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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Poetry Friday -The Ampersand

 The A to Z challenge is over and now I can get back to my regular life for awhile. That means I can start  posting some of my poetry here again.  

Last month I participated in my first official poetry reading. The poetry group I attend with my daughter at our local library had all the poets who attend that wanted to read their works at a special Poetry month celebration. The poems I read ranged from being 9 months to 30 years old but on the walk to the library on the day of the reaidng. this poem popped into my head.

The Ampersand

The ampersand is very grand

When he is on vacation

He looks real great, is never late

For he is punctuation

The ampersand stands in for and

When and is on hiatus

He tells parentheses to let it be

When question marks berate us

He says to dash - don't be so brash

Because you are in morse

Without me

AT&T could never stay the course

The ampersand don't understand

Why pound signs now hashtag

The at signs name is apersand

Which really is a drag

The ampersand don't hang out late 

At exclamation point

But saves the drama for the comma

When he gets out of joint.

Check out all the other Poetry Friday fun and whatnot hosted this week by Teacher Dance by clicking here.



Linda B said...

Love that it just "popped in" & it's so funny, Dave! I bet the audience loved it! I love "Because you are in morse

Without me" Happy Friday!

laurasalas said...

"For he is punctuation"--hahahahaha. This is awesome. Do you mean you wrote it long ago and just remembered about it on your way? Or you literally wrote it on your way to the reading? Yowsa! Happy Poetry Friday. I love ampersands, and I use them frequently when tweeting (ugh) to save characters.

Anastasia Suen said...

What a FUN poem, Dave! Kudos!

Carol said...


Patricia Franz said...

Dave, I love that you brought punctuation to life! So creative! Hope everyone enjoyed listening to it at the poetry reading. Congrats!

Dave Roller said...

Thanks for all the kind words. As a clarification, I wrote most of the poem on the way to the poetry reading, but did not read that poem at the poetry reading, I read 4 other poems at the poetry reading. Last Monday I finished the poem and read it at our monthly poetry group where it was a big hit.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25