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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

COH #307 Tweeting The Carnival

My response to twitter when I first heard of it was exactly the same as my response to Facebook when I first heard of it was about the same. Why would I ever do that. With twitter I was intrigued about the process of condensing my thoughts and even did a few twitter sized posts on my blog. Finally I warmed up to the idea of twitter and started using it from time to time.

Earlier this year it dawned on me that about the only time I read all the carnival of homeschooling articles is when I host the carnival. I even read other hosts say the same thing. Each time I have hosted I get so much out of the carnival since I do read each post. So as a writing challenge to myself and a chance to read an entire carnival I tweeted every post of COH#286 that was hosted @ As For Me and My House this past summer.

I really enjoyed all aspects of the experiment, I got to read every post and I got to work on my writing chops by reviewing each post in twitter sized chunks. So when my turn came up to host the carnival I decided to tweet the entire carnival. As each submission came in I tweeted intro and even made up a hash tag for the carnival, . Most of these tweets came on Monday night because like the title of the aforementioned COH 286 there were technical difficulties in getting all the links to me in a timely manner.

So, for your enjoyment, enlightenment, entertainment and 3 other words that don't start with an "e" or end with a "t", here is the Twitter edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling:

NOTE: By Clicking on the word Tweet in each submission you can see my original tweets.

Can you tell a good book by the award on it's cover? ReadaloudDad says kid's can't, and they are 100% right.

Chore could use more help at home. Chris of HomeSchoolvs.PublicSchool presents Encouraging Chore Participation Tweet

Charla & HighParkHomeDaycare made a fun tree & leaf decoration. Nothing says Fall like leaves and velcro!

BarbaraFrank chronicles the upside of downsizing now that her 4 children are adults. Enjoy Almost There Tweet

Amanda of DenSchool continues her WhyWeHomeschool series. Her guest Victoria answers Siblings as Best Friends.

Lisa of Golden Grasses has Basement Love. She says the singing and laughing of family outweigh the soreness.

Cristina of Homespunjuggling likes reading about testing & learning . I like her cartoons & book she's planning. Tweet

Linda of Parent at the Helm knows any endeavor has it's own vocabulay. Here's her Happy Home Education Glossary

LauraGraceWeldon talks about the lost art of "unmentoring" in Fancy Name For Grown-Ups Kids Need

If Blossom of NLH&S *NorthLaurelHome&School* feels outshone by others acheivements, she asks What about the rest of us? I love her answer.

Erin reviews at CLHSN *Chicago Land Home School Network*. She says you can watch with preschooler and teenager and all 3 can enjoy. Tweet

Kelly at Thehomeschoolco-op shares her November Monthly Booklist: Top Ten Tweet

Amy of DCB *Delightful Children's Books* says before you "book" your next visit to the aquarium check out these 9 Children's Books About Fish

LindseyClair on Week 10 of her Homeschooling Journey at HSID *Home School in Detroit*: Report Cards, Leaf Contests and Lapbooks, Oh My!

I had a guest at HomeSchoolDad this week. Amber Paley had great tips on taking children on nursing home visits,

Maureen of SpellOutloud can't keep the lid on the newest toddler teaching tool. Top of your learning with lids.

Cindy at Getalonghome tells her friends who send their kids to public school why she won't judge them. Tweet

Susan of HomeschoolingHearts&Minds says she is hopeless, but Organizing Our Homeschool Week argues otherwise.

Henry Cate AKA Mr. COH, of Why Homeschool shares this cute video . . .The Homeschool Kids Who Don't Do Anything Tweet

Fall makes beautiful colors so does Allison at HomeschoolHappyMess in Poetry and Leaf Painting:

Yummy Yum Yum! Margot at Learningbeyondthebook says Science is Delicious! You butter not miss this post!

Maggie of ParentingSquad presents 7Reasons to Take Your Kid to a Protest. What will I do with the other 2?)

NEPC plan to control online education got HappyElfMom 's attn in Cyberschools: 800#Gorilla of School Choice. ..

of HSLHS *Holy Spirit Led Home Schooling*talks about Homeschooling Boys. She had me at Lego's are to be embraced! :)

JeanetteDrew, TheAccidentalHomeschooler talks about a surprisingly fun educational fieldtrip to a landfill. Tweet

Jamie @ MOMschool says "Burnout, you are so busted!", with these 5 quick, doable homeschool stress relievers.

Kris of WeirdUnsocializedHomeschoolers says figuring out courses for highschool is a googlesized job. *Here is* her plan.

Jay3fer of AIML*Adventures in Mama-Land* hasn't dropped out of school. She says when food is involved, math happens even on a week off.

Maureen of Homeschool Mo gets your goat and takes the cake in her preschool at home week in review.

Thus ends the tweeting portion of this edition. I had a lot of fun. I hope you did too. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of homeschooling using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


jugglingpaynes said...

Ha! Clever theme! Great job putting it all together, especially with all of the technical difficulties. Thanks for taking it on. :o)

Peace and Laughter!

Jamie said...

Great job... I like the tweet twist... ;)

Susan said...

Thank you for spending so much time and effort on putting this together (especially with the nasty technical difficulties). ;0)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25