Sox Fam

Sox Fam

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Showing posts with label Feline Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feline Friday. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2021

Feline Friday: You can lead your human to your food dish but you can't make them feed you.

Our family has 2 cats, let's call them cat 1 and cat 2.  Two weeks ago I participated   in my first Feline Friday at Comedy Plus by telling a story of how they are nowhere to be seen when company comes a calling.  This week I caught some footage of their normal behavior when they encounter me.  They do act differently for other family members, but  this is their catus operandi for their interactions with me.

Cat 1

 As you can see, Cat 1 uses me for 1 thing and 1 thing only, to have his food refilled.  He will meow and walk over to his cat dish when he sure I will follow.   could not capture his signature move, continue to meow for food while I am in the process of pouring it, because due to the hiring crisis, I have had to film my own cats recently.

Cat 2

At first Cat 2 seems like one chill cat.  However, as I get anywhere near him he just runs away.  He'd be a perfect Covid cat as he is excellent at maintaining a six foot distance.

For more Feline Friday click here. If you care visiting from Feline Friday be sure to catch some of my signature moves by checking out some of my more recent posts. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Feline Friday: When the House is Full, Our Cats are MIA.

  I am sort of participating in Feline Friday at Comedy Plus today,  I say sort of participating because I am not following their prescribed rules of posting a picture, cartoon or video of a cat.  What I offer instead is a cow eating grass style anecdote of why our scaredy cats hide when ever people and especially dogs visit our abode as they did yesterday for Thanksgiving.  6 relatives and a dog-in-law partook in turkey, ham, cranberries and yams yesterday and our cats blipped off the radar into the basement as they are wont to do.  I could take a picture of them now as they are in full post holiday hover mode in the next room but in this case no picture is the best picture of what happens when visitors come to call.  

For some legitimate Feline Friday entries click here.

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25