The Chicago white Sox have been a major league base ball team for more than 110 years. I have been a rabid fan for over 40. Yet if you asked me what I considered their single best inning in franchise history, I ld would not hesitate with an answer.
Starting in just 2 short weeks both adults in this house aka parents, will be working full time, albeit different shifts. To prepare for that, I'm assessing what the kids can do food-wise, and "certifying" them in each area. Puppy's list so far includes, Certified egg cracker (she's amazing), Certified sausage cutter, and Certified macaroni assistant. Bunny has quite a few certifications that we need to get written down, and Spider Droid makes a mean peanut butter sandwich. Here's someone getting ready for the mac-n-cheese certification test.
Lest you think I've forgotten about the Burpee Challenge, alas, I have not! Puppy has gotten herself a whistle which will aide in my speed of burpees. More photos, videos, and commentary on that score later. How many burpees can YOU do? (I think I'm up to 6.)
Yesterday, (actually) earlier today I told you about my burpee Challenge. I Hope to be able to do 25 Burpees by my birthday which is 64 days from now. Thus I am calling it the burpee Challenge 64 to 25.
In yesterday's post I wasn't quite sure what a burpee was. Well, I have gotten myself a personal trainer, who will now show you how to do a burpee.
I don't expect this blog to become the Burpee Channel: All Burpees ALL the Time. I will keep you up to date and will put any videos (including this one)that are Burpee related up at Dave Out Loud as well.
Speaking of videos, searching the Burpee Challenge brings up a number of videos on You Tube. Here is one of them: