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Monday, January 26, 2009

Emma Writes (Photographic Edition)

Recently I gave Emma about 20 random pictures from our picture drawer. I asked her to choose 2 of those pictures and write a story somehow based on them. Here are the pictures:

This is Simon. My father in law's dog. This makes him our first dog, once removed.

This is Charlie. Almost 2 at time of picture.

Here is Emma's story:

Charlie and Simon: The Soccer Star

By Emma

One day Charlie was working at the zoo, when he heard a noise. It was coming from the dog pen. Charlie ran over there, and there was little Simon. Simon got stuck in the fence because his soccer ball rolled in there, So, Charlie opened the gate and Simon ran out with his soccer ball. Then Charlie asked "Simon, what are you doing?"

Simon answered, "Practicing for the Pups soccer tryout."

Then Charlie said, "You mean you are not old enough for the Doggies?"

Then Simon answered: "Yep, well time to go. Bye!"

Charlie tended the animals until closing. He went down the path until he saw . . . Simon, in line for the doggies! Then Charlie said: "What are you doing here?!?"

Simon said: "I was good enough. Want to stay?"
So Charlie stayed for the try-outs. Then Simon ran out saying, "I made the team!"

Then Charlie said"That's Great! Now, let's go home."

So, they went home and after supper they played a good game of soccer. Simon won.

The End

Next Time: Awana

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A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

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