One thing I specifically remember from the event that it was in a building that my Orthodontist had been in years before and that the building had one of those old fashioned elevators complete with an elevator operator. Watching that video reminded me of a movie that is currently playing at the theatre I work at. It is called rule breakers based on a true story of Afghanistan girls competing in a FIRST Robotics competition.
I like to consider myself the king of the segue but even I wasn't sure how to go from two segments on robotics to talking about Bob Bennet Weekly Live but I'm going to try:
From FIRST to First Things First
The 5 years anniversary of Co-Vid 19 shutting down life as we knew it at least for a time kind of came and went, in my opinion, without much to do. 5 years ago on Friday, March 13th was my last day working as a substitute teacher until September of 2022, and Saturday March 14th 2020 was my last day working at the movie theatre until a year later. Two weeks later I was stocking shelves overnight at a grocery store, which I did for a year. People in many lines of work had to be flexible at this time.
Bob Bennett, one of my favorite singers began on his 65th birthday March 21st of 2020 a series of weekly on-line interactive concerts called originally enough Bob Bennett Weekly Live. Tonight he finished his 5th year of such concerts. He streams these concerts replete with a virtual tip jar each week and on both You-Tube and Facebook.
My wife and I listened in while we were playing cribbage, and gin rummy and Bob even gave Amy a shout out during the concert. Tonight's concert featured many songs mostly made by request from Bennett's first album First Things First (1979) I also made a Spotify playlist that features the songs Bennett played tonight including multiple renditions of a few of the songs.
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