Twice in a week. How awesome is that.
Here is the awesome video to which we are referring.
For more Blimey Cow click here. To watch What I learned listening to K-Love click here,
A to Z Challenge 2025
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Showing posts with label K-Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label K-Love. Show all posts
Friday, April 17, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
O is for Oreos
It has been a while since I participated in Friday Fragments at Half-Past Kissin' Tim. So I thought I'd give it a try. If you are not familiar with Friday Fragments, last week's offering is very typical of the genre: a few short fragments of posts that don't have any cohesiveness or unity. I am also doing A to Z blogging this month, so my first fragment will be a thing that begins with the letter N. This is in keping to my A to Z theme of nouns
Fragment 1: O is for Oreo.
When I was a kid there were sandwich cookies like the kind my parents brought at grocery store and then there were Oreos. Boy were they different! The sandwich cookies didn't look like Oreos, hey didn't separate like Oreos and they sure didn't taste like Oreos. Oreos were reserved for special occasions because the store brand cookies sure didn't cost as much as Oreos.
Boy have things changed! These days store like Target and Aldi have their own brands of sandwich cookies. We call them Fake Oreos. They still don't cost as much as Oreos, but I am happy to report that they look like Oreos, separate like Oreos, and they even taste like Oreos.
Fragment 2 K-Love Pledge drive
Our family really enjoys listening to Christian music and the station K-Love is often on in our car as we drive back and forth through that thing called life. A few times a year they have a pledge drive. I have a strange sense of humor, and like to over analyze things. So I pulled my vlog Dave Out Loud out of mothballs and made this video about K-Love and the pledge drive.
Pledge drive, in all seriousness has been fantastic this year. God is doing so many wonderful things just through people listening and giving to the station. To give K-love a listen click here..
Fragment 3: Age of Ultron
I was looking through some old posts this week and I came across this one (also a Friday Fragment post) from 4 years ago entitled I thought Super Hero Movies wer for kids. Just like the fake Oreos situation, things have got better for kid-friendly super hero . Since I wrote that movies like Thor, Captaian America, and Avengers have produced movies I enjoy and will allow my kids to watch and love. Avengers 2 comes out in 14 days and a majority of our family is psyched. Here's a short featuette that came out on youtube yesterday ...
Fragment 4 Imago Film Festival
I promised before the A to Z challenge started to tell more abot ut my experiences at this year's Imago Film Festival. Here is the trailer for Believe Me, a film I saw at the festival.
That's all the fragmments we have time for today. Go back to whence you came by clicking on A to Z Or Friday Fragments we have time for today.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fragments From a Waiting Room
It is Friday and I am in a waiting room. What am I doing in a waiting room? Waiting, of course. These puppies are perfectly name.
Spider Droid has an appointment so Puppy and I are waiting. Since I have a few minutes I thought I'd participate in Friday Fragments at Half Past Kissing Time.
Fragment 1
Fragment II
I have spent the past few days tweaking the look of this blog. The biggest change is one I made about a month ago when I added a slide show. I figures since I would not be posting much for a while that at least people could get a glimpse of us if they visited. I might make a few more changes in the weeks to come.
Fragment III
One of my new look items is a return to having a quote on my masthead. To see some of the quotes that were there previously just click on my quotable quotes page. Today's quote I heard on K-Love while en route to said appointment. You can hear the quote by watching the devotional below.
Fragment IV
I am collecting state quarters again for the sole purpose of giving them away on my blog. My last State Quarter Give-A-Way was a pretty big deal, and I want to do it again. I have been bringing home a role of quarters each week and am now up to 43 state quarters. When I hit 50, Crazy Dave will make a long overdue appearance.
Well That's all the waiting I have to do today. You won't have to wait long for another post because I have my Six Word Saturday all ready to go. For more Friday Fragments click here.
Next Time: 6 Word HSD Rewind
Spider Droid has an appointment so Puppy and I are waiting. Since I have a few minutes I thought I'd participate in Friday Fragments at Half Past Kissing Time.
Fragment 1
I stole this picture from Facebook. My wife and I love the alphabet game. We play it all the time, and have talked about how such a sign would come in very handy. Technically this sign is inefficient. Instead of a Y they should have put a J. There is already a Y in You're Welcome.
Fragment II
I have spent the past few days tweaking the look of this blog. The biggest change is one I made about a month ago when I added a slide show. I figures since I would not be posting much for a while that at least people could get a glimpse of us if they visited. I might make a few more changes in the weeks to come.
Fragment III
One of my new look items is a return to having a quote on my masthead. To see some of the quotes that were there previously just click on my quotable quotes page. Today's quote I heard on K-Love while en route to said appointment. You can hear the quote by watching the devotional below.
Fragment IV
I am collecting state quarters again for the sole purpose of giving them away on my blog. My last State Quarter Give-A-Way was a pretty big deal, and I want to do it again. I have been bringing home a role of quarters each week and am now up to 43 state quarters. When I hit 50, Crazy Dave will make a long overdue appearance.
Well That's all the waiting I have to do today. You won't have to wait long for another post because I have my Six Word Saturday all ready to go. For more Friday Fragments click here.
Next Time: 6 Word HSD Rewind
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A Quote to Start Things Off
If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
Blog Tryouts - Commenters Edition
Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25
These Blogs Are SO 2024
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