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Friday, May 24, 2024

Light Bulb Poem

Today was the last day of school and the only thing sadder than saying goodbye to my students for the Summer is saying the same thing to my computer.  Substitute teachers in my district need to borrow a computer each time they teach and return it at the end of the day,  Classroom teachers are able to keep their computers year round as long as they are employed by the district.  As a building sub, I am able to borrow a computer at the beginning of the year and not return it until the last day of the year. So today I had to say goodbye to my dear friend and I am back to borrowing computers from friends and libraries until the 24/25 school year gets under way. 

Before I returned the computer to the media center, I cleaned out any files I may have had put on there during the course of the year.  I came across a poem, I had written but forgotten all about.  I don't remember what my inspiration was. I think it may have stemmed (no pun intended) from one of the science classes I was subbing in.  Or it may have been am ELA assignment or maybe just a prompt form my poetry group.  In any case it was in a Microsoft document in a borrowed computer and is now a submission to Poetry Friday which is being hosted this week by Michelle Kogan.

 Growth Mindset


Standing on Our Failures

In cartoons,  when an unsolvable problem is about to need a new adjective, a light bulb goes on over the thinker’s head.   
When Thomas Alva Edison 
Or T. Alva Ed 
Was inventing the light bulb 
What went on over his head?

Idea after idea after idea 
More than 10,00 all told 
Which he did not view as failures 
But as steps to the goal. 

With each setback I think 
I would have felt like a jerk 
But Tom discovered 
ways that his bulb wouldn’t work 

Inspiration is a light 
Perspiration is when we fight 
To perfect our ideas 

Now when I have a bright idea. 
And the light bulb shines 
I stand on other's failures 
And a whole lot of mine.

To get back to Poetry Friday click here.


Patricia Franz said...

I will remember "standing on others' failures" -- timely in that I posted something similar this week!

Michelle Kogan said...

Keep the lights going, and reach for all those ⭐️’s big and small who inspire. Thanks for sharing Dave!

Jane @ said...

Wow, the school year is over already?? We've got another month here, we're all starting to get a bit squirrely!

And we're definitely working on cultivating a "growth mindset" with my kiddo at home - it's a work in progress for sure!

Janice Scully said...

I heard Jerry Spinelli speak a while ago when his book "Loser" was published. He also spoke about the making mistakes, that it is the only way to learn. Your post reminded me of him, who I think is a great middle-grade writer.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25