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Thursday, December 2, 2010

One Last Christmas

Mommy's Idea

Friday Fragment time is as easys as 1-2-3, Episode 123, that is. I have decided to save the title fragment for last because if you are anything like me you will be bawling so much you won't be able to defragment any of the other sundry items.

The 2006 2007 t.v season was the last season that we were able to watch television the old fashioned way (via airwaves). Since then t.v. shows have only been seen on the television via d.v.d's on the computer via sites such as hulu.The 2006 2007 season was the first of four seasons for the show heroes. For whatever reason, I didn't see any part of the show in it's 4 year run. In the past 3 weeks I watched every episode of season 1 on dvd's borrowed from our local library.

I just borrowed season 2 today, so I must have liked Season 1. I did. But it was certainly much different than imagined. I was thinking kind of a super heroes among us light hearted romp.

Light hearted? Not so much. As I watched each episode I was reminded of one of my favorite lines from City Slickers : "Let's think back on what we've buried so far."

Lots of death, lots of blood, lots of gore. I always had to watch it away from my children. It is strangely compelling and does use excellent storytelling. But come on guys, tone it down on the crazy watchmaker dude!
There are some things I can't tell you, but there be some exciting in our home school lives in the coming future. Some of the stuff will probably not pan out, but I will tell you all about it when I am more free to talk about it. One thing I can say now, that I will be posting far less this month as Amy and I are going to be working on some book ideas.
This week I discovered the most amazing teaching tool of all time, The Dry Erase Board.

It's amazing! It's revolutionary. If it only sliced and diced vegetables, I'd hawk it on late night television.

Seriously, it rocks. I use the 1 pictured above on the wall. I use a smaller one at the table. All the kids love using them. I am going to buy 2 or 3 more tomorrow. I was telling the kids the night before I bought them, about the concept of the parking lot. You know, where you put ideas and questions that you are going to get too later. When I brought the boards home the first thing Spider Droid wanted to do was start a parking lot.
I was on facebook today when I saw a link for the video below. I usually don't watch videos on facebook as I am usually too busy playing Farkle and Tetris. I made an exception for this one and was moved to tears.

The video and the song are a tribute to the Locke family from Washington, Il. whose son Dax died from Leukemia Dec 30, 2010.

To find out more about this family click here. The Family is trying to raise 1.6 million dollars to donate to the hospital that treated for their son. The money would run the hospital for 1 day. To donate go to Matthew Wests site.


That's all I have for today, fragmentally speaking for more Friday Fragments head over to Half Past Kissing Time.

Next Time: Six Word Saturday, The Video

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Home School Kids Carnival @ Alice's Bunny Blog

As I mentioned a few days ago Bunny is hosting a home schooled kids carnival at her blog. I think she did a great job! Make sure you check it out.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Creation vs.Evolution

Monday nights are Awana nights at church. I have been taking a creation vs. evolution class at church that meets at the same times the kids are at Awana. Monday's are a pretty long day for me. I tend to be on the go go go from 7:30 a.m to 9:00 p.m. So by the time I get to class, I am not always in the best place for knowledge input.

Today for example, they were talking about astronomy and the big bang. They turned off the lights so we could better see slides of galaxies and stars. I was struggling to stay awake before the lights went out. When they did, they might as well have handed out pillows.

Pillow talk not withstanding, here are a few thoughts about things I have learned or have had reaffirmed during the class:

I was brought up that evolution is fact. I shocked my mom at Thanksgiving when I told her I did not believe in it. I learned it as a theory, but it is a theory that is taught as fact. I saw a youtube video a few months ago where Matt Damon was on a talk show calling, then vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, an idiot because she did not believe in millions of years. He went on to say that he couldn't believe anyone would think of giving her nuclear codes because of it. The implication is simple: anyone who doesn't believe in this theory (aka evolution) as fact is not playing with a full deck.

What I was reminded of during this class is, that evolution is a theory in crisis. It is a theory that people believe even when the facts dispute it. I am 100% convinced that it takes much more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in a literal biblical interpretation of creation. I read so many statements written by evolutionists that dispute evolution. Last week I read a report on the age of the earth. It basically said that the study they did showed the age of the earth was approximately 10,000 years old. They went on to say that the study could not be write because we "know" the earth is millions of years old.

My creationist views have, for lack of a better word, evolved, over the last 20 years. I used to find the idea of a young earth ludicrous. I believed in what is called, "theistic evolution." Now that seems like a have your cake, and eat it too, mish mash of theories. For the past 15 years or so, I have believed in a young earth (less than 10,000 years old.) Over the past 5 years, I have learned some science that has made that faith more fact based.

So that's where I stand on beginnings. What do you think?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Poem from a Train

I lived in Russia from late 1992 to 1994. I lived in a city in Far Eastern Russia called Khabarovsk. For about a year of the time I was there I would regularly travel by train to a neighbroing city about 3 hours away called Birobidjan. Here is a poem I wrote on the train in March of 2004.

The Melting Snow of the Infinte Plain
Written on a train from Birobidjan to Khabarovsk
Dusk inserts contrast to the endless white before me
Small patchs of forest punctuate the crystalline desolation
Brush and barren soil testify
That the Herculean winter is mortal after all
A days journey nears completion
A circuitous route
Ends like it began
Thoughts of far and near
Of important and trivial
speed through the minds eye
Occasionally stopping.
At the stops
The view becomes clear and definite
Then slowly
Movement begins again
The everyday life becomes a blur.
Night has come to the winter plain.
Morning and Spring inch closer.
And the train rolls on.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25