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Saturday, January 17, 2015

6 word Saturday:Polar Bear Follies

I can't believe it's been 6 year since Amy and the kids did this at the zoo.  It hasn't been quite 6 years at since I shared a post for 6 word Saturday.  My 6 words are.  "Do it again, do it again!"  Which Wolfina shouts very loud at the end of this video.

For more 6 word Saturday go to Showmyfacedotcom


vivinfrance said...

Great fun.

Ron. said...

Thank you for having children you can take to the zoo and record so that I don't have to. Marvelous.

keiths ramblings said...


betty said...

So cute! Polar bears are always one of my favorites to visit at zoos!


restlessjo said...

Do it again! I love it :)

Mlissabeth said...

That polar bear is entertaining!

SDLT said...

Sounds like someone had a lot of fun!

tonyamaries said...

That was great!

Middle Girl said...

A common refrain for fun and inviting, "let's do it again."

Kate said...

I have never see the polar bears do anything but sleep! A lucky day. :)

jugglingpaynes said...

That was adorable!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25