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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Carnival of Homeschooling Out Loud

Carnival of Homeschooling # 336
Presents . . .

I am Dave.  My main blog is Home School Dad.

Barbara Frank Online presents Don't be Intimidated by Homeschooling for High School Part I

Tamara chimes in with Summer Fun Activities at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama.  Before you head over to PeeDeepedia, the Pee Dee is a region in the northeastern corner of South Carolina.

Speaking of summer, It is a great time to nurture family relationships and make learning a pleasurable experience. So says Susan of At Home and School in Family summer fun: 10 ways to learn and connect

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer.  Jeff of Do It Yourself High School  says:  "While most families spend Memorial Day weekend at the beach, we go on a hike and learn little known, yet interesting, information."  Jeff shares some of that info in  Homeschoolers hike Indiana Dunes State Park.

Mindy of Den School asks Television -helpful or harmful?

Liz E presents Homeschooling Failures posted at Homeschooling in Buffalo.

What to Teach in Homeschool at Letters From Nebby

Julie who hosts the Homeschooled Kids Blog Carnival at  Homeschooling-ideas  asks the excellent question, Whose homeschool is it anyway?

Resources for Shakespeare's Hamlet presented by Annie Kate of Tea Time with Annie Kate.

Beveryly Hernandez is pleased to announce that the 14th annual Summer Reading Club is being hosted at Homeschool Journeys.  She invites us to Join the Homeschool Summer Reading Club.

Here's Erin  of Nirvana Homeschooling with   Free Homeschooling Curriculum, Textbooks and Resources.

Alasandra of Alasandra's Homeschool Blog wants us to Remember the Raisin all 1,812 of them.

Lincoln & Latin is a summary of Jen's week  in Forever, For Alawys, No Matter What.

Speaking of Puppy,  Over at Home School Dad, I present Tired of School.

Pamela Jorrick presents Less Screen Time and More Conversations posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.

Laura Grace Weldon  explains the Benefits of Special Interest Groups

Want a shock? Try Grade Shock  by Christine from Our Curious Home

Misty Z invites us to have a ball at Homeschool Bytes by Learning Geography with Games and a Beach Ball.

Katherine presents School Choice  at No Fighting No Biting

Abrianna's take on Vouchers  can be found at Cowgirl Yankee. 

What If? as presented by Linda Dobson of Parent at the Helm.

Travel is an important part of education.  So says Cristina of Home Spun Juggling in An Education one (Foot)step at a Time.

Henry Cate of  Why Homeschool announces We are losing our first homeschooler.

Andrea Hermitt presents Last Day at Notes from A Homeschooled Mom

Christine MM of The Thinking Mother has a plan, A halfday homeschool plan for the last two weeks of the  year

Next Week's Carnival is at

Submissions are due to: by 6:00 PM (PST) on the Monday evening of the week. It will be greatly appreciated if the submissions come in earlier. Please send the following information:

Title of Post
URL of Post
Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Brief summary of the post
(With "carnival" or "submission" in the subject field of the email.)

You can also send in a submission via Blog Carnival by going here.

I'll be back in a day or two with some Carnival outtakes. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for including my submission. I am looking forward to reading the other submissions when I have the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

There goes my afternoon, scrolling through all these great links. Thanks for including mine!

Unknown said...

Hey Dave, great Carnival - I cannot believe how many submissions you have! Will be spending the rest of the evening reading these, they look great

Ahermitt said...

THAT WAS AWESOME. Thanks for a fun carnival.

ChristineMM said...

Thank you for hosting, I blogged & tweeted it. Have a great night!

jugglingpaynes said...

That is amazing! How did you find a bunny that sounds just like you? All of our cats sound like my kids.

Wonderful carnival, Dave! Clever and creative presentation!

Peace and Laughter!

Julie said...

Loved the videos! Thanks for a great carnival. Julie from Homeschooling-ideas.

Barbara Frank said...

Thanks for hosting the carnival and including my post, Dave. Will tweet this link.

Barbara Frank

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Thanks for hosting the Carnival. Enjoyed checking out the links - so many great ideas and information!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25