Sox Fam

Sox Fam

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Showing posts with label Weekend Funnies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Funnies. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We now resume this blog

Yes, I am back three short days after saying I wouldn't be back for a while. My Six Words will summarize my explanation:

Be careful what you ask for!

When I explained my busy life because of my temporary job on Wednesday by saying that something had to give, I assumed that I would need to curtailing my blogging until the job ended. It turns out that I received an e-mail from my team leader late last night stating that our entire team would be done working as of Sunday. Oh well, she was always preaching the importance of being flexible in our jobs.

As a family we were hoping for more of an income stream than the 4 weeks my gig actually lasted. I am thankful for what God provided and am looking forward to having a pip more free time come Monday.

Today is still going to be a blur of activities between dance rehearsals, soccer games and 8-9 hours of work. I will make the most of my few minutes on line by contributing a joke to the weekend funnies meme on this very post.

I made this joke up yesterday so it's still fresh in my mind.

A match made in heaven: Immelda Marcos and Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Click here to see more of Six Word Saturday and click here to see more Weekend Funnies.

Next Time: Summer Plans (or something else entirely, it is important to be flexible!)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rejected by Readers Digest

My most recent Six Word Saturday submission scored a myriad of comments. One commenter invited me to join her meme Weekend Funnies. Basically what you do is tell a joke and link it to her post.

My first entry, and most likely not my last, is a true story. We liked it so much we submitted it to Readers Digest. We still do not sit well with their decision to totally ignore our entry. But that's a mouthful of bitter resentment best digested (get it, digested?) on another occasion.

What happened is this, our son Charlie was between 1 and 3 years old and Amy was training him not to say no to us when we gave him instruction. When he would say no, Amy would counter with "say yes, not no." When we were months into this process Charlie asked what month he was born in. Amy told him, November. Charlie responded "It's Yesvember, not November!".

Still not sure why Readers Digest took a pass that one. We hope you enjoy it. Click here to return to Weekend Funnies.

Next Time: Men's Monday Meme

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25