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Friday, January 1, 2010

Maybe This Year

There is something fundamentally hopeful about New Years Day. New Years Day reminds me of the do-over speech from the movie City Slickers. Sure the world may be run by Murphy and his Law firm and anything that can go wrong may just do that. But on New Year's Day it feels, at least to me, just the opposite. Anything that can go right, probably will. In short it's hard not to get on the mountain top and shout for the world to hear "This will be the year ...".

Now, I know I have my own sports blog now and don't have to mess up these pages with my January First induced optimism. But I am going to anyway and since Saturday is right around the corner I am going to do so in 6 words.

White Sox 2010 World Series Winners

No explanation needed and by the time Spring Training rolls around I may have already changed my tune. But Today that's my story and I am sticking with it.

Head over to Show My Face dot com where six word saturday is celebrating its 1 year anniversary for other six words.

Next Time: Addressing the President


brandi said...

~i like what you wrote...

"it's hard not to get on the mountain top and shout for the world to hear "This will be the year ...".

brightest blessings & maybe you will climb that mountain top~

Becca said...

Good luck with the White Sox...I don't follow baseball so I don't know if they have a chance or not lol

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

I don't follow baseball either but are those the words of an optimist?

Call Me Cate said...

Baseball isn't a sport I follow at all. This leaves me free to say - hope it comes true for you!

Thanks for playing 6WS!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25