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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The End of Blogging

Don't freak out! In the words of the great Indigo Montoya, "It doesn't mean what you think it means." Besides, if I was going to stop blogging, I would have done so last time on my 100th post; making it a bye centennial.

The end in my title is the one defined at (#7) as the object for which anything exists; purpose. Titling it the purpose of blogging doesn't lend itself readily to my flair for the dramatic.

As I have been nearing 100 post mark, I have often wondered what is the purpose or end of blogging. Specifically what is the end of my blogging? The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Now the chief end of my blogging does not have to be to glorify God. However since my chief end of being is such, I would probably not want to pour much energy into a task that did not.

Blogging is something that I really enjoy doing. My blog really is an extension of myself. My blog like myself is a work in progress, but it is not something meant to define me. Blogging is not who I am. The title of my blog is Home School Dad not Blog Writing Dad.

There have been times when blogging has gotten the best of me. There was the NaBloPoMo debacle to begin with. You may have noticed that I no longer use on my blog. I was trying to change music each week, which got a little cumbersome for me. cutting down to once a month or so, was so freeing that I decided to stop it altogether for a time.

Being way into numbers and patterns and having the love language of giving gifts I decided that I would host a give-a-way every 25 posts. I still want to continue the practice of give-a-ways, I just don't want to be so dogmatic about when I do them. So, I am switching from every 25 to semi-whenever. The next one is going to be relatively soon.

I like posting in Blog events like Works for me Wednesday, and Three Things Thursday. I think I do some of my best work in these venues. But that doesn't mean I have to participate in them on a weekly basis. The past few weeks have been super busy in my families life and as a result I cut down on my posts. This is one of the main reasons why I have not tried to launch s meme of my own. Believe me I have several ideas for them. But the bottom line is that I know that would take more time and energy than what I am willing to put into this blog.

The majority of my posts have not had much of a spiritual flavor to them. This will stay about the same. I do have a few planned in the near future that will have more of a spiritual emphasis to them. I hope everyone will enjoy the one coming in the next week or so entitled "How Heaven is a lot like going to the bathroom." Maybe there's a reason why my blogs don't have more of a spiritual flavor to them!

So there it ism my state of the blog address. Blogging as an extension of my self, not as an end in itself works for me. To see what works for other (perhaps less philosophical) bloggers out there, go to Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.

Next Time: Give-a-ways galore (I told you it would be soon!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Centennial Celebration

I tell my kids on a regular basis that people are more important than things. I tell them this, because I believe it is true. Like most true things that I tell my kids, I also try to model them. This post marks the 100th here at Home School Dad. I have noticed many bloggers make a list of 100 things about them as their 100th post. Since I believe that people are more important than things I present for you . . .

100 People who have made an impact on my life
A few quick ground rules ...

A. This is not a ranking of the 100 people who most influenced my life.
B. These people are all people that I have met. These are not authors, artists, fly fisherman etc. who I have never interacted with personally.
C I am listing each person by first name, last initial and one piece of identifying information. This piece of information is not necessarily an explanation of their impact on me.
D. In cases where I know more than one person with the same first name and last initial I will not differentiate any further. SO, I don't want any comments like hey you said John S in # 27 and # 47. You only put 99 people not 100!
E. Finally, if you are reading this, know me personally and do not appear on this list. That does not mean you have had no impact on my life. I mean really Amy, maybe when I get to my 200th post you'll get a mention. Just Kidding! My lovely wife definitely made the list. If I would have made a list like this on my first post, She would make the list (of 1)!

No further explanation is needed (This much explanation was probably not needed) So without further adieu here is the list ...

1. Paul L - Who said opposites attract and then they grind.
2. Dave O. - Who was kind to me, when he didn't have to be, and most people weren't.
3. Geoff W. Who taught me that Turtle Soap really is best.
4. Jerome H. - Who showed me that people are worth the time.
5. Lisa B - With whom I discovered how giraffe's poop.
6. Carrie L. - Who may be the kindest person I know.
7. Sheryl R. who I used to listen to Lisa Whelchel records with.
8. Amy R. - Who said sure and meant it.
9. Dave I - Who taught me random.
10. Mark M -Who knows everybody.
11. Bob H - Who knows everyone else.
12. Chris H - Who hosted a weather talk show with me, in the dinner line at camp.
13. Steve K - who noticed I rode a 5 speed in a 10 speed world.
14 Dave R - Who took me to my first White Sox game.
15 Izola R- who knew me from the many.
16. Charlie R. who will invent so many things that people will say Thomas Alva who?
17. Melissa C. - Who plans her spontaneity.
18 Vladimir L. - who says I have the ministry of bad ideas (and is right).
19 Craig M - Who makes me seem normal.
20. Paul F. - Who was one of my first singing partners.
21. Mark M. - Who warned me against onus shifters.
22. Jeanne R - Who writes ourfamily history to the tunes of Christmas carols.
23 Bert F. - Who sold me my first car.
24. Emma R. Who will someday run a bunny farm.
25 Dominick A - Who showed me that life does not end when you lose your job.
26 Kathy A. - Who home schools her kids.
27. John S. - Who looked at a sports stadium and saw a field of souls.
28. Keith R. - Who never earned that 100 dollars but now has so much more!
29 Gordy J . - Who first called me Stroll.
30. Jon C. - who had a fellowship of the travelling pants moment with me, except the pants were a Ford Taurus.
31. Dan B. Who I will ask to write the foreword for the first book I ever write.
32. Terry N. - Who taught me that people who are a lot alike often dislike each other; then, when they are becoming friends one of them moves to Alaska (Okay, not all of them.)
33. Jeff C. - who never tried to be popular, and succeeded.
34. Brian M. - Who gave Amy and me great advice when he married us.
35. Chuck F. Who once made my wife the same kind of gift basket he made for Patti Labelle.
36 Tom M. - who never met a "quotation mark" he didn't like.
37 Dave H. Who lived with me and still likes me.
38. Bonnie R. - Who is much more capable than anyone thinks (including her.)
39. Rebecca C. - Who is as good of a friend there is.
40. Angela R. - Who introduced me to one of my favorite places (Stone Mountain),
41. Leanne P. - Who showed me that there are few things better than farm fresh boiled peanuts.
42 Harold H. Who knows everyone in Missouri.
43. Scott P. - Who taught me that a reputation is very difficult to lose.
44. Kim W. - Who made an eye emergency seem hilarious in retrospect.
45 Cynthia F. - Who missed a Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire game at Wrigley in '98 to visit with Amy and Me.
46. Alan J. - Who reminded me that life is an adventure.
47. John S. who took his passion and made it happen.
48. Kathy W. Who let me tag along.
49. Alec M. - Who showed me incredible kindness.
50. Lindy S. - Who showed me that politics and Christianity can mix.
51. Pat G - Who has given me new found appreciation for the Stevenson Expressway.
52 Don W. - Who writes just like he preaches.
53. Jeanette M - Who cared enough to knock.
54. Tab H. Who asked me what was wrong.
55. Diane I - Who taught me that p.k.'s are people too.
56 Phil B. - Who knows everyone in Mcdonough County.
57. Mary Jane W- Who is related to everyone in McDonough County (and outlying)
58 - Chris R. - Who is not my older brother, okay? Can we get together on this?, I am 18 months older!!!!!
Oh excuse me, I got a little carried away. Let's try 58 again:
58 - Chris R - Who is co-inventor of the best sport ever, garbage ball. Garbage ball season is any time you are supposed to be cleaning your room.
59. Lucy R - Who woke me up to play puppy on the floor.
60. Millard P. - Who taught me about valuing life, family and ministry.
61. Lisken S. - Whose dad is right, I am weird!
62. Laura R - Who kept my kids in vegetables.
63. Mike O - Who takes his Pinochle seriously.
64. Cassandra O - Who along with Mike and the rest of Roberts Road gave us an amazing Christmas gift.
65. Anna K - Who blesses my socks off.
66. - Pat G. Who takes scrabble as seriously as one should.
67. Gerald W. - Who continues family traditions.
68 John R. - Who taught me the power of a label maker.
69 Matthew M - Whose friendship I value more than his Dr. Who collection (He has every episode.)
70. Allen L. - Who made my 40th birthday party a musical event to be cherished always. (Thanks again Amy!!!!)
71. Donn A. - Who has held every job, except President ( and maybe that under an assumed name.)
72. Ed C. - Who's made our house, a gallery.
73. Sara C. - Who lets us watch their kids!
74. B. C. - Who sends us money on our birthdays and showers us with love the rest of the time.
75. Katie S. - Who gave a nine year old a shirt and then let me know where she bought it. Thanks for letting me do my own stunts!
76. Beth M - Who finally took my relationship advice.
77 Jimmy S - Who did the same.
78. Eileen F. - Who always spoke her mind.
79. Joe H. - Who called to say thanks.
80. Jeff W. - Who helped me through an emotional roller coaster with a story about roller coasters.
81. Dawny Jo C. - Who like many on this list disprove the notion that all of the good ones are taken.
82. Frank R. - Who knew me for our likenesses rather than our differences.
83. Joel A. - Who deftly mixes stand up comedy with biblical exposition (without a 2 drink minimum)
84. Vladimir L - Who made me feel like part of his family when I needed family the most.
85. Linda B - My first LTR, who introduced me to my First Love.
86. Jeff S. - Who put music to my lyrics.
87. Dale C - Who one mistook a grocery store for a jewelery store.
88. Kayrene A - Who knows more than any college could have taught her.
89. Roger J. - Who gave me my start in radio (if you call recording onto 8 tracks, radio).
90. Don B. - Who remembers W.H.E.N.
91. Mayn S. - Who provided for his family.
92. Jack C. - Who has the whole town talking about the Webb boys.
93. Dave D. Who I taught a Sunday school lesson on dating to and then gave him an exam when I double dated with him to his H.S. Homecoming dance.
94. Julie G. - Who was part of the trio "Just the Two of Us."
95. Beth G. - Who like my brother, left much too soon.
96. Judy M. - Who has the spiritual gift of Hospitality/Librarian.
97. Greg O. - Who is a kind sir.
98 Roy B - Who introduced me to my first LTR and equally as important brats boiled in beer.
99 Ray H. - Who shared a need, that God let me meet.
100. Steven W. - Who once asked my wife if I was funny. When my wife answered yes, he inquired about how often. Amy said about every 20 minutes.

So it took me a couple hours to write this, so I hope you laughed at leat 6 times. Some of you may recall that I promised give-a-ways galore in behalf of my 100th post. In short, I lied. If you expected sinless perfection you came to the wrong blog. I do have loads of stuff to give a way and will be doing so in subsequent posts. 100 has been awesome. I look forward to at least 6 or 7 more.

Next Time: The End of Blogging?

Friday, June 5, 2009

But Dad, You're not a girl!

Blog Insider - A look at the widgets, gadgets, and what nots of Home School Dad.

Tonight's Episode: Library Thing

A blog is a beautiful thing. What I especially like about blogs are all the cool little gimmicks and features around the posts. Early on in my career as blogger/crime fighter I discovered a cool little thing called Library Thing.

I originally saw it at one of my favorite blogs A Place Beneath. (I am not just saying that because she watched my kids yesterday when I went to the home school convention, but thanks!)
Library Thing is essentially a way to catalog your books and they can run a sidebar on your blog that always shows five random books from your library. The basic service is free. For cataloging over 100 books there is a fee.

But what does this have to do with me not being a girl? Excellent Question. The best thing about Library Thing is they give away new books! Cool, huh! It is a program called Early Reviewers. Each month several copies of soon to be released books are made available to Library Thing Members. As long as the book is available in your country, you can register for it. Sometimes there are 1,000 people vying for 20 books. What you are supposed to do if you win a book is read it and then review it. You can post the review at Library Thing or post it at your blog and link it at Library Thing. I have been trying since the January Bonus Batch to snag a book. No book in January nor in February but in March after registering for about 25 books, I won one!

It was this one. This prompted my three year old to speak this post's title when she saw me reading it last week.

Let me live up to my end of the bargain. Kathy's book is actually a pretty good starting point for Busy Moms trying to simplify their lives. Much of her advice is practical, and fairly solid. Much of this advice is not new and there is very little that seems revolutionary in her approach.

The chapters each have the same format. She will spend the first half of a chapter talking about the topic (money matters, happiness, safety etc.) She then presents general problems that Busy Moms would have within the topic and her solutions. I found this question and answer format initially engaging. As the book continued the format began to grate on me.

Another thing that grated on me was how she tries to pass herself off as a just like you mom when she constantly name drops through the entire book. Okay I appreciate how having a paper route taught you valuable life lessons. I had a paper route and it taught me the same. But not everybody gets insight from life at parties hosted by Erik Estrada with music provided by one of the Pointer Sisters.

Over all I did like this book. Since I am not a busy Mom I can't tell you how it's target audience feels about it. I am married to a busy Mom, who is going to provide her own review in a future post.

I also like Library Thing and would encourage anyone who has not yet joined to give it a try. I won a book in April as well (it can take 4-8 weeks to receive a book that you've won.) It is a book for single men. At least it's the right gender this time!
Next Time: A Centennial Celebration

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Last Weekend, This Weekend, and About a boy(cott).

It's almost Thursday and I have my three things in advance. Let's get to them shall we.

1. Of Tall Buildings and Birthdays.

I started telling you a few posts ago about my weekend. We certainly fit a 50 lb weekend in a 10 lb bag. We went to a marriage conference at out church on Saturday. It was very good. Amy and I certainly do have a lot we can work on. But as my last few posts, pointed out, we are both blessed to still be married to our best friend.

We had to cut out of the marriage conference before it ended in order to go to the airport. I had been told that a Russian friend of mine and a friend of hers were going to be in Chicago for a day and needed me to arrange a place for them to stay and to pick them up at the airport. In the two years that I had lived in Russia, I had learned always be prepared for anything. So I was not too surprised that instead of 1 friend, Marina had 9 Russian friends with her!

While I could only fit her and her friend Irina in my van(my family was filling up the other 5 seats.) I was able to make accommodations at the same motel as I had for Marina and Irina for her 8 other traveling companions. I got those 8 in a couple of cabs towards the motel.

We then asked Marina if she wanted to go to the motel or to go into the city. She said she wanted to go out in the city as today was her birthday. We went out to Chicago, to the John Hancock Building and went to the observatory.

It was a lovely evening and we had a spectacular view.

Going to the top was not inexpensive, so we did have Lucy wash a few windows to defray the costs.

When we got down from the observatory we had a fantastic dinner at The Cheesecake Factory which is located on the bottom floor of the Hancock.

The wait staff even came out and sang a birthday song for Marina. From top to bottom it was an excellent evening!

2. Home School Conference

This weekend is also a pretty big to-do. The Home School Convention is a major part of our planning for the next school year. There are excellent seminars to choose from, some great main session speakers, and the big draw, the vendor hall. Imagine Sam's Club filled with Home School products and you have an idea what the vendor hall feels like. We generally plan our curriculum for the coming year and purchase it (generally at the best prices of the year) at the convention. This year we have some Konos material that we bought a few years back and have not yet used. This will probably be a large part of the curriculum but there are still a few other things to figure out.

Speaking of Konos, Jessica Hulcy, of Konos, was supposed to be a speaker at the convention this year. As many of you may already know, she was involved in a major car accident between her and a fire truck. You can get more information on her condition by clicking here. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

If you are interested in further convention info, the organizers will be blogging live from the conference.

3. There's Nothing Wrong With Esther.

A dear friend of mine recently joined a group on facebook. The group exists to encourage a boycott of the upcoming Warner Brothers film Orphan. The movie is in the horror/slasher genre. According to the group description, the film perpetuates misrepresentations of adoption, and it serves to reinforce the perception that older adoptees are very troubled.

Now, I am always good for a boycott, or any other kind of principled stand against wrong thinking or action. The problem is, I have never seen a horror/ slasher film, and I cannot think of any scenario whereupon I would. So you could say that I am already boycotting the genre. So how can I kick Warner Brothers in the pocket book when none of my money is heading in that direction? I can appeal to you the horror/slasher movie people out here in the blogosphere. If you see 17 horror/slasher films this year do not see Orphan. See Saw. I can't reccomend that film, I just wanted to say seesaw. Also let Warner Brothers know that you are not interested in seeing a film like this, by joining the group on facebook, or by going to Petition Spot and signing the similar petion there.

Those are my Three Things This Thursday. Join Michelle at Psalm 104:24 for more three entertainment.

Next Time: But Dad, You're not a Girl!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

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