not a Christian. Amy asked "why not, don't you believe in Jesus?" Lucy said, "Yes, but I'm not a Christian". Amy asked why not? Lucy said, "because I don't want to go to Medieval Times".

Q: Medieval Times! What's That?

A: It's a dinner theatre experience where there is jousting and knights and much merriment.
Apparently Lucy had heard about Jesus being King and tied it together with Medieval Times.

Q: That's quite a story, How do we move on from that?

A: Ask me what I'm doing tomorrow.

Q: Why can't I ask you right now?

A: Aren't I supposed to be handling the jokes?

Q: And shouldn't I be asking the questions?

A: Good point.

Q: What are you doing tomorrow?

A: Eating the leftover fish. Oh! On the blog! I am making a change t0 3 Things This Thursday. From now on I will call it Some Things This Thursday. That way if people only have 1 or two things going on they can still contribute.

Q: Any closing thoughts you'd like to share?

A: I'd like to thank everybody who followed the blog this past year and say I am looking forward to having you along for the ride in the years to come.

Next Time: Some Things Thursday

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Three Things This Thursday

I am a bit of a procrastinator. Thursday is almost over and I am just getting to Three Things This Thursday. Today is supposed to be a themed edition of 3 Things This Thursday entitled 3 Gifts This Thursday. If my tardiness hasn't put too great a damper on the proceedings I will tell you about 3 gifts I have received in my life time and give you an opportunity to do the same.

Gift 1. When I was in the fourth grade my parents gave me a book called Chippy Chipmunk. It was a fantastic read and I read it over and over. When I think back to my formidable years and my life love long of reading I often think of that book.

Gift 2. A few winters back Amy gave me a fantastic book about the 1980 U.S. Men's Olympic Hockey Team that surprised the world and wrested the gold medal from the perpetual clutches of the Soviets. The name of the book is The Boys of Winter by Wayne Coffey. I have used it as source material for a segment I do here at the blog called Hockey Lessons.

Gift 3. Most Christmases and birthdays my Dad gives me a bit of money with the general instructions don't spend this on the mortgage or use this to buy something you generally wouldn't. When my Dad this in Christmas of 2004, Any and I saved it for a few months until we figured out best how to use it. One day a co-worker gave me the White Sox group tickets order form. She worked in the mail room and had received it and knew our company wasn't going to use it and thought I might want to look at it knowing how huge of a Sox fan I am. Most of the plans were untenable financially but there was 1 plan the Minnie Plan named after White Sox legend Minnie Minoso. The Minnie plan was for 9 home games. It still seemed like a lot of money to pay for tickets when we generally only went to 2 to 3 games a year.

Amy was adamant, she said we had the money from my Dad's gift and she knew how much I would enjoy it. So I stepped out of my comfort zone and spent the big bucks on an extravagance.

I am really glad I did. It turns out that the year that I attended my most Sox games was in fact the year they won the World Series. We bought 2 tickets to each of the nine games. I was able to invite friends and family and even if the Sox had not won it all the memories of the time spent with loved ones watching my favorite sports team would be worth every penny my Dad spent.

So those are my 3 gifts this Thursday. What gifts do you remember? What meaning do they have? link on to Mr. Linky below and tell us all about it.

Next Time: Library Week

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25