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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Kids Sing

Today was a first and possibly last in our family. All 3 of our children sang on stage together.

Our family loves singing. No one's going to confuse us with the Von Trapp family singers or anything. In fact, if our kids sang as poorly as I do, they'd be the shut your von trap family.

For the past few weeks we have been preparing for the kids to sing at our church's Christmas choir service. Lucy was in the age range for the first year and Emma for possibly the last.
Here is a clip of them all singing.
We'd like to thank all the hard work put in behind the scenes done by so many people in our church. Special thanks must go to our Children's pastor and his wife who do such a fantastic job of heading it up each year.

Next Time: Three Things Thursday


sweetnika said...

how darling! love the kids choir!
is there a reason your blog roll is gone? I enjoy your list of favorite blogs and was missing it on my coffee break this morning :)

great post.... as always!

Dave Roller said...

Anika, I have been having a little trouble with the blog of late. It seems to eat my blog rolls. Perhaps it's eating rolls on it's coffee break. I am adding them back slowly and surely.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25