It's time once again for Six Word Saturday at Show My Face Dot Com.
Here are my Six:
Went to Circus, Here's some pictures.
Bunny the Ringmaster
I look like circus folk don't I?
Signature Clown Move
Family Circus Clowns
The Greatest Show of Hands
Let's talk about the elephant in the room.
How many clowns does it take to change a light bulb?
High Wire Walking
High Wire Biking
Apparently the first Elephant didn't see the green light.
Sitting Tigers
Jumping Tigers
That's All Folks!
The circus in question was the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus doing their Fully Charged show. I had never been to see this circus before as I mentioned in my last post. It was a fantastic show as I hope you can see by all the pics and vids. For More Six Word Saturday show your face with or without the clown nose If you are or will be in the Chicago area this month click here for discount tickets to the show.