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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In Praise of Three Things this Thursday

So it's Tuesday and I am posting my Works for me Wednesday submissions and it's about 3 Things This Thursday. Wow! 3 days of the week in one sentence!

Three Things This Thursday (3TTT) is a blog carnival hosted by pride lands mommy @ Psalm 104:24. It is a blog I feature on mine in part due to the excellent music that plays there.
Essentially what happens is the host shares three things going on in her life and gives the readership an opportunity via Mr. Linky to do the same. The first thing is generally a synopsis of the Lost episode from the previous evening. I have never seen the show, but know such a review would appeal to people like WFMW's originator, Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer. Here is a link to last weeks issue. Since discovering this feature a few weeks ago, it has quickly become one of my favorites. Here are three things about 3TTT that work for me.

1. It's an easy format to follow and useful when time constraints or life itself are getting in the way of blogging.

A few weeks ago after my brother passed away, I did not have the mental energy to create a WFMW post (grief, depression, nor the passing of a loved one work for me.) but 3TTT was just the ticket. Here is the link to my original 3TTT entry.

2. It allows for me to post about disparate thing at the same time and things that I might not blog about other wise. In the past few weeks, I have talked about books I read, snacks I've prepared, and give-a-ways I was hosting.

3. I enjoy 3TTT because it appeals to my randomness and love for the non sequtir. The snack post I referred to was right after I wrote a transcript of the eulogy I gave at my brother's funeral.

So that's why Three Things This Thursday works for me. I encourage you to participate this Thursday. (She generally posts about 8 or 9 a.m Thursday mornings). To see what things work for other's late Tuesdays and into Wednesday go to WFMW at We are That Family.

Next Time: That's What I Like About you.


Kirsty said...

Very cool, I will have to check it out-you sell it well. I am so very sorry about the loss of your brother. I appreciate you stopping by my blog, it is great to have a male perspective.

~*Michelle*~ said...

Awwwwwwwwww, thank you so much. I am so happy that you enjoy joining in.....I love popping over to see what is going on in your life too.

The Three Things This Thursday was started for exactly what you just allowed me to jot down three things that I felt blessed about, or maybe just a funny story...a great recipe...anything! And yes.....I am a LOSTaholic and love all the recaps/comments/theories!

You just made my day, HomeSchoolDad! You ROCK!


Angela said...

Hey Dave,

You won the SpellQuizzer program at my website Thrifty Homemaker. Please let me know your first and last name and your email address so they can get it to you.


Melissa said...

Sounds great! I'm off to check it out right now. Thanks!

Buffie said...

Three Things Thursday sounds like fun. I'll have to check it out.

Bahama Shores Mama said...

that sounds like just the thing that I need right now. off to scope out the lay of the land.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your brother.

A new meme to check out . . . cool!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25