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Monday, May 25, 2020

Homeschool Argument

Yesterday morning I spent about an hour exploring other blogs from this years a to z blogging challenge.  One of the blogs I was looking at had a link to a blog hop called 6 sentence stories at a blog called Girlie on the Edge.  I had heard of all sorts of differnet story lengths but the concept still intrigued me.  So for fun, I jotted down a 6 sentence story and shared it with my family to mixed reviews.  The way the blog hop works is that each week a few days before the blog hop they give a prompt word.  You need to use the word somehow in the story (either as a word or as a subject or theme ). The word this week is right.  I wrote a quick story and will share it here now and link it to the blog hop on Thursday.

Homeschool Argument

"You may be right..."

"I am right."

"You may be right..."

"No, I am definitely right!"

'Stop interrupting me.  You may be writing out your math assignment tomorrow; Our computer isn't working."

To see more six sentence stories click here


Clark Farley said...


Welcome to the Six Sentence Story*

*Six Sentence Story unofficial motto: "Bless the genius grammarmatician who invented semi-colons.

Kristi said...


UP said...

Michner could write 200 word sentences and loaded them with semi-colons. I aspire to that ! Good six. Great picture of the family UP there!

messymimi said...

Wonderful! That's sounds like the conversations at my house, or at least what they were like when the kids were still young and home schooling.

Welcome to our fun little corner, we'd love to have you keep coming back.

Pat B said...

I think there may be some groans following that last line.
Welcome to the SSS group.

Lisa Tomey said...

You were right about the write 😂

GirlieOnTheEdge said...

Welcome to Six Sentence Stories!
Fun Six. Made me laugh and again, I stand in amazement at all that can be said in a mere 6 sentences. (suddenly, I'm self conscious,lol. Did I just write that right? :D )

D. Avery said...

There's a right way and a write way, but no wrong way to write a Six, unless of course it's more or less a Six.
See you next week!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25