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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday 2 Questions @ Self Sagacity

I am not participating in Thursday 2 Questions. But that doesn't mean you can't check it out.

Here's a puppyism that I heard at math today:

8 + 3, I don't need to use the number line, I can use my brain.

HSBA Featured Winner

Ana Braga-Henebry's Journal - Best Super Homeschooler.

This is really a super homeschool blog.  It's interesting, informative, personal and loaded with variety.

Here is a Sample Post.


Carma Sez said...

sounds like something my son would say - he despises having to write out the complete solution to the problem when he can easily figure out in his head in a fraction of the time said...

. I have bookmarked your website so that I can come back & read more in the future as well.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25