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Saturday, July 2, 2011

SIx words after a full day of work

I forgot how "real" labor feels.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying that what I usually do (teach the kids) isn't work. It not only is work, it is the most demanding (and rewarding) job I have ever had, It's just since 1992 when I graduated college all have my jobs have been office jobs with the exception of my work for the census last year, This summer I have contacted various agencies and have looked for summer employment. I have not had a great deal of success so far. Today I got a call at about 3:30 p.m. to work an 8 hour shift at a box factory. I worked 10 hours putting literally thousands of potential boxes in a box making machine. The work cycle was like this 1 to 1/2 hours of grueling backbreaking work followed by 1-2 minutes of adding fractions. I of course loved the fraction adding part. I would have done that for free,

If I survive the weekend I may get invited back next week to make more boxes. If that happens I will be glad for the chance to bring some money into the family and I also glad to be able to still do hard work as a man of my advanced years. But I will be especially glad that every hour and a half or so I can get paid to add fractions!

For more Six Word Saturday click here to head to Show My Face dot com.


Ron. said...

Not to mention the income. Now let's see; Wage times time-and-a-half for seven and a half hours, divided equally among my creditors...

Anonymous said...

I hope they appreciate you :)

Unknown said...

I hope they appreciate you too.

I went from back breaking production work years ago to an office job and for the first few months I thought I was going to go crazy sitting at a desk and not using up all the energy I had.

Least you'll sleep well :-)

Unknown said...

i am glad that you have found a job! i'm sure you are doing well and they will keep you for more grueling work! i am sorry it isn't more fractions and less box making!

Maude Lynn said...

That sounds like rough work!

Susan in SC said...

Hope you get paid well for your hard work. It does give you a sense of satisfaction when you finish a hard day of physical work! Great 6WS!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a sweaty job. Makes me think of bringing ice water to you while you work. Great 6WS!

Karen S. said...

Real labor for sure! glad to see you back!

Call Me Cate said...

Nothing like some back-breaking "real" labor to make us appreciate our more cerebral endeavors. Enjoy your fraction breaks and thanks for playing 6WS (only simple math required).

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25