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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A is for Allen Levi (Person)

Today is the end of Blogging from A to Z 2015 26 posts in 30 days. Wow! I have had so much fun.


Today is actually the first day of Blogging A to Z. My theme this year is nouns. So evaryday in April excluding Sundays you will get a blog about a person place or thing.

Today we start with a hero of mine, Allen Levi. I first met Allen in 1995 at a concert at my church in South Carolina. I have only seen him 4 times in the past 21 years. Each time at one of his concerts. The last time he and I met us was in 2004 at my surprise 4oth birthday party. He provided the music. Allen was an attorney and left his practice to become a full-time musician. Here is footage of him in his former habitat a concert.

I say former natural habitat because he recently did another career change and became a judge. Here is a video explaining the job change.

For More A to Z Blogging click here.

I participated in A to Z blogging back in 2012. To see what I wrote April 1st 2012 click here.

Monday, March 30, 2015

One Thing You Can do for the kid who sabotages family time - Post of the week #2

On 2/23 I shared the inaugural post of the week.  The idea for post of the week was for each Monday to share a post from my blogroll ,that I had read over the past  week and found interesting, inspiring, or some other positive adjective that begins with the letter I.

well 3-2 was the next Monday and I looked for a post of the week and got distracted and never put one up,  3-9, 3-16 and 3-23 came and went and I didn't even think about a post of the week. Now, here we are 5 weeks removed form the innaugural post and I am finally getting around to sharing a post of the week.  This comes from one of the best blogs in the free world (There are hundreds of better blogs in North Korea), We Are That Family.  The post The One Thing You Can Do for The Kid Who Sabotages Family Time. is a great idea, I am not sure if it will work for our sabotagical (I just made up that word if you did not realize it)  kid.  But it is the best idea yet that does not include shipping said kid to Siberia.

I hope to return next week with Post of  the week #3. If I don't I am going to seriously consider a name change to post of the month.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Nouns 2015 Blogging A to Z

It was 2012 that I participated in my first Blogging A to Z challenge. Here I am 3 years later to participate again. tha

My theme this year. Is A noun is a person, place or thing. First let's get that song out of our system ...

So, everyday in April except for Sundays I will be blogging about either a person place or thing that corresponds with the letter of the day. To find out more about Blogging A to Z click here.

White Sox Home Run Hitters from A.J. to Zeke

This year I am participating in the a to z challenge ...

The ideas of the challenge is to write 26 times overt he course of the month and have each post start with a different letter of the alphabet proceeding in alphabetical order. Resting Sundays allows each participant to hit each letter in the month of April. I participated in this at Home School Dad years ago. When I did I thought of this theme for blogging here. With each letter, I will write about a home run leader for the White Sox whose first name or last name starts with that letter. The sox as far as I know have never had a player whose first or last name started with X so on that day I will find some way, to blog about my first White Sox Home Run hero Dick Allen perhaps talking about his x-factor. So on Wednesday we will feature A.J. Pierzynski and finish on 4-31 with Zeke Bonura. Home Run totals are through the last game of 2014. Click here to find out more about the A to Z challenge.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

These Blogs Are SO 2024