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Showing posts with label Word Count Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word Count Wednesday. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nearly A Quarter Century of Fruit and Fiber.

Word Count Wednesday: 100 Words or Les

It’s funny how quickly food triggers memories. Last night while eating a blueberry bagel, I remembered a conversation from 24 years ago. A friend and I were driving home from a wedding when we had this exchange:

Friend: Do you know what you would love?

Me: No, what would I love?

Friend: You would love a blueberry bagel.

Me: You know what? I would love a blueberry bagel.

I subsequently tried my first blueberry bagel and I loved it. 24 years later I still love them!

Keith Time: Fred Astaire on Dick Cavett

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tennis Anyone

Word Count Wednesday: 100 Words or Les

I love Tennis. It is a sport that Amy and I hope to play into our old age. The problem is that eons (okay years) sometimes pass between our court dates.

On Sunday we played for the first time in 2 or 3 years.. We played with some doggy chew toys that were shaped like tennis balls. We played 5 games Sunday and went back yesterday and played 8 more.

Charlie wants to learn. Hopefully we’ll play lots this summer. We might get actual tennis balls soon.

Next Time: Down to the Wire

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Multiplication and McCarthyism

Word Count Wednesday: 100 Words or Les

Crazy Uncle Dave here. It’s late Tuesday night, early morning Wednesday. Here are a few random thought to start/finish my day.

Yesterday, Charlie did double digit multiplication for the first time. Where’s the camera when you need it?

If comedy = tragedy + time, does parsley = oregano + thyme?
Speaking of comedy = tragedy plus time . . .

A Poem by Joseph McCarthy
Roses are red
Violets are too
Everything’s red
Except me and you
And I’m not so sure about you.

Next Time: You haven’t seen . . . ?!!!!?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Star Trek Interruptions

Word Count Wednesday: 100 Words or Les

The Carnival of Homeschooling is hosted at The Informed Parent this week. One post by Home School and Etc. entitled Star Trek Homeschooling caught my attention.

I have been slowly indoctrinating my children into the world of Star Trek. Last month, we watched several episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine. We were watching one episode when two of the characters started kissing. Charlie was outraged. "Who interrupted a perfectly good Star Trek Episode with kissing?" He shouted at the screen.
I was very proud that he has his priorities firmly in place.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WFMW not workin' for me

Word Count Wednesday :
100 Words or Les

Works For Me Wednesday is among my favorite blog features. I have been a frequent contributor in my first 9 months of blogging.

WFMW hasn't been working for me lately. As they say in break-up parlance, It isn't them it's me.

My usual WFMW routine had me up past midnight on Tuesday nights. I have a men’s group that meets at 6 a.m Wednesdays. Something had to give. Sleep won.

I’ll still contribute to WFMW but today I am starting a new Wednesday tradition. Tell me what you think.

Next Time: 3TTT

A Quote to Start Things Off

If we ever think well it should be when we think of God. - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25