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Monday, April 25, 2011

Just Call her A-Rol

Both my girls are fantastic readers, but Puppy is the only one who reads signs, magazine covers, and billboards aloud. Bunny Girl is too busy reading books at all times to take her nose out of one to read a sign or a magazine rack. The other day Amy and Puppy were at Walmart when Puppy saw this cover . . .

Here is a a transcript of the convo that followed:

Puppy: That is not true.

Amy: What's not true?

Puppy: She is not the most beautiful woman in the world, you are!!!

Amy: Thanks Puppy!

Puppy (Too worked up to accept thanks.) How can that magazine print stuff that's not true? What's wrong with them?

What's wrong with them, indeed? Puppy verifies what I have known for years. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world. Now all she needs is an A-list nick name and we need a Bennifer like name for our marriage. How about Davmy? Or Amave?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter is . . .

Yesterday a neighbor came over and had the misconception that we did not celebrate Easter. This maybe because we do not always celebrate it with chocolate and eggs (We did this year.) Generally our Easter consists of the following . . .

A Family time.

Getting dressed up and going to church.

Playing games. (I guess d.v.d's still have Easter Eggs.)

Getting our families together.

A time for children singing.

These may be the activities of Easter. But the reason we celebrate Easter is in the words the kids were singing. Our Savior Lives!

I hope you all had a great Easter. We did!

Friday, April 22, 2011

What about finishing "school" work?

One thing I like about homeschooling is that my husband Dave, and I are in charge of what we teach our children. Sure, we are making sure the reading, writing, math, history, science, etc., are getting learned. However, there are more important things to be learned. Namely, turning their hearts toward Christ. Serving others. So when we "take time off" to help grandpa, I don't see that as "time off of school." I see that as integral to educating our children. We really want them to become accomplished, capable people when they grow up. But more importantly, we want them to follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus, be examples of Jesus, etc. And that means right now, we need to teach them to love others, serve others, care for others, put others above themselves, etc. So when my dad asked me this week if I would consider sending the children to "real school," I almost started crying at the thought of it. Sure, they would cover the academics, at least some of them. There would have to be so much reteaching and unteaching, it wouldn't be worth my while. And I would feel that we were sending the kids to the wolves by sending them to "real school." Nobody else has quite the agenda we have in mind....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why I blog.

This might more appropriately be titled why don't I blog, as I have been essentially asleep at the blogging wheel for several weeks now. So considering my recent blog output (or lack thereof) it was kind of interesting that I was one of 5 bloggers speaking downtown Chicago at a round table discussion of blogging. The round table was held for sales executives at Feld Entertainment who produces events like Disney on Ice, Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus and Monster Jam. As you may recall Feld gave me two tickets to see Monster Jam with Spider Droid in exchange for posting about the event here and here.

The purpose of the round table (For the purpose of full disclosure: It was actually two rectangular tables) was for Feld to pick our brains to see how better to partner with bloggers to promote their events. The event helped put my blogging in perspective.

As I left the meeting and realized that the building we met was next to the the Tribune Tower across from WGN Radio and directly above the Billy Goat Tavern.. Here is a video of a SNL sketch based on the Billy Goat.

Here is a you tube video of the actual Billy Goat.

I ventured downstairs and went to the Billy Goat.

I was early for the lunch rush and was the only non employee in the place. The man in the video took my order. I ordered a Cheeseburger and a coke. The place was starting to fill up as I left. i went up the stairs crossed the street to the WGN building and saw the booth where they broadcast their programs.

This reminded me of why I blog. Not to get free tickets or to post give-a-ways on my blog. But because life is an adventure. An adventure I like to share.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

These Blogs Are SO 2024