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Saturday, July 9, 2011

How work can effect diet.

The nice thing about working late in Friday night is by the time I get home Six Word Saturday is already posted. Now if I were more together I would write the post prior to work and just link in when I get home. The truth is I have not done a lot of blogging since I started my temp job last week. I have quite a few posts that I could spend time on but I am not sure how people who work 8 hour days blog as well. Sure being a home educator is a full time job and yet I find time to blog then. What will be interesting is if I continue to do 2nd shift temp assignments after Amy goes back to school in August. This job I am on now has me leaving the house at about 2:15 which school is usually done by, so I guess it is doable. I just don't know what that will do to the blogging. Let's wait and see.

Oh I almost forgot. Six Word Saturday. Look up at the title of this post if you have forgotten it. I'm looking too.

Here are my six words:

May never eat graham crackers again.

Here is my explanation. A good part of my assignment is loading cardboard into big machines so they can be made into cardboard boxes. The thing is I'm putting thousands of these in per job and I have discovered that cardboard looks like graham crackers. So at times I am looking at graham cracker looking box, after graham cracker looking box. My fear is that one day soon I will be eating a graham cracker and it will taste like, you guessed it, cardboard.

For more Six Word Saturday. Click Here.

Next Time: A Trip to the Zoo.


Kiddothings said...

Haha...that makes perfect sense! Saying Hi from 6WS.

Unknown said...

Got confused there for a minute - thought surely there can't be two guys doing 6WS and working in a box factory.

You're also the sox / box man, makes sense now. We don't have graham crackers in Australia so I have no idea what they look like - we do have boxes though :-) so I'm using my imagination and thinking that they can't be that visually appealing.

Anonymous said...

What is a graham cracker?

Unknown said...

OMG, I'd fear the same too!

Found you through 6WS!

Ron. said...

I thought graham crackers were cardboard...

Not playin the 6's this week, but enjoyed your.

Call Me Cate said...

I like graham crackers, usually as part of other concoctions. On their own, I totally get the comparison.

Thanks for playing!

Becca said...

LOL would it help to put peanut butter on them? That is my favorite way to eat graham crackers!

Tammy said...

Hi! My 6 words for the week are "Stay Away From Mint Oreo Cookies!" Haha.I ate WAY too many this week. Thanks for listing my blog on your side bar (From the Top 25):) I appreciate it.

Tammy said...

Oh, it's the Unique Family Vision blog ;)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25