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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Good Hair Day

Puppy has lots of hair. Okay Puppy had lots of hair.

Here is her hair in action circa last August.

Her is her hair in Action last November in melodramatic fashion

Up until today it had never been cut. Today it was cut. Why? Because Puppy heard about Locks of Love and decided that she wanted to donate her hair to be used for wigs for cancer patients. We did some research and even though Locks of Love doesn't use all the donated hair on wigs for cancer patients (They sell some of the hair to wig makers and put the money they receive towards operating costs.) we were satisfied that theirs is a worth while charity and honored puppy's request.

Here are some pics from today's festivities. . .

So long hair!

Getting ready.

Supportive siblings or voracious readers? You decide.

The hair before.

The hair after.

Her reaction to seeing her ponytail w/o her head connected to it.

A sucker for a good haircut.

Here she is sporting the new doo at the library.

Puppy is growing up. In less than 24 hours she has lost her first two baby teeth and had her official first haircut. But more importantly she is growing in understanding the needs of others. Sure she screams sometimes when she doesn't get her way. But this hair brained scheme was of her own volition. We weren't sure about the idea at first, but she was. She is even looking ahead to a year or two when her hair is long enough that she can donate again. One cool thing we did not realize is that our hair cut place cut her hair for free and mailed the hair off to Locks for Love as well.

Watching (and letting)our child give to others sure works for us. To see what works for others click here to join Works for Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.


Jenny LeAnn said...

Locks of Love is such a great organization! I have always wanted to grow my hair long and give back to such a great cause! thanks for Sharing.

weeble said...

My 19 year old son (yes, son!) also just donated about 10 inches of his hair. I was so proud of him! He was growing it for about 20 months. Cool kid!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25