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Showing posts with label Home School Carnival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home School Carnival. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Poetry Friday: For The First Time

I hope you are not confused by the title of this post.  It is simply the name of the weekly blogging event  I am participating in, and the title of my poem which will appear therein. 

I did not mean to imply that I was participating in Poetry Friday for the first time.  This, in fact, is my 4th appearance in as many weeks.  Prior to that, I was an irregular reader of some of the entries through links to some of the other poetry blogs I follow.  My blog is not a poetry blog as such, it is more a mixed bag of miscellany in the shape of a blog. It is true that I am certainly on a poetry kick these days. While this is not the first time I have posted on Poetry Friday, this is the first poem I have written specifically with this blogging event in mind. 

I really enjoy these blogging events.  Back when I was homeschooling my kids, and this blog was called Home School Dad, I participated in weekly blogging events called Three Things Thursday, Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, and my favorite the Carnival of Homeschooling.  Some of my favorite posts in my 13 + years of blogging were when I hosted the aforementioned carnival.

In a few months, I will be hosting one of the Poetry Friday's which I am very excited about and have already begun drafting.  One thing I will put an end to, at least for the week I host it, is this whole Poetry Friday on a Thursday thing.  This is very typical of all the blogging events I've ever participated in.  If you want to be one of the first posts on the Linky list, and who doesn't?, you need to post the day before.  Now I must ask you my fellow existentialists, is it really Poetry Friday when you post it on Pre-Poetry Thursday? 

Therefore, When I host in August, my post will drop at 11 p.m central time on Thursday Night.  That's because it will be Friday in New York City and if that's good enough for New Year's Rocking Eve it's good enough for me.  

I believe that's more than enough pre-amble/rant.  Here is my poem for the week ...

 For The First Time

Meeting someone

Is like


Into the middle

Of two movies

They walk into yours

You walk into theirs

You both walk into

What could be

The pivotal scene

Of your lives

Poetry Friday is being hosted this week at Reading to the Core


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why Homeschool: Carnival of Homeschooling - Change

The 9th anniversary edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Why Home School.  Congratulations and keep the change!

Why Homeschool: Carnival of Homeschooling - Change: A wise man said " That one of the few constants in life is change ."  Homeschoolers know this.  From the moment they decside to hom...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


That means that the Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Dave Out Loud.  It's a Reading Out Loud Edition.  It was a lot of fun put together..  I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Back and Hosting COH

The current Carnival of Homeschooling can be found at Living Life and Learning.

Click here for more on submitting an article or video to the Carnival of Homeschooling.

Coming Attractions: Wolfina Takes Over

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Carnival of Homeschooling @ Homespun Juggling

Time for another edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling.  This week it is being hosted at Home Spun Juggling.  Please enjoy the Gratitude after Stormy Weather edition.  Cristina was nice enough to include my response to" Should Homeschoolers keep a low profile?" in this week edition.  I am very grateful.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Should Homeschoolers keep a Low Profile - A Response

At the end of September, Happy Elf Mom of Home School and Etc. had a guest post entitled Should Homeschoolers Keep a Low Profile?  I have been wanting to respond to it for some time now but have had so much on my plate, have not gotten around to it

Well I am enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon/evening and Lo and behold I got one.

I will be responding to parts of the original post which I have italicized.

The author starts out . . .

We're really proud of the local school. It's part of living in this town: we root for the Falcons.

So far so good.  Nothing too objectionable.  I understand how a school can be part of living in a town.  Especially when that school has successes to enjoy.  I've seen Remember the Titans and October Sky enough to understand that.

The author continues . . .

  If you homeschool, it's like saying you don't want to be part of the social fabric of the town. Your children are not participating in something that is important to all of us. 

So much for so far so good!  Or as Marlin says in  Finding Nemo, "Good feelings gone!".

I have many problems with these small sentences.  First of all just because I homeschool does not mean I do not want to be part of the social fabric of the community.  My children have been  active in athletics, library, park district and scouting  programs and even volunteered at the local public school.   In what way does that say we don't want to be involved?

Also, I wonder if the author would say that parents who sent their kids to private schools or parents who sent their kids to other public schools that better met their childrens'  need rather than her public school, did not want to be part of the community.  Or is it just us homeschoolers?

  She continues to continue . . .

You're also unintentionally hurting the feelings of some very nice, dedicated people who work hard to keep our local school one of the best in the region. And you're basically saying that my school isn't good enough for your kid . I know you don't mean it that way, exactly, but that's how it comes across to a lot of people."

I don't have a lot to say about this part.  Except to say as I am working on this post,  my wife is e-mailing a local radio host applauding the staff of a local  public school for the exemplary work they do in our community.  No doubt, because she feels so guilty about hurting their feelings.

Speaking of guilt, the author continues her thoughts . . .

There's also the fact that not everyone can homeschool like you. People feel guilty or obligated when they hear about the good things that you are doing with your child. You don't have to say one word about them homeschooling for them to feel judged. I know you don't want to hear that, but that's just human nature.

By that logic, parents of honors students would not be aollowed to have those bumper stickers cause other parents would feel guilty or obligated about the good things others kids were doing.  I know they don't want to hear that, but that's just human nature.

After one last closing salvo regarding some home school parents saying it is God's will that they homeschool.  She concludes by saying . . .

I know you really enjoy homeschooling, but I think you should just tone it down a little.

 But that doesn't seem to be at all what she's saying.  If people can feel guilty  even if we say nothing, how does toning it down a little help?  I really think she's giving reasons (not good ones) why people shouldn't home school.

Now we know people who proudly send their kids to private schools, some just as proud about their local public schools.  We don't feel guilty when they brag on those institutions.  We know they are really just bragging on their kids.  We see no problem going on about our home educated children in the same way.

As one of the comments on the original post said.

Why would I keep a low profile on it?

It's legal and we are awesome at it! :P

I wouldn't say I am  exactly awesome at homeschooling, yet.  But I would say it is awesome to live in a country where parents can choose what's best for their children.  Now we just need to learn to be more tolerant of other people's choices.

If you have entered here by way of the Carnival of Homeschooling, consider this link your breadcrumbs back to the gratitude fest.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Carnival of Homeschooling Comics Edition

Welcome to the October 9, 2012 edition of Carnival of Homeschooling.

First of all, sorry I'm late.  It is early Thursday morning here in Illinois as I put the finishing touches on this carnival.  It is so early Thursday morning that it is late Wednesday night in California.  I hoped to have this ready on time, but I ran into so many deadlines this week that someting had to give.  With that said, let's get Carnivalizing!

I think it is pretty comical  that I am hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling this week even though I have been not posting consistently about home schooling or anything for the past few months. I signed up for this week's spot months ago long before I started working full time and taking a class along with  regular regimen of home educating.

I am so busy it is easy for me to imagine looking like this . . .

Charlie Brown's Christmas Stocking by Charles M. Schulz - detail by fantagraphics

Charlie Brown's Christmas Stocking by Charles M. Schulz - detail, a photo by fantagraphics on Flickr.

Chuck Brown and I cordially welcome you to the Comics edition of the Carnival of Home Schooling.

There are basically 3 things that come to mind when hearing  the word comics: comic strips, comic books and stand up comics. Interspersed between this week's Carnival entries I will give my thoughts on all 3 types of comics.

Lets start things off with Henry Cate who runs this little smorgasbord of home school blogging.  He  has reviewed a book that he thinks all parents should read.Check out Book Review: Why Gender Matters at Why Homeschool

Comics I - The Comic Strip.

I love reading the comics in the newspaper.  I am a big fan of many Comic Strips.  I would say my all time favorite 5 are Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, For Better or For Worse, Mister Boffo and The Far Side. 

Here is one of my favorite Peanut's cartoons:

Peanuts sample

Cartoonists are a kind of artist and with that in mind Ann presents Artist Study - Georgia O'Keefe posted at Harvest Moon by Hand.

Rebecca presents My Rock in the River posted at Into the wind of freedom. A home educating adventure..

Barbara West presents Tiny Tots-Caring For Our Children posted at Tiny Tots-Caring For Our Children.

One of my favorite Comic Strips is Home Spun Juggling by Cristina Ramos Payne a home school Mom and frequent contributor to this carnival.  I did not take the time to solicit posts this week and I am sure that if I had, Cristina would have contributed one.  So I am breaking Carnival protocol and including one of her recent strips here as it fits my theme.  If you don't like it, you can lump it.  (You can take the guy out of Junior High, but you can't take Junior High out of the guy.)


Angela Gray of Graymattersonline presents When Arithmetic is Reading

Katherine of No Fighting No Biting presents Slow but Steady wins the reading race. She's ecstatic that her 8 year old is reading for fun.

Comics II - Comic Books.
Avengers #1
I actually use Comic Books in my home schooling. Spider Droid and I have read Graphic Novel versions of 2000 leagues under the sea and several civil war battles including the Battle of Gettysburg. While you probably you know that you don't have to use comic books for home schooling, Linda Dobson of Parent at the Helm asks the provocative question: Homeschooling, do I need to use textbooks?

Natalie of Fill Your Book Shelf reviews The Great Motion Mission by Cora Lee. She says it is a Magic School Bus type book about physics.

Action Comics #1
First appearance of Superman

In Comic Books it is very possible to see a story pitting heroes and villains and sometimes heroes and other heroes against each other. For example Superman vs. Batman or Spiderman vs. Doctor Octopus. Our next post comes from the blog Home School vs. Public School.
Christie presents Science for your Home School or Public School Child.

Katherine of No Fighting No Biting presents  Slow but Steady wins the reading race.  She's ecstatic that her 8 year old is reading for fun. 
Comics III - Stand Up Comics
I always wanted to be a stand up comic.  I am what you'd call a sit down comic.  When I get up to tell a joke, I am usually told to sit down. 

Steve Martin once said that he believed Ronald Reagan could turn this country (The U.S) into what it once was. He then paused for effect and said : A barren wasteland covered with ice.  I happen to be a big fan of Reagan,  but still love the joke because it is a classic example of the kind of word play and misdirection stand up comics engage in. Martin and other comedians have taken their comic sensibilities to the internet these days  via twitter feeds and other social media. About the time of the Republican National convention, Conan O'Brien tweeted that he saw conservative Latino children playing Marco Rubio at his local pool.

Phyllis Sather  of Phyllis presents Why are you Ringing the Bell?

Another one of my favorite comedians Steven Wright once said that he worked at a fire hydrant factory.  He then paused and said you couldn't park anywhere near the place.  Stand up comics and comic book heroes are similar in that many do their work at night.  Mrs.White of The Legacy of Home shares about Home Studies in the Evening Hours. 

Sarah of Small World at Home shares a review of two fantastic new attractions in Pigeon Forge, TN, that are great adventures for homeschoolers in Field Trip Review: The Tomb and Magiquest in Pigeon Forge.

Andrea Hermitt presents If You don't home school your kid's you don't love them at Notes From A Homeschooled Mom

That concludes this All Things Comics edition of the Carnival.

Thank you for participating, visiting, breathing or whatever. 

Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of homeschooling
using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Carnival of Homeschooling at Why Homeschool

Change can be good.  Why Homeschool is hosting the Change edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling this week.  Both Dave Out Loud and Home School Dad have submissions.  Be sure to check those out amid all the excellent carnival doings.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Take A Hike

Yesterday we went on a hike. Besides swimming and biking we are trying to take a hike once a week. Yesterday we went to Raceway Woods, which was a speedway in my town in the 50's and 60's and the remains of the racetrack now make a number of great trails.

I made Bunny Girl write a post about the hike. Her blog at homeschoolblogger wasn't coming up so I had her write at old blog. I decided to lead by example. and post about the hike as well.

This picture was posed. I actually had everybody turn around and hike back to me. It was either that, a picture of their backsides, or me running up to catch them.

The view from the top of a broken bridge

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dave Out Loud is hosting June 4th Carnival of Homeschooling.

I will be hosting next week's Carnival of Homeschooling.  Not here at HSD but at my other blog, Dave Out Loud.  That's my vlog.  It will be like watching a talk show and reading a magazine at the same exact time.  Click here to check out my Carnival Promo.  WARNING: The previous link contains a video which contains silly jokes.  This really shouldn't surprise you, but consider your self warned.  This weeks Carnival  of Homeschooling is at the Informed Parent.  Check it out.

Monday, April 9, 2012

No School Today? A Review


I have been meaning to review Christina Ramos-Payne's fine collection of homeschool comic strips for some time now. I have been a big fan of Cristina's blog Home Spun Juggling for some time now. This book, a collection of her early strips is fantastic.

I love comic strips and have most of my life. The Home Spun strips remind me in some ways of the excellent comic strip, For Better or For Worse. But Home Spun is definitely it's own animal.. Cristina really gets to the heart of homeschooling. I relate very easily to her work because my children are much like hers.   But even in the areas I can't can't empathize with she does a masterful job crafting her narrative so that the humor is obvious to all.
I guess the best way to review this book is to share some of the strips from the book ad tell you what I think of them. 
This is a great strip in so many ways. The thing I like most about it is the sentiment.  The Mom is glad that her daughter showed such kindness to her little brother.  At the same time she is bemused that her daughter will not be able to shine as the star of the show.  But you can tell by the wistful glance in the last panel that her daughter’s decision does make her the star of the show. 

I had my daughter write a short review of this  book for her blog.  This is the strip she liked most.  This strip rocks, because proficiency can never replace passion. 

I don’t know the technical terms related to comic strip writing.  So I just make up my own terms.  Each comic strip usually has one main punch line that the strip builds up to.  Sometimes there’s a joke at the end wholly unrelated to the continuity.  I would probably call it the non sequitir if there wasn’t already a strip with that name.  So I’ll call it the late hit.
The strips that I think do the late hit the best are Calvin And Hobbes and Fox Trot.  The above strip is of that caliber.  I also can relate quite well to it as Bunny has finished many a book just checked out from the library before we ever left the building.

I guess I don’t have to say why I like this strip. 

I would strongly recommend this book for both homeschoolers and comic strip aficionados and folks like me who are both.  No School Today can be purchased at AmazonBarnes And Noble and Create Space

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blogging From A to Z and the current COH

I wasn’t planning on posting much tonight beyond saying that the Current COH can be found at Cajun Joie de Vivre.  But while surfing the net (Do people still say that?), I saw this cool thing that is coming in April.  It is called Blogging From A to Z.

The basic gist is that you post 26 blogs in the Month of April starting on Sunday, April 1st with a topic that starts with the letter A.  On April 2nd you post about a topic that starts with the letter B.  You continue in this fashion, skipping all subsequent Sundays, until you are posting about something that begins with the letter Z on Monday, April 30th.

It sounds like F U N to me.  So I am in.  I’ll tell you a little more about it in the time heading up to 4-1-12

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not Friday; Got Fragments

Just a  few programming notes for those passing by.

Taking Puppy and company to see the Disney on Ice production, Dare to Dream in Rosemont today.  Here's a little I See the Light to get us in the Tangled mood.  I'll be back tomorrow with a review.

COH is at Janice Campbell this week.  She has a nice Wintery Mix all ready for you.  My HSBA page is one of the many articles available. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Carrnival of Homeschooling at Time For Learning

This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is being hosted at The Home School Online Blog of Time For Learning Dot Net.

The Theme is the oganized hmeschool.  They have included my review of War Horse as well as some other great posts.   I am looking forward to getting organized and reading as many posts as I can.


For the past few weeks, I have been featuting each of the 20 winning blogs from the 2011 HSBA Awards.  I am finishing that up today,with the winner in the Thrifty Homeschool  category.  So if you want to talk to that winner, who you gonna call?  That's right, Econobusters.  Here is a  sample post.

In my next post, I will wrap up all this HSBA talk with a special announcement.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Alasandra's Homeschool Blog: Carnival of Homeschooling the Gemstone Edition

Alasandra's Homeschool Blog: Carnival of Homeschooling the Gemstone Edition

This is a gem of an edition. Sorry, I could not resist.
The HSBA winning blog I am featuring today is My Angels and Autism winner of best Special Needs Blog. This is a moving blog, but also very practical and insightful. I really enjoyed this Sample Post from last month.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Here are some Home School Resolutions I am going to try this year.

Many of these are not new. 

1.  To every day demonstrate  to  my children that teaching them is a privilege and something that I cherish.

I am not the first person I want teaching my kids.  I am the second.  And until God works it out that I can get a job that can provide for our family, I will be the one teaching at home.  Sometimes, I think I give the kids the impression that teaching them is a burden.  Every day I want to convey how happy Amy and I are as a family for the privilege of educating our children.

2) To be prepared to teach.

I am not much of a planner and flying by the seat of my pants doesn't work.  So each day and each week, I need to be planning for the next days and the next weeks.

3) To model the behavior I am teaching.

During the course of the week, I often "teach" by example, the exact opposite that I am trying to teach by words.  Much of the reason why I get frustrated with my children is not because they are not learning, but that they are learning some of my behaviors a little too well.

4) To focus on the basics.

Writing, Reading, Spelling, Times Tables. 

Some of the kids have come pretty far, but there is still a long way to go.  These things need to be drilled and drilled and drilled and often I get tired of fighting them and move onto other things that I can manage more easily.  This year I want to focus on these main things.

5) To shower my kids with love and praise.

This may just be a rewording of resolution 1, but I think it bears repeating.

What about you?

What goals and plans do you have for 2012?

This post is in this week's Carnival of Homeschooling.  To return to the carnival click here.

Friday, December 30, 2011

1 3 12 = 6

I recently  received an e-mail from Henry Cate and he says that the home school carnival has been going on for six years.   Since I am a host of the carnival, he has asked me to include a post for the upcoming anniversary and also to invite you, my readers, to do so as well.   After reviewing the guidelines, send  your post by  e-mail to  If you would like to participate, you should  do so by January 2, 2012, at 6 PM.   Now I just need to come up with a post by then!

My HSBA profile is on the winner of Best Nitty Gritty Homeschooler.  So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler is a fantastic blog that goes the extra mile.  Here is a Sample Post from Thanksgving 2011.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Carnival of Homeschooling at Teach Beside Me

This weeks COH is up at Teach Beside Me. They have included my post on what happens at a FLL scrimmage in their mix.  Spider Droid's FLL tournament is Saturday. Here is a video that was at Why Home School  posted last month that shows a table run.


Renee Abramowitz of School Sparks sent me a copy of her new e-book Christmas Worksheets For Santa's Little Helpers.

Here is  an page from the e-book with Christmas sight words.

Puppy and I are going to have fun doing many of these worksheets in the days to come.  Feel free to go to Renee's site and explore the many fine worksheets she has there and download the book for yourself.  Did I mention it was free?


Best Variety is the featured category of my HSBA recap today.  The winner was Heartkeeper Common Room, a blog I have appreciated for a long time now.  This post does have an eclectic mix which I hope you will enjoy.  Here is a Sample Post.

Next Time: Obligatory Christmas Tree Post

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

Cristina the author  of Home Spun Juggling, has bestowed upon me  a Liebster Award

Liebster  is a German word. 

According to an online translation tool Liebster can be defined as

 - n. sweetheart, beloved person, darling   
adj. dear, darling; beloved, liked very much; affectionate, loving   
adj. favorite, preferred above others; liked or loved above others
The purpose of this award is to showcase the hidden gems of the blogging world.  Blogs with 300 or less followers can be given the Liebster by a previous winner.    The new winner then finds 3-5 deserving blogs to bestow the award on. 

In a sense it seems like a high honor and I know that Cristina meant my Liebster that way and I receive it in that way.  But in another sense it seems like a blog version of a chain letter.

  Since I like to fill this space with praise of others in the blog-o-sphere.  I don't mind awarding some Liebsters to deserving blogs.  I would like to say that my no means do I expect  my Liebster winners to feel like they need to pay this award forward.  If they feel they know blogs that are deserving of this award.  I say go ahead let the world know.  If they choose not to continue the tradition that's fine too.

Here is the criteria I used for  doling out my Liebsters.

1) 300 or less followers.  In researching the award, I found that most references to it said 200 or more followers.  But Christina said 300 in her post and since she is my sponsor I am going to follow her lead.  Two of the blogs I have given the award to don't broadcast their follower stats.  I am giving those two the benefit of the doubt.

2) Blogs I love. Each of the recipients below are blogs I have mentioned in these pages before.  Many I have dedicated 1 or more post to.  I did not scramble to come up with names, the quality of these blogs scream out to me for recognition

The 5 blogs I have chosen are all written or co written by men.  This is somewhat coincidental.  However, since the blogosphere (at least the corner I live in) is generally filled predominately with blogs written by women.  I thought it might be nice to have a testosterone filled wing in the Liebster Hall of Fame.  Again, the quality of these blogs not the gender of the writers was my main criteria in bestowing the award. 

Here are my 5 Liebster winners in no particular order.

 I became familiar with this blog by reading his work in the Carnival of Homeschooling.  I felt an instant affinity since we both have the same last name, Dad. We also share an affinity to reading aloud as I have been reading to my children since they were in their mother's womb.  I continue to read to them now, even now that they all love to read to themselves. 

I like his book reviews and his passion for reading a out loud.  Even though he is preaching to the choir, when it comes to me.  I still find much of what he says inspirational.

Allen Levi's Blog

Allen Levi is a hero of mine.  I have written about turned singer here from time to time. He sang at my 40th birthday party.  I love his blog and even wrote a song about how I wished he would blog more

On July 23rd Allen's brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Allen continues to produce great posts with updates on his brother's progress.  The last installment where he compared his brother's sickness to a trip he took to Afghanistan was especially poignant.

While his writing is deeply personal it is  also very accessible.  I encourage you to go pay him a visit.  It just sometimes takes him a while to come to the door. 

I absolutely love this blog.  I have been a frequent follower there, since I became a revolving host of the Carnival of Homeschooling.  The carnival is the brainchild of the Cates.  I could write a whole post about how fantastic the COH is.  Im fact, I have.

Why Homeschool goes well beyond the scope of the Carnival of Homeschooling.  It has some of the best variety in the entire Internet.  It is well written, and thought provoking. I love this blog so much, I was pleasantly surprised to find it does not yet have 300 followers and thus qualifies for the award. 

Out Walking is the first blog I ever remember reading.  I found it as part of a google search.  Like Allen Levi's blog there is much more quality to this blog then quantity.  He has posted only six times since September 1st of this year, but each one was well worth waiting for.

Today's post, Oh Melancholia really struck a chord with me.  The teasing he gets from his son is very similar to the beating I take because I cry a lot.

The author of  Families again is an HSBA rival of mine.  He and I have been nominated in the best Dad category for each of the last 3 years.  The main difference being, is that he has won it two of those years (including this year)  and I am still in Susan Lucci mode.

I am a big fan of Families Again.  The author does a great job of balancing between product reviews, Compassion updates, and other interesting topics.  He used to host A fine meme called Men's Monday Meme.  As a former host of a failed  an erstwhile meme, I know the pain of spending time to prepare a weekly meme and then only having 1 or less blog link on to it.  If you don't find his blog at the link above, he has probably completed his switch to the blogger platform.  I gladly became his first follower at the new location earlier today. 

I hope you enjoyed my Liebster Awards.  Thanks again to Cristina for giving me mine.  Just so you know, Cristina.  That if anyone else gave me my Liebster, you would have been the first to receive one from me. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HSBA Awards and Carnival of Home Schooling

The 2011 HSBA awards were announced yesterday. I have all the links to the 20 winners blogs on the sidebar to the right. If you want to see who won for what catefory click here.

Today I have listed the blogs I voted for in each category as well as a link to each blog. I am currently working on making a page that will incorporate who I voted for in each category along with the winner of each category. There were some awfully good blogs nominated this year and I am looking forward to familiarizing myself with the winners.

Here is who I voted for . . .

Favorite Homeschool Mom Blog Home Spun Juggling

Best Homeschool Dad Blog Home School Dad

Best Blog Design Homeschool Hacks

Best Photos Blog Adventurez in Child Rearing

Best Crafts, Plans & Projects Blog The Science Mommy

Best Family or Group Blog Why Home School?

Best Encourager A Holy Experience

Best Current Events, Opinions or Politics Blog Why Home School?

Best Homemaking or Recipe Blog Tammy's Recipes

Best Teen Blog God's Daughter

Funniest Homeschool Blog Home School Dad

Best Special Needs Homeschool Blog Special Needs Homeschooling

Best Homeschool Vlogger 10 Million Miles

Best Homeschool Variety Blog Marine Corps Nomads

Best Thrifty Homeschooler Blog Angi's Place

Best SUPER Homeschooler Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Best Nitty-Gritty Homeschool Blog Home Spun Juggling

Best NEW Homeschool Blog Homeschool Hijinx

Best Homeschool Methods Blog Homeschool Mo

Best Homeschooling Nature/Field Trip Blog Charlotte Mason in the City


The Carnival of Homeschooling Thankfullness Edition went up today at Mom School. I am gratified that they included my post on receiving and believing encouragement. Check out the entire carnival by clicking here.

Next Time: Pilgrim Hat Cookies

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25