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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Capping Off Poetry Friday

 I am an old school blogger and as such I still list many blogs on multiple blogrolls at my site.  There are many different types of blogs, sports blogs, music blogs, poetry blogs just to name a few.  tonight as I was looking over some of the recent posts on my blog roll I noticed one that said 30 poems.  So I assumed it was a poetry blog this being just a few hours from Poetry Friday.  Boy was I wrong it was a blog called Fan Graphs which is a very insightful baseball blog that I understand only about a third of.  

Well I clicked and there were 30 poems all right, but they were poems about baseball caps and not just any baseball caps but 30 poems dedicated to a new line of caps called overlap caps by the company New Era. 

Davy Andrews wrote a poem for each of the 30 MLB teams caps.  They are called overlap caps because each cap overlaps two of the baseball teams names or designs.  Since I am a Chicago baseball fan I am including a picture of both Chicago teams caps  and the first few lines of the poem to demonstrate the effect.


                    Chicago White Sox

Pay close attention, kids. 
This is the danger of the limited color palette. 
Life’s not black and white. 

Or rather, it’s not all black and white. 
There’s still right and wrong. 
There’s right, and then there’s wrong. 
So much wrong we’re drowning in it,

                        Chicago Cubs 

 “Nothing to see here,” said the huge, rotund C 
 That swallowed its skinny sibling whole. 
 “Nothing to see. Hop aboard the El.” 
 It looks like it’s about to throw the skinny C back up.

To see the pictures of the rest of the caps and read these poems in their entirety along with other teams of your choosing click here

Poetry Friday is hosted this week by Janet at Salt City Verse.  You can click here to see what she has going on. I have not been writing much poetry lately which is one of the reasons why I have not been participating in Poetry Fridays for a while, but as my old school blog role indicates I am still actively pursuing poetry in my blog reading.


Janice Scully said...

Welcome back! You have so many interests and these overlap caps and poem grabbed my curiosity. Thanks for sharing these!

laurasalas said...

Oh, interesting. These remind me a bit of wordplay "___ is a Word" poems we did recently where the actual shape/physicality of the word is also incorporated into the poem sometimes. Not a baseball fan, but even I like these baseball cap poems. :>)

Rose Cappelli said...

Interesting post, Dave. As a baseball fan, I'll have to try this sometime.

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25