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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dole - Now in 100% Juice Aloha Sweepstakes and other fragments

It is Friday Fragment time again. I have had a strange and wonderful week. Drove to Springfield with the Family on Tuesday to protest a bill that would take away some of the freedoms we have here in Illinois to Home School, The bill was tabled and I blogged about it here. ************************************************************************************ My next Fragment reminds me of the book and movie The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio. This is a contest to win a Hawaiian vacation. There are several ways to win. Any time Amy and I see a contest we know for sure that we are "slated" to win. It doesn't matter that, we often forget to enter and that we never win. We just know we are going to win. So enter if you want, but Amy and I have got the vacation in the bag. Dole - Now in 100% Juice Aloha Sweepstakes ************************************************************************************ We saw this add on Hulu this week. I know I've been sharing lots of commercials lately but this one is hilarious. Bunny Girl especially liked it. Even though one of her favorite creatures was threatened. ************************************************************************************ This commercial by the same airlines does a very good job of explaining why companies don't say Super Bowl in their radio and t.v. spots. It's also very funny. ************************************************************************************

Final Fragment. The pictures that started this post were taken last Saturday at our Church for Awana Bible Quizzing. Both Spider Droid and Bunny Girl were just a small # of the kids participating to get 8 of 8 correct in their multiple choice round. It is rewarding to put God's word in your heart!


Kay said...

those commercials cracked me up!!

good job with the HS thing!! i am glad you guys got wind of the bill before it could go forward! score one for us homeschoolers!

Karen and Gerard said...

Hey, I thought those were pictures of AWANA quizzing! I loved working in AWANA in our church in Cleveland. Congrats to your kids for getting 8 out of 8 correct! Are you an AWANA worker? I used to be secretary, commander, director and leader. Even filled in as game director some weeks. I loved it! It's a wonderful program for kids!

Stopping by from FF.

The Crazy Coxes said...

I love the Frontier commercials!
Congrats to the kids for getting all of the answers correct! That is awesome.
Oh and congrats to you and Amy for winning that Hawaii trip - since you ARE going to win!

Tracie Nall said...

Those are great commercials. Very fun.

AWANA is a wonderful program. My cousins's family did it for years and years.

Good work on the bill! That is fabulous news.

doreen said...

Great work on the bill!
You must be doing a great job your kids got 8 of 8 that is great :)
Those commercials are so funny; my dogs always bark when the bunny one comes on!
Have a positive and powerful week..

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25