It's Six Word Saturday at Show My Face and it's time to put my blog promoter hat and tell you about the next big thing to do. I of course will do it in 6 words . . .
Don't Dare Miss Dare to Dream!!!
Here is the 411
Jan 25th - 29th @ All State Arena (Rosemont, Il)
Feb 1st - 12th @ United Center (Chicago, IL)
Get tangled up in the newest
thrilling show to hit the ice, Disney On Ice presents Dare to Dream. Experience
Disney’s hilarious hair-raising escapade, Tangled; as Rapunzel, her
unlikely companion, Flynn, and Maximus, embark on an uproarious journey that
takes adventure to new lengths! Boogie to the beat of the bayou with
Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen from The Princess and the Frog, in a
magical, musical journey that all begins with a fateful kiss. And
fanciful dreams become reality as Cinderella meets her Prince Charming, with a
glass slipper fit for an unforgettable fantasy come true.All your favorite princesses take to the ice
in a spectacular finale at the ultimate Disney Princess event of a
lifetime! Experience the beauty, sparkle, and spirit when Disney On
Ice presents Dare to Dream comes to your hometown!
Frying Pans! Who Knew?!?
Cinderella and her Fella
They got my nose wrong!
And you can't read the fine print.
So here it is below . . .
Flynn Rider
Rumored to be in Chicagoland Area with Disney On Ice
Get 4 Tickets for $44 on Weekday Shows OR Save $4 on Weekend Shows
Redeem offer with code MOM through,
Box Office, or call 1.800.745.3000
Click here or on any of the pictures above to take advantage of this special offer.
Offer not valid on Front Row or VIP seating. No double discounts. Service Charges, Handling and Facility Fees may apply.
I plan on taking Puppy and company this Wednesday. Look for our reviews of the show shortly after that.
For More Six Word Saturday show your face or maybe just your tiara at showmyfacedotcom by clicking here,
It is Friday Fragment time again. This week's fragments all seem to be self promoting. Oh well, if I were a true narcissist wouldn't tie them all up in one post, I would write them all out separately.
Fragment 1
If you don't follow my vlog Dave Out Loud. (and at this point no one does) you are missing gems like this . . .
Fragment 2
I have just created a resource for quality home school blogs. It takes all 20 Homeschool Blog Awards (HSBA) categories and features the winner in each category. I also go behind the scenes and say who I voted for in each category and why as well as sharing a sample post form all 20 winners that I think gives us a good glimpse of their work.
Fragment 3.
Mine is apparently not the only resource throwing bouquets to home school bloggers. It seem that one of those bouquets was even thrown my way.
Yes Teacher Certification Degrees dot com did a fantastic job compiling 100 Homeschooling blogs and a few honorable mentions. Here is what they said about HSD:
Dave is the “Home School Dad”, White Sox fan and movie buff whose sense of humor shows in creative nicknames and occasional rants; wife Amy adds her voice as a guest contributor to this lively blog filled with ideas for budget-friendly family fun, reports on Lego robotics action and a fresh perspective from the homeschool front.
Occasional rants! I wonder what they mean by that. Well, I never. They have a lot of nerve.
Fragment 4.
Speaking of Robotics . . .
The State Robotics Tournament is tomorrow and Saturday. Unlike last year, Spider Droid's team will not be participating. They did great at their regional. Just not great enough to be one of the 3 teams from a field nearing 20 to make it.
Here are some pics from the regional.
Well those are all the fragments I have for today. For more Friday Fragments click here.