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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Carnival Homeschooling: Read Out Loud Edition

The Informed Parent has informed me that February is Library Lovers Month.  She would like me to inform you the same.  Since I am inrareform, consider yourself informed.

Stephanie Hoffpauir, who has all the vowels in her name (my apologies to the sometimes y people) asks Are you paying for a depreciating education?  It is a  summary of a piano teacher's experience with schooled students.

Charleen from Evey Bed of Roses poses (roses and poses, gotta love a little interior rhyme) the question: Winter Nature Study is it Possible? That reminds me, I have never posed for a question.s

Speaking of posing questions, What's the best game you ever played?  Jonathan of Questions and Answers  About Life writes about The Best Game You've Never Played.

Olivia of Need a Nanny? Hire a Nanny.  Have a Nanny? Leave a Nanny (It's actually just Hire A Nanny) discusses Proper Etiquete Rules for any Child, Perhaps Yours.

Susan of Corn and Oil presents the Kellog family adventures in Off the Grid.

Annette of A Net in Time finds spontaneous learning to be the most enjoyable way to teach her son.  In Enjoyment in Teaching she says it leads to information that really sticks into his head.

Chris Shaw of Home School vs Public School checks in with Learning About Government

Just like I have enlisted my family to participate in this carnival, Henry Cate of Why Homeschool has enlisted his daughter to share her college experiences in A typical day of college for our oldest homeschooler.

Ed of Irkitated closes the carnival with How about teaching kids practical skills in school Since he is the last I don't have time for my article, How about teaching bloggers to end their questions with a question mark?

It's been a good carnival, thanks for everyone who participated and all who will drop by. Thanks especially to my family members for doing the interviews. .   Next week's carnival will be at Homeschool . Now here I am to wrap this episode up.

1 comment:

Chareen said...

Thank you for hosting this weeks Carnival :) I'm looking forward to exploring the links

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25