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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Poetry Friday - The Poet That Lives Inside of Me

 Last week I shared how in our poetry writers group we were asked to write two poems about the writing process:1 serious and the other humorous.  I shared the serious one last week, and now the humorous attempt. 

The Poet That Lives Inside of Me

There's a poet living inside of me

We sometimes don't agree

My life sometimes gets in the way 

Don't write a thing from March to May

But the poet living inside of me

Is writing every day

He stores these poems somewhere

He doesn't say; I do not care

But when I need to write a poem 

He lets me know they're there

The poet living inside of me

It seems we're in a fight

But rather than we disagree

We know that we're both right.

Poetry Friday is hosted this week at Salt City Verse. Join in, by clicking here.


Lou Piccolo said...

Dave, I love that there’s a poet inside of you secretly storing poems. I wonder if he can recognise the poets inside of others secretly gathering words and weaving them together?
Thank you for this lovely poem!

Irene Latham said...

My favorite stanza is the one where the poet inside you is writing everyday. So true!

Anonymous said...

Fer sherrrrrrleeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Your poem makes sense. What I don't understand is the mystical force that removes one of my socks every time I do laundry.

Janice Scully said...

There certainly is a bit of mystery when it come to where poems come from. It sounds like you're we'll aware of that voice and you worked together to write that charming poem. I know poets, and maybe those who don't yet know they are poets, will certainly relate to it.

Tabatha said...

What a cool image -- the inner poet busy at work, growing a stockpile of (hidden) poems.

Patricia Franz said...

Just love this ongoing conversation that this flows from - the internal monologue-really a dialog. I think we all have this. Love that last line, too!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25