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Friday, November 4, 2011

3 Ring Circus. 6 word review.

It's time once again for Six Word Saturday at Show My Face Dot Com.

Here are my Six:

Went to Circus, Here's some pictures.


Bunny the Ringmaster

I look like circus folk don't I?

Signature Clown Move

Family Circus Clowns

The Greatest Show of Hands

Let's talk about the elephant in the room.

How many clowns does it take to change a light bulb?

High Wire Walking

High Wire Biking

Apparently the first Elephant didn't see the green light.

Sitting Tigers

Jumping Tigers

That's All Folks!

The circus in question was the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus doing their Fully Charged show. I had never been to see this circus before as I mentioned in my last post. It was a fantastic show as I hope you can see by all the pics and vids. For More Six Word Saturday show your face with or without the clown nose If you are or will be in the Chicago area this month click here for discount tickets to the show.


Elaine said...

It looks like a fantastic show. I like the comments under the photos - especially the elephant one! :)

insomnia said...

Nice pics. Good fun.

Kasi said...

Beautiful pictures! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

JosephAlsarraf said...

I only went to the circus once when I was little. It's pretty cool to see those tigers and elephants do those tricks. : )

betty said...

Looks like fun was had by all!!


jugglingpaynes said...

I'm glad you had a fun time! Congratulations on your nominations for Best Home School Dad and Funniest blog! (There might have been more, I didn't have time to do a full search of the category lists.)

Peace and Laughter,

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25