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Sunday, January 11, 2015
Dragon practice
I hope this will help my son with his writing. This is working much better than the Dragon app I had with my ipod touch. I lost my iPod touch hospital years ago, that's a different story. Do any of you use Dragon software? How is it working for you?
Well, this was just a practice. I will be reviewing boyhood very soon. Please check out my daughter's blog Wolfina's Secrets and her most recent post, my Christmas vacation.
My name is Dave Roller, and I approve this message!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Dave Out Loud Relocated
A Link Up: I am going to say something, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way. I hate Word Press. I have tried on several occasions to use Word Press blogs, even taught a blogging class using a Word Press platform. They are about as easy to use, as Millard Fillmore is easy to rate as one of the top 3 presidents ever. No offense to Millard Fillmore, in fact more on him tomorrow.
But back to my disdain for all things Word Press. The latest debacle came a few months ago, when I tried to start a vlog, called Dave Out Loud. I had a Word Press account with the nickname DaveOutLoud, so I thought using Word Press might be a good idea.
Big Mistake. Huge.
It took me almost an hour every time I posted to just put a video from my You Tube account on the blog. Yesterday, I finally stopped the madnes, and started a Dave Out Loud Vlog here at Blogger.
Here is yesterday's innuagral post. In the next few weeks I will be rerunning the videos I posted at the previous platform. Which, as it turns out, won't take an hour for all 8 episodes, let alone 1.
A Look Ahead: Tomorrow, I will be posting about a special project we will be doing at school this year regarding American Presidential History. This is one of the reasons, I had Millard Fillmore on the brain earlier. Not exactly what else I will be blogging about this week. It seems like it will be a rather eventful week, so I should have plenty of material.
HSBA Award Profile
Today's category: Best Homeschool Vlog
One reason why I started a vlog is to compete in this category next year. This year's winner, Women Living Well does so much more than vlog. Here is a sample post with an encouraging video about involving your family in your misistry.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas, Libraries and More
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday's Cool HOF Edition
A Link Up and A Look Ahead
A Link Up: Crazy Uncle Dave's sports blog had some exciting Ron Santo news this week. I hope you enjoy 1 down 2 to go.
A look Ahead: Another busy week in real life life that will culminate with Spider Droid's Robotics tournament. Here on the blogosphere will be busy as well with some posts featuring the carnivals and meme's I participate in. I will also continue featuring HSBA winners at the end of each post.
For instance, today we will look at the Laugh With Us Blog which was the winner of funniest home school blog. As another blog, that gets it's bread and butter from quoting family member's crazy sayings, I must say I heartily approve. Here is a sample post.
Next Time:Thankswimming
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Dave Out Loud
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday's Cool: Fragments of a Tweenaged Spider Droid
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday's Cool: Bunny Circus
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday's Cool: Dead Mice
A Link Up: Spider Droid is our featured blogger today. A recent visit to a local prairie yielded two posts. I hope you enjoy Dead mouse on the prairie and Questions for a dead mouse.
Speaking of Spider Droid, he mowed the lawn for the first time this weekend unless you count this.

I was thinking it would still be a few more years before he would be up to the task. But he has been bugging me for days to let him try to mow. So even though he’s just 9, I’m thinking when someone wants to mow your lawn. you say yes!
A Look Ahead: This is going to be a short week school wise with Memorial Day tomorrow and me away at the home school convention on Thursday and Friday. If the weather ever gets slightly summerish we will get a pool pass and do some swimming. Blog wise, I will be putting up a post tomorrow about a fractions lesson we did last week. I hope to post it just in time to submit it to the Carnival of Homeschooling.
Memorial Day weekend also marks the start of my summer reading season. Each summer I try to read at least 10 books and review them. Besides reading for just myself, I also spend time reading to the entire family. We just finished Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder the American Frontier author (not to be confused with Laura Impala Wildebeest the African Savannah author). I will post a review in the days to come.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ereth's Birthday

A Look Ahead: My next idea has a variety of people I need to thank for. First: The good people at Why Homeschool who manage the Carnival of Homeschooling. Secondly, Life Nurturing Education, who hosted this past week's carnival. Thirdly, Arby of the Home School Apologist who wrote this very good post about culture where she referenced a post giving the same old recycled opinions why home schooling is not such a great idea, and finally for Sandy Laurence who wrote the aforementioned piece entitled Homeschool Disadvantages.
Why all this build up? Because in reading Sandy's post and the myriad of comments that followed said post, I was given material for no less than 3 future posts of my own. You know the maxim, if life gives you lemons make lemonade? Well until I read Sharon's post, there hadn't been a lemon like that since the Yugo came on the market. The pieces I have planned should be pure lemonade. The first of which, "How to get 50 or more comments on a post about Home Education" should roll out tomorrow.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Selection Sunday
A Link Up and a Look Ahead
A link up: Crazy Uncle Dave's Sport-O-Rama is my sports blog. I don't update it nearly as often as I'd like to. That may explain why today's link-up about our NCAA Brackets is over 11 months old. It is timely though as the field of 68 was just announced and the tournament starts on Tuesday. Last year Amy and I kind of split our contest. I picked Duke to win it all and they did. Amy picked Butler to win it all and they made it to the championship game. She ended up scoring more overall points than I did. Amy and I will make our picks tomorrow and I will try to post them at Sport-O-Rama prior to Tuesday's tip off.
A Look Ahead: I will try to continue with the Lenten observations I began last week. I also have a few promised posts that might come up this week. Puppy will probably say or do something crazy. So you never know what you will get. One thing I can tell you is that sometime in the next fortnight I will explain what I mean by countdown to 500 which has appeared in the upper left hand corner of this blog for the past few weeks.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday's Cool
So with that build up here is the innaugural episode . . .
A link up: A few weeks ago our family went to Springfield to indicate our disapproval with proposed Senate Bill SB136. It was tabled so we must have done some good. At our home school web site : Izola Becker Home School, I put up a few pictures from our time there. We chose this picture because past Puppy and the Liberty Bell replica you can see the lines of people waiting to enter the Capitol building and attend the discussion on the bill. Click on the picture to see the entire post.
A Look Ahead: Speaking of SB 136. I plan to post this week parts of an epilogue to SB 136 I saw at the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). I will give it a HSD twist and plan to call it "Of Carrots and Sticks." On Monday, I will be announcing the winner of the home school conference mp3 give-a-way. This is your last chance to enter. Click here to do so. Hopefully the week won't get away from me and there will be loads of interesting tidbits here. Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!.
A Quote to Start Things Off
Blog Tryouts - Commenters Edition
Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25
These Blogs Are SO 2024
List Your Way3 months ago
On Wednesday, after the election …4 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description6 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago